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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Nothin to fyne fer me friends of the female persuasion. (Damn that be a long word). Ray, i'fn ya gots tyme, bring me nother of me special bottles o rum from behind the bar. I got me some thirsty lassies.
  2. That be right fyne I says lass. A repeat I can get use ta. Especially when thar be lovlies like yerself in it. Now, just bring yer mug o'r e're and I be pouring some special drynk from me own bottle inta it.
  3. Now Scarlet, not thats the thought crossed me mind a few tymes, that be up to you. Ana easy, I be respectin that of ya. Just leavin me options open. Easy on the eyes, well, those blue en's with the red hair really elps. (reaches down and kisses her hand) More Grog????????
  4. I be feelin as a sick pirate do. Gots me a nasty head cold and me nose be stuffed up. Ana the worse part be I 'm sittin e're at work.
  5. A nice hot bowl of Mac n cheese
  6. News online of hurricane Rita.
  7. As long as ya be wantin, I be offerin. Thanks fer the good regards.
  8. Diego, go heads ana wave that rum. I certainly be takin me tyme drynkin it. Ana ya knows just what I be havin. I shares wit all who wantin it. Now, drynks up I says ana thank ya all fer the congrats. Ana Scarlet, lassie, mayhap I needs ta discover the pleasure in yer treasure. That's i'fn ya lets me I says. E're, more rum fer ya to. Diego, that Guatemalen Rum be the stuff wild seas be made of. E'res ta drynkin wit ya Mate. Oh, ana ya keep wavin yer drams o rum at me any time. I be wavin me mug ta be fillin it to.
  9. If I be wit death hangin o'r me head to be seein me maker the next day, I says no. Let em take me as I was. Let em see what they be missin and be more of comin behind me.
  10. Hot crossed buns
  11. Saturday Night Live
  12. Damn, Diego, yas remember Jelly Roll Mortan too!!! I be a big fan. I guess that be agein us. LOL Rumba Dance
  13. Now, was that Treasure Chest, or Pleasure Chest? Hahaha!!! They be different. Well Lassie, I'fn ya be askin, then ya needs ta be drynkin. I aves me pleanty. Ray has 2 full barrels of it just fer me. Now, ya wants more poison?
  14. "Monsignor, I'fn ya dont mind I be takin this lad right quick fer a hearty cleansin. Ana I don't mean the prayin kind. Now, mate, take me arm like this. WOA!!! I just got whif of the arm pit. Ok lad, just come wit me." Knowing that the man doesnt understanding any english, Hawks rambles on and on anyway just hopin the man gets some of it. He walks him to a place on ship where he can be cleaned up. Usually just a jump overboard in the salt sea will help like the rest of the crew, but this he knows mite scare this one. Especially after being locked up for some time. He stays with the man auntil he is cleaned up the yells for one of the crew to get him some clothes. "Laddie, run get this e're man some breeches and shirt. He looks ta be Mr Lasseters size. Now go... the quicker he get dressed the sooner I can get back ta bed. I aint slept all night"
  15. while the blessing goes on, Mr hawks turns away with a funny face and whispers behind the masn back at Rummy "Psst..... Psst... Rummy...... I opes this dona take to long, I cana stand ta be smellin this man mush longer. Ana by the look in yer eyes ana the twitch in yer nose, seems ya be feelin the same. This lad sure is gamey."
  16. "Thanks Rummy. Now I needs ya to hold em still and his hands pon the crates in front o him." As Rummy comforts the man best she can, she slowly takes his hands forward and holds them apart on the crates. Mr Hawks puts the hammer aside and takes his special strange looking device and places it over the keyhole of the first skackle. He works at it for a few minutes and then a metalic pop is heard. Removing the device, the ring falls off. Rummy looks surprised, never seeing anything like this before. "Now mate, that be one. Let me work on the other fer ya." In no time Jonathan has the chains off and no harm to the device. "That be better, I says. Now, ow bout some water." Mr Hawks gives the man a ladle of water and he swallows it fast. he is also in need of a bath smellin terrible.
  17. "Steady mate.. I see ya gots land legs. Just lean on me shoulder." Mr Hawks helps the man up on deck and then sits him on a crate. "Rummy, bring me 2 more crates ana put em in front o the man while I hold em up a sec."
  18. Before entering his cabin, Rummy suddenly comes over and stops Jonathan. "Surgery ya say? I sure wish we was told sooner. Alright, wait a few e're while i get me a few tools fer the job. " A minute or two later Mr Hawks comes out with a hammer and some odd looking device. "Now, lets be off ta the surgeon ana sees what we ave."
  19. Before entering his cabin, Rummy suddenly comes over and stops Jonathan.
  20. Hearin the tune starting to play, Mr Hawks smiles, takes the last few draws from his pipe and nods a good night to Rummy while she plays. He swaggers to the tune across the deck and to his cabin.
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