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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. I plays all percussion fer one. Use ta play in the Pioneer Drum and Bugle Corp. fer competition many years. Also drum set in Swing band ana had me own set from Slingerland. Took state 3 years in a row fer solo ensamble competition fer drums in High School. I also play Trumpet, Saxaphone, Clarinet, bagpipes ana Didgeridoo.
  2. Some home made tuna salad.
  3. Opes ya be feelin better Jack.
  4. Lookin fer somethin ta buy on the net and working.
  5. Land of all Seasons
  6. A Hogie from the Wheel o Death at work .
  7. Filling out me sons yearbook form ana cap and gown form for his graduation this year from High School.
  8. Fantastic mates!!!
  9. All I cana say is SUPER !!!
  10. Peanut Butter Cookie
  11. On the phone with Tech support.
  12. Not bad. Work be almost done ana I gets me new car today.
  13. Prince - Purple rain
  14. Workin as usual.
  15. Breakfest sandwich from the vending wheel o death
  16. At this second nothin but drinkin some water.
  17. Checking on some backups and reconfiguring a device.
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