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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. So far I just got up and this be a grand day it does. In the mid 70's, slight nor easter wind and smooth sailin on calm seas. Will be hangin with friends later.
  2. I aves on the best o the Chieftains
  3. Well, it be lookin like me just made first mate. Ahh, what a appy day tis indeed. Drynks all round.
  4. ARRR!!! Tnhanks fer the info mate. I be going ta sign up. Just needs some tyme once I not be busy. Good job.
  5. I feels great avein the next few days off after long shifts. I be enjoyin them a cookin out with friends.
  6. Sculpty is great. I has a mate who be a modler and uses it for all the detail and jonts. E made some fantastic stuff with it. The e air brushes it.
  7. That be true, matey, that be true. I be creepin up un 200 meself.
  8. I no ya mean ya be sharin wit us all, right matey? Mad Eye gets first swig.
  9. Now I be listen ta Guns and Roses.
  10. Well, ere's to ya Mad Jack. Ope's ya get better feelin. I just gots over it all meself. nasty curse it is.
  11. Now, that sounds of a good tyme it does. What better way ta spend a day then wit powder and steel.
  12. I aint been hijacked in years. So if'n it be so, then it be so. But I waits me turn. Hijack im first.
  13. Ya gots it Mad Eye. I be given ya a bottle of me private stock. Right off that ship o'r ther... I means my ship over there. SHHH dona be letting the secret out. Drynk up mate. Also I sees ya made Deck Swabber. Kind of sneaks up on ya. Well, e'rs ta that to. Congrats lad...
  14. Treasure ARRRRR!!!!
  15. Well, Crow, me opes it gets better fer ya. I knows ow it can be. I be looking forwad to the 80 degree day today and finally feelin better.
  16. Only 10 Min. JoshuaRed??? Ya be one lucky mate. Wishin it be like that fer me.
  17. Bloody ell, Charity, that be grand indeed. Wish I could be there.
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