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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Afro Celt Soundsystem
  2. Just grand I be. Waitin fer the qweekend fer nother Bristol tyme.
  3. Nature Valley Granola bar
  4. I gots no ESP, but I do gets and can invoke Out of Body Experiences.
  5. wants to Pump You Up!!
  6. Sure be, just don't tell the magistrate. I be keepin it hidden from em. Now I aves ta pay or do the righ pirate thing ana borrow it. Just fer a while.
  7. Well, they got laws bout them things ya know. Just don't tell anyone. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...Item=6287480765 Been a trackin this one down fer 5 years now. Very limited. Normally $200.00 plus. Glad I kept the magazine.
  8. A bit o popcorn from the movie we just seen. Damn good too.
  9. I got me on Stella Maras new CD
  10. Just won me a Dragon
  11. I be biddin fer some stuff on E-bay.
  12. Feelin grand I do. Just got back from seein X-men and it be a good one. Also saw another preview fer Dead Mans Chest. Can't wait I says.
  13. I agree. Been seein a lot o his grand stuff lately. But that there skull was bloody amazing.
  14. This pipe is fantastic for any pirate out there. It is S.YANIK Meerschaum Pipe - Bone Hand Holding Skull. Take a look at the link from e-bay. Skull Pipe
  15. A hearty welcome ya be gettin from me, Kidd.... Now, where's the rum?
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