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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Lady Barbossa, did you start a thread for this?
  2. Cool, then we know they are good for the timeframes postes...looks like he can have his Frock coat then eh?
  3. perhaps the treasure is inside...arrrrhhh! that's why I was afraid to look...that's why we women folk like to sometimes just window shop...eh...
  4. Me me...but I thought Dr Rateye was first asking amongst us if we knew of any cures...aye like holistic cures. Things we have learned of or learned from our folks. My parents came from the old country and they still practiced a lot of old cures handed down. Where you looking for any of these or strictly surgical? Recently I was doing some research on Quinine and found that had helped with Malaria back when it was horrid. So I am in on this discussion thread. I would love to hear of more holistic remedies. Here's a simple one.. Ginger for nausea. I swear by it!
  5. Hey Salty...seems your on your way with pottery demands...Great! I love working with clay as well, but never mastered the wheel. One day will try again. I love to work freehand style. Most of what's needed seems always to be at least foodwares. Goblets, krugs/steins, bottles, dishes, pickle jars etc, candlesticks and lanterns. I love the glazes that melt from a color and bleed a metalic sheen around edges of the color. When you make the onion bottles please post!!!!!
  6. Hmmmm I don't know about that....I don't think the movie costumers work on any costumes without researching it. I just found this link...towards the bottom they have patterns for men's coats..and it states the timeframes...it may serve as a reference for you at least. I don't know the historical reputation of this site. I am sure others soon will help with this message thread for more authentic details on your question. Sewing Central
  7. I bet these are so $$$ I am afraid to see the $$$. But beautiful anyway Italian Watch Webpage
  8. I have seen way worse in chatrooms...this is nothing compared to the cretineous brains that arise there. LOL....
  9. Blackhearted Pearl...where you looking for Deutschmark? lol and yes accidents do happen in the real world....!
  10. The Heavens be praised...glad to see her underway for sure! Iron Bess where will that benefit concert be held...somewhere in so cal? If there are flyers we can post up that would be great.
  11. the blue crinkle shirt is awesome...
  12. wow lots of beautiful and one of a kind things here...some are mighty pricey and some reasonable... Thanks Rumba for the info..I sent away for a catalog as well.
  13. ....seems she's not giving her secret away....
  14. Oh that is just positively 'disgusting'..crimeney and they even want money fer it...yeck! Now where's that dog with the keys run off ta..when need a hole to be dug fer sure now!
  15. Silver,....yes'm exactly.. and also you can use fabric paint (Michaels), it does hold up to washings, I have painted T-shirts before and it holds pretty well during washings and dryings.
  16. Marc...I just found this ring on a website..never saw this done before...perhaps an idea of sorts? Sword wrap around ring
  17. I just love that knit pirate hat..if you look at the gallery of that website you can see more versions they are so so nice! So since I was frustrated that I do not knit and crochet instead I started looking for crochet and found this item..... this is so cute.....!!!!! Crochet a Capn Jack oh and I just found this page too...cute pirate logos with crochet in mind....lol Cafexpress oh and I just found this as well..i totally would love one of the t-shirts Cafexpress and Susan I just found this..I don't know if it will help.. Crochet Jolly Roger sorry I just found this website as well..has some cool Skull and Crossbones designs..ifn you can knit... Hello Yarn and yet another pirate hat pattern... Pirate Hat pattern and some pirate embroidery to boot... Sublime Stitching
  18. Does this help any? Ren Faire Web page
  19. Really Lady Barbossa? I was going to go out and buy The Game Of Life POTC 2. I have a $3.00 off coupon...now I am wondering if I can find it. I will let you know. Geez I found this website this eve..wow...even pirate bedsheets...to pirate sock monkeys Pirate goodies
  20. I as well love the shot of Barbossa scowling at Jack. Thanks loads for the awesome pic's!
  21. Oh my god who came up with that list? Ice Pirates...geez its a kooky sci fi spin off, doesnt even belong in that list. I would replace it with Pirates with Walter Mattheau at least... ( I used that movie alot for reference for costuming before POTC came out). The Black Swan is one of my fav's as well, and of course anything with Erol Flynn!!!! I know many of you already have seen this website it has a very long list of pyrately flicks...but some who may now have seen this listing may enjoy it. Pirate Movie listing
  22. I checked it out..more a party for the wee pirates amidst us...lol
  23. Red Cent Jenny...I remember that story!!! LOL. Yeah first I heard the other day a quick headline for the peeps not to go to the beach. Next day on the news they were there filming hundreds of peeps swarming the beach gathering up anything they could. Even a motorcycle, BMW parts that already hit E-bay, diapers, sneakers, etc. One man said all you had to do so not to get in trouble is fill out a simple form and then your cool. LOL...what a loss for the insurance carrier...wow!
  24. Hi Folks, I just had to share this cute shot of Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp off camera in his dressing room or trailer. I liked his skelelton party lights and notice the beautiful artwork on his guitar. Pic of Jack
  25. I read something like that on a fansite as well. A really quick teaser spot.
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