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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Thanks for the reviews folks... LOL Bully...did not like da music but liked the hot girl...lol..... I agree the fiddler is the best! I saw a bit of the show the other day, just caught the end during the pledge drive (arrrgggh!). She was wearing the same great yellow and red outfit during a Stars on Ice special (or something like that..I think it was Brian Boytano special) where it was only her not the rest of the group. Looking for a few more reviews before I go buy it.
  2. I don't know if anyone else has seen this but I saw this storyline on a couple of spots and wanted to know if anyone else knows this, concurs, disagrees, or whatever have you for information. From what I read online (and some of it under Black Pearl - Wikipedia) ......seems that Jack used to work for the East India Trading Co. and worked for Beckett. His ship was named the Wicked Wench. Jack was ordered to pick up a cargo from Africa and deliver to the Carib. His cargo was slaves in which he did not want to do. He delivered the slaves to freedom (I think this is where Tia Dalma comes in, slaves are delivered to her isle). For this Jack gets the compass. Beckett goes after him and captures him and some crew and sinks his ship the Wicked Wench and then brands Jack with the "P". Jack escapes and makes a deal with Davy Jones and the ship is raised renaming her the Black Pearl. You can read the rest over at Wikipedia under the Black Pearl. Is this the correct storyline? Anyone know?
  3. Okay for those who have everything...do you have a Johnny Paperdoll? Johnny Paperdoll Have fun girls!!!
  4. I found this and was amazed just as the film makers and the Aquarium keepers... Shark vs Octopus
  5. Have a look at this website. I knew about the Monopoly game but not the others. Everything JackSparrow
  6. oh my gawd I just found this one....had to post...looks like the epitomy of a gnarly captain eh?
  7. Well you can only hope if the first one is a hit they may continue with another!!!!!!!
  8. Yes he was lucky..have been following that myself...
  9. Of course I like Jack..and then Barbosa, Davy Jones and then Bootstrap Bill (the last two of course for the fantastic CGI makeup/costuming) For the Ladies: Elizabeth and Tia Dalma (sending Tia a biz card from my dentist...she's been chewing that liqorice waaaay too long...lmao)
  10. Pirate M&M's
  11. well this little feller may be a tad small for Jack..but cute as a button on yer frock coat Doggie Pyrate
  12. Why the "Lady Alyxandria" of course..te hee....and a purple pyrate flag to boot with the skull and crossbones having a diamond in one tooth.
  13. Lady Alyx


    Well I am still sticking to my favorite Sailor Jerry Navy Spiced Rum....( I know I know..many of you don't like it...but I like it better than Captain Morgan) There is another rum I have been eyeing on the shelves it says Jamaica Rum..and it's about 23 something bucks...any word on that one...I may have the name wrong.
  14. If anybody has bought the CD can you tell me if it is good?
  15. Well tonight I am going to try my hand at making coconut shrimp. If anyone has any good recipes bring it on....or any tips or hints. The recipe I have is as follows. for 24 large shrimpies 1 egg 1/2 cup flour 2/3 cup beer 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/4 cup flour 2 cups coconut Mix egg, 1/2 cup flour, beer and baking powder...first dredge shrimpies in flour and then in batter and then dredge in coconut..then fry... From reading other recipes...I think I will add spices into the flour mixture and batter as well. p.s..oh by the way I did see one recipe online that used pina colada mix and rum in their batter..hmmmmm I may try a tinge of Sailor Jerry
  16. Wow thanks for the heads up as well, I as well like Viggo!!!! For those of you that cannot view the other trailer I found one on this site as well...Great Trailer Viggo trailer
  17. Well for one...I did not know it was un-authorized and thought it was not harmful to post. Besides I had the name in the title and if you don't want to be spoiled you don't hafta look now do ya. Also how do you know if a picture on a website is authorized nor unauthorized...like I mentioned before it just looked like a off-camera crew shot.
  18. ...lmao..that is a good one...very good imagination and creativity kudos to yer vet. I lost my pyrate doggie 3/06..I miss her so much! Well I would think a Bulldog with an eye patch for one... bulldog with eyepatch
  19. Ronny, Major security filters on work puter..tis why... Iron Bess, Huh? Its not a still from the movie just a photo shot of film crew. Should be no problemo.
  20. Hi Folks, I have been perusing the web seas to find anyting I can on the new movie..that I can open on this PC. I found this...sorry if it dup's anyone else's finds.... sorry took that addy away per Iron Bess's request
  21. Ronny, yes it worked...wow it was short!!!!
  22. Ronny, thank ye....will check out in a moment...was thrilled to find this pic...Jack's daddy edited by moderator: unauthorized picture-not for distribution or posting. see other dead locked thread for sorrid details.
  23. Ronny nuthing came up
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