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Everything posted by Lady Alyx
Black Fox..bravo on yer frock coats those are a prize indeed..yer missus does some fine handiwork there!!!!! Gals...I found another website that had a pirate purse..if you look further down the page there is another one..that has something naughty words on it..ifn you want to express yerself that way...lol Pinups Adornments
Caraccioli, Thought you might like this monkey pic. It is a tat from the Sailor Jerry Navy Rum Website (me fav rum by the way). I just saw it last week and it cracked me up! p.s. I think I also saw this tat using the belly button as the bung hole...lmao! p.p.s...when you asked avatar do you mean the pic at the very far left of the screen or ones below in our posts?
Very very beautiful craftmanship!!!!!
Or they can add the Ms, Lady, Sir..etc. in their profiles?
Are there awards just for folks in the creative arts of the industry? I mean an entire awards ceremony just for that...I know there are other awards but the media does not publicize that due to it not as glam.
I don't know how many of you have been following this story, but I have ever since I heard wind of it last week on the morning news. I have been following it by going to Newsday.com. Today they reported the last of the three dolphins died. 12 died and 8 where able to be shoed out to sea. I cannot believe in this day and age with so many rescue societies nothing was really done aggressively. I just wrote an email to Marineland Fl. I wonder if they will write back regarding the situation. Any comments on this topic?
Okay...make me walk the plank..I bought POTC DMC Valentines..yep the ones they sell fer kiddies. I could not pass up the small movie poster that was added to the box as a bonus ($2.50 for the box). Gonna frame it for me office cube. Actually these have pretty nice photos and neat stickers you seal the valentines with.
Okay I have been debating upon buying the soundtrack to POTC DMC...just because the music really popped out at me for this movie more than that of POTC TCBP. I have seen the two offered together at a discount....but do they ever do compilations of these...like best of? OR is that way too too soon on the horizon?
Okay Gunner...for some reason I happen to think that the sail trick could work. Which movie do you think it was they used the bailing hook? I mean if the knife did not work, and some of the short blades did have a crook...a bailing hook could work. Still would like to see some feedback about the sails and how they were made back then...the sails they used had the re-enforcements reef bands.
But Patrick..you did not tell us which fashion trend yea liked...LMAO just teasing
Okay, first I thought the show was kinda hokey, and then it grew on me as well, twas good fun. I never heard the myth about the eye-patch but it made good sense. It would be interesting to investigate if this was really used with pirates or any others. I felt sorry for the piggy pirates, I hope at least the had a lua in their honor after the show. Oink! I as well was getting kinda ticked that they did not go to more authoritative folk on the sails and hulls. I don't know if they used the 'reef' bands in the old sails either. Another thing to go investigate. I also thought the hulls of ships where thicker than 11 inches. Also where they not soaked with oil and pitch? Also seawater could also preseve wood and make it stronger I would think. Oil, pitch sea water and good old strong oak would have combined on a molecular level to become some kind of composite substrate? I don't know I am not an expert just speculating. I saw a show recently where they visited the "U.S.S. Constitution" which is still in service with our Navy. They said it had the nick name 'old iron sides' because cannon balls would bounce off. I know this ship was probably made more in the 1800's but shipbuilding has been around a long time and I am sure did not differ too too much. Aye, at the end they are welcoming folks like us to challege them with more pyratical myths. We should challenge them. If I find any link for it I will post it. LOL...and one last thing...I knew pirates did not waste their precious rum on cleaning. It was for morale and medicine!!!
he he he he he......@ PirateSSe
Hester, I had found this article earlier and did not add.. thought you might like to glance it over... Article on 80's fashion/pirate oh and I just found this...(reminds me of another purse I saw last year with more of Sailor Jerry's tat's on it...this also looks like a Sailor Jerry tat...but it does not reference Sailor Jerry) Pirate Purse/Handbag I am pretty darn good at painting myself...I think I may pick up a tote bag and paint my own pyrate lass (Sailor Jerry style) onto one myself...another one of my projects to add to the list.
here are the listings to when it is on listings
Just found this and found it kinda cute...tough and touchy questions. It gave me Mary Read as an answer Pirate Selector
Some of it I liked and some of it I did not like. Funny that they brought back the footless leggings...me and my gal pal used to have a ton of those back in the 80's. For 2006 christmas she gave me a pair....ready to experiment when it gets a touch warmer. article...pirate influence on fashion... fashion article OH and I just found this...this is so cute! Pirate Handbag
Oh since I read this post...I remembered some great Tiki Hut Houses that I saw at the Home and Garden show last year. I don't know if this was the vendor I saw but it is close. The first picture is my favorite design. The one we sat in could accomodate about 10 to 15 people for sure...bench going all the way around a huge table in the center and I thought it would be neat to have those mini Bose speakers hidden on each of the four posts..... Tiki Bar
Cost Plus has about 1/100000 the stuff they used to have back in the day. When they built the one I grew up next to in the mid 70's they had tons of stuff. Glad I bought the things I did back then when it was plentiful and dirt cheap. I regret I never picked up the belly dance coin belts and bras which they used to have a ton of. Now a nice coin belt will set you back 39.00 to 49.00 bucks.
...you know they could spin off to different characters..or family.....seems a good way to diversify...but stillkeep the pirates storyline, themes and adventures.... ...if you have a good story line...it can work....
From the Le Target commercials offering the new "for a short time only" imports (did you see the commercial,...the elephant all packed out...the lama all packed out ....the donkey..all packed out...and then the monkey banging the drum?....made me think of the donkey and monkey used in POTC)....to this morning on the east coast news show...they where trying to do Anne Curry up in a L.A. import trendy getup...seems the import look is making a come back....! Hurrah...I hope for more import stores...seems they went away...or have less wonderful stuff to peruse through...like Mediterranean Imports, Cost Plus World Market, Pier One, Oh Calcutta (some are long gone). Great pics...keep em coming Pirate Vamp look..sure why not!!!!
I always fancied those beautiful Antique hand carved headboards and footboards for a bed and then throw a bunch of feather bedding on top with silks and brocades for top bedding and covers. Hmmm crystal chandalier with some drops of rubies and emeralds hanging from them. Hand carved armoire and dresser table with 2 small hurricane lamps with also some glass droplets and hand painted roses. A big chest in the corner with beautiful gowns and bustiers. One of those globes that opens up into a bar stocked with my favorite rum. Beautiful thick carved Persian rugs with pinks, creams, green and magenta. Ornate Iron candlebra in a corner. Sigh...well I think of more I will come back and add. Oh and of course a chest of jewels/jewelry.
You know when I was listening to the audio comentary on DMC they writers where mentioning this bust of the ship, but on a fansite I saw a pic of the entire ship. And from what also I have gleaned from the net..the Black Pearl was altered from the one used in the Bounty?
I say we throw in some mermaids and merman...perhaps The Little Mermaid can save Orlando from drowning or something...lol! I heard on some fansites that the mythology of Calypso may be in the next...tied somehow to Tia Dalma....I like the idea. I also like Greek mythology....lol :)
Hester, I would love to see those videos, but alas no Utube will work on work puter (very strict security patches). Mad Jack, Wow what fantastic photos. Same here in Cali, they have what they call Ring Out...at the end of faire day. But I don't think it is hot and heavy as it used to be in the day when it was in the Malibu mtns or even Glen Helen. I remember ring outs where the drumming was so utterally tribal that it just envoked everyone to dance in a tribal manner. Like the drums controlled your inside to move about. I miss those days!! sniff sniff! Tis was so much more lustier in the day! Sigh!
Sad News to Pass Along (XPost from Rabble Rousing)
Lady Alyx replied to Captain Emerald Shaunassey's topic in December
Wow that is truly sad, perhaps some people who are enthusiats can start a small one, such as the originating one did back in the hey day of the 60's