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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. I always liked the phrase...."shut yer gob"...where did gob come from?
  2. that sounds like a right smart Party eh!
  3. wow this has been an interesting thread....also in POTC2 what was used on Will from good ole daddy? I just found this link...was interested to read about the bombs and stinkpots (in POTC1 one of Barbosa's pirates in town was always dropping them- small round ones) ThePiratesRealm
  4. ...well what can I say, but change happens...sigh. I am sure teachers are still reading the book in school with their kids. If they do the spin off like Bess says it will be cool. I like the idea of a pirate island actually, kids love pirates! I wish they would bring back the old ship that used to be in Disneyland when I was a kid. I spotted a picture of it recently on a Disney fansite. The ship was sponsered by "Chicken of the Sea". I used to love going inside that ship when I was a kid! One of my favorite rides beside Pirates of the Carribean was very close...Dumbo!
  5. Good Sir, ifn you to be on this end of the map so cal...meself and a few pirates here would plunder and drink wit yea!
  6. Hi, I have had fresh water for years, but have not had an aquarium up in some time. I think I have gone through all the fresh water fish..if you have a question ask us. I bet someone here will know it. In fact was at my g/f's house over the weekend and she kept insisting that these small things in her tank where from the brine shrimp...I said nooooo those are baby snails...she kept insisting it was amoeba from the brine shrimp...LMAO I used to like the big Apple snails...they are so droll..lol! Catfish are as well reall characters. I always liked how they roll their eyes like they are winking at ya! (Well at least that's what I used to think). I have had Oscars and they can get huge and are very hungry, so you can only have them with their types. I used to love the little African frogs, they looked like little divers. All I have now...sigh since me beautiful baby girl (Jackie - Jack Russel) is gone from me now...is my one little toad. Japanese Red Belly Toad. I will always love my Jackie
  7. Well,...sigh....I drink Sailor Jerry Navy Rum. Most peeps here do not like it, but I like it best so far for mixin.
  8. Taemus, tis okay,,, was just remarking upon the V pills....ahem... Patrick...Yea know what..those rascals could do that...I can see it now...a pair of unruly renegade stinking to high hell sockies...ridin on the back of that flea bitten scoundrel...yeeeeaaahhhawwww!
  9. Patrick, if you look at the 2006 photo's from the Labyrinth ball you will see there is a person that almost has something similar to what you are designing. Here is a pic from a couple of years ago, but I saw his last year and shook his big hand...I think it is the Rock Biter from Neverending Story.
  10. Okay Wages...we can go have a rummer or two...eh?
  11. Perhaps not everyman had a whip or a cat. Those who laid out punishment probably had a few. I was thinking along the lines of his or her private collections...perhaps if he/she went ashore the whip could come in handy...."Hey mate git yer bloody hands offn me tankard" kkkkrraacckkkk!
  12. Seems those Weather Radios would be a good thing to have!
  13. buy some Friskies
  14. ...BUT.....if you look under yer own siggy...it says....the floggins will continue until moral improves...LOL LOL LOL
  15. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha Okay then me goat "Lucky" will get em!!!! He eats anything that ain't nailed down.
  16. for those interested: SnakepitLeatherworks
  17. Thanks Michael, yes I did not think a long bullwhip type either, but a short whip or cat. Mad Jack...uh huh
  18. Ever notice the primary colors are all the basic colors of nature....and the prism. Just a note... :) Was Safron used for yellow?
  19. Captn Enigma, Re- Nausea No for reals, Ginger will make it go away so fast you won't even know what hit ya. I keep a tin of Altoids Ginger by me bed. Please give it try! Ginger candy or ginger ale even.
  20. Fun, I think is still number one to remember now! If you join a group, guild or society, yes I think it is important to be as close as you can for re-encactment sake. I have never been part of any groups just a observer and faire goer, so I never tried to follow the rules strictly. I do thank all the folks that do follow the rules, because those folks get the ideas going for those who embrace these faires and want to strive to increase their knowledge and their garb. It takes a long time to gather stuff up along the way sometimes to make your personna's garb complete. The bellydancers are tribal which is new. I am going to see what would be period and get back to you all. (And Cabaret is really not faire period for sure - no sequins then) Okay I found this quicky timeline...it mentions Ghawazee over and over...and also the reason why if I wear any belly dance items it is Ghawazee oriented. Some of the tribal groups also envelop the Ghawazee I believe as well, so they are not too far off... Belly Dance timeline
  21. ....hmmmm is that a blowing up a train fetish? (toy train that is)
  22. Hmmmm Blue V pills...hmmmmmm.......... Renegade socks...arrrrrhhhhhh look out.... (spritz's Fabreeze under Patricks bed).
  23. Just wondering if Pirates kept whips as a part of their armament along with pistolas and swords/knives.
  24. Yes, but has any body made a gosh darn hat YET...lol
  25. Well that was a let down.....some animated film instead was given the spot
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