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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Sam where you asking me about the ship? The site I saw before I don't remember where I found it...but I found this one ..... PirateShip-Disneyland info also I just found this as well...really really neat stuff brings back memories...now gotta forward link to my Disneyholic g/f. 50 Years of Disney 1957 has a nice map of Tom Sawyers Island 1966 has some great old postcards from the Pirates of the Carribean 1967 has an article about Pirates of the Carribean
  2. Defy...well glad to see you finally came to the right side! LOL Hope to see you at the So Cal Ren Faire in April and the Pirates Fest in Corona also in April!
  3. Hmmm Tales of Jack Sparrow...the Disney channel should do an offshoot of that on their channel. Kinda like the old Daniel Boone show or something like that. Tis an idea.
  4. Have a BIG HUGE party. Go to Europe Remodel the house
  5. wow to WIN THE LOTTERY for one! world peace no hungry, sick, cold, unclothed or abused children in the world AND have to ask for one more no unloved pets/animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. What keeps you up so late? Do you work? Makes a dif can't stay up all night. What do you do when you are up at that hour? Have you tried sedatives? Even natural ones like Kava Kava.
  7. seems there are not very many pyrate folk in so cal
  8. checked it out..thanks great info for details!!!
  9. Port Royal Annex....lol
  10. Well how about narrowing down to the timeframe of Port Royal and it's activities?
  11. Jill, Yes I can understand that, you have to try them on overnight to see if they smell good. Many of the dept store ones kinda smell good at first and then yuck a 1/2 hour later. In respect to the blended ones that indiviual perfumers make yes they can be quite lovely and better than store at times. That is why I did put in my post about the Franchinscense oil that I love from faire and sometimes use it as a base with Obsession.
  12. Geeez have you people HEARD of department stores...geesh. Okay I like scents from nature as well like Franchincense from Faire, but come on there are bottles of perfumes and colognes to be had at the Macy's etc. Okay I like 275 and Obsession, those I trade off. Men usually like both on me. For me beau I gave him a nice big bottle of Pi which makes him smell like "Boy Candy" for me. And a note for the fellas that say they just like a clean smelling woman..soap and shower smell...me beau likes that as well and remarks upon it as well. Now the rest of ya...throw away those old dime store bottles and Avon yes Avon and go git yerself some proper stuff.
  13. wow that is a lot of questions..probably could be broken up into several threads.....
  14. I think DMC is 3 years after.....
  15. Glad to see most of the fellers like us ladies with some meat on our bones. I myself don't like a thin man personally, I like to feel some meat when I hug. A nice shock of hair, some nice smiling eyes. A burly chest, a nice tushy and some well trimmed toes. A good smellin man is always nice even if you have to teach em about cologne (yes men buy some (not cheap Hi-Karate) and use it...lol). It's nice if you have a special night out etc and you both smell nice. Well when it comes to height, I have a range I like from 5'8" to 6'2", it's nice when your 5'2" and you have a whole range of men's heights you can tolerate. Also for the tall ones there's those lovely heels they love love love to see us in! Also a good career and money in the bank and a drivable car is a must!!!!! Humor and good heart are also very very very big items...I can truly say that a man that has the "for the good of the world's" attitude is truly going to treat you as good as well. (At least I hope so!)
  16. Fed Ex Kitty...ah ha ha ha.....
  17. Any one in so cal planning to go to this?
  18. Hmmmm I remember the trailer still from the first movie where Jack turns around and has that devilish rogue smile. Just that made me want to go to the movie...uh huh! Tom Sawyer Island AttractionS
  19. ^ Hmmm neither you bait 'em with a bottle o rum < Wishes for a peaceful world v What did you dream about last eve?
  20. Well, did yea find yea a coat fer wearin'? :)
  21. Here Poppet....! lol....... Well I bet Iron Bess knows the answers!
  22. Ah! I see he he...when I saw the word Koi I don't know why I thought just one...the plural for Koi probably is Koi as well...lol. Great you have a whole crew o fishy's...they are so beautiful and relaxin' ta watch!
  23. I as well thought savvy was french! Going to go look that one up now...! Still have to watch the XXX one all the way through! I should get it out for Valentine's day..eh! borrowing of Fr. savez(-vous)? "do you know?"
  24. Wages, you know the other day I did try it straight and thought it is not one for sippin. I would like to find a rum that I would like to sip. My favorite liquor that I can do that is Seagrams 7 especially mixed with some Amaretto on the rocks. lol cat and racoon sporans....gives new meaning to 'hello kitty'
  25. Morgan..oooh lucky you Koi are so beautiful, do you just have the one bigun? I love toads/frogs...I love their song...frogs and toads are the bringers of rain and good luck in many asian countries.
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