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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Your casting call was fantastic...what was the outcome?
  2. Man did you read all the nasty comments after the article...send shivers up my spine..they way they talk so...lol! Well all I can say is I anticipate the next POTC..yes...hopefully it will make up for how they bungled the third one...killing off everyone seemed lame...and the locker with a hundred crazy jacks was too much! We will have to see how this one comes out..they tease so with the trailer. I don't know if the trailer from the Super Bowl gave us a few more seconds of the story trailer..it seemed it had a bit more footage. I don't know perhaps Iron Bess could tell us some of the story...or will she be flogged by the Mouse? lol. If they do have a 5th..I wonder what the story is based on...anyone know at this point? Iron Bess?
  3. My dear peglegstrick..YOU CERTAINLY DO!...and might I just add a mighty fine one at that...!! Captain McCool...oh thanks thanks thanks......was't a wondering on whose nice wooden leg that was in them trailers...ooh cannot wait for the movie..(i hope it is better than the last un!)
  4. Dang Ody...I just spied you on a webby for the MARKED MEN PARTY - I saw the party listed for 2011 and they had pic's from last year..my you were in a ton of them...as I was going through all the pics I kept seeing you and then there was a pic with your mug...and I thought Damn..thought I knew that pyrate! Small world....pics where great...would love to go to this pyrate party for sure. Been playin caregiver to me mom's for the past 2 years so no pyratical events for moi....sigh...but it will be time to dust off the old pyrate shoes and get back in the melay of things sure enough. Was great to see you in those pics from last years party! Your new party sounds like it will be fun...here are some ideas 1. Kissing booth? (even on the cheek type?) 2. Who has the biggest hat, pistol or sword...lol ? (keep it clean...lol) 3. Pyrate pie eatin contest ? 4. Belly Dancers 5. Pirate ditties...karokee? 6. Rum recipes or Pirate recipes booth just some crazy ideas fer ya...
  5. Okay now who has the wooden leg? I am confused now..............
  6. How many go see the POTC movies in Garb?

    1. adam  cyphers
    2. LadyBarbossa


      I've been to two of the three PotC films in my piratical attire. Hopefully shall make it 3 out of 4 come May. :)

      ~Lady B

    3. Dread Pyrate Greyhound

      Dread Pyrate Greyhound

      I went to see the second one on the midnight release on my birthday. My garb sadly wasn't that impressive yet. I was still using a bathrobe for a Frock Coat! thankfully when number four comes out I'll have a decent costume to wear

  7. Whew, it's been a long haul since I have been a vistin' this site. I just landed on the latest trailer today...wow I was impressed. The only other trailler I saw was just Jack yacking at the camera with the hint of Penelope in the cast. I was impressed...I so far like Blackbeard..love that wooden leg (assuming from the quick trailer bits..that was his). Wow May is around the corner...I had a news article about the next POTC on the outside of my cubicle wall for the longest..and now it's around the corner. Hussah..can't wait..hmmm sneaking in some rum tis a might fine idea! Hey we don't have a drinkin' emoticon no more?
  8. http://www.lacma.org/membership/Muse.aspx OKAY the dang box for insert link does not work. I get emails for the Labyrinth Ball all time each year and it looks like the producers of the event have extended it to another type of event...check it out...August 21
  9. I just found this video and thought you might enjoy it.. http://www.time.com/time/video/player/0,32068,39616455001_1921966,00.html cannot insert link correctly....
  10. I have watched up to Epi 3 and wow...I am hooked! There are folks on the Starz message boards ripping it because of the nudity, sex and language ...what did they expect for the Roman era.... I love it and enjoy the show for what it is a..trully fun romp!
  11. So sad, when people do the arrogant hunting thing. I am not a hunter. I can understand if you live in a wilderness area and the rangers have set up a specific hunting season and you take meat to eat, but just to shoot and kill for the sake of doing that. It's horrible...not even animals kill for pleasure, and yet we are evolved from the animal kingdom, sometimes our smarts is not so smart. Too many animals are just expendable at our hands for pleasure. Sigh....
  12. I don't know if someone has posted this already, if they have please delete my post. I don't know if some of you already knew about this from going to Comic Con. It seems they had a panel there with some of the folks that are producing it or acting in it (saw some clips on youtube). Anyway I was checking Acuweather.com for the CA weather for our 5 day rainstorms and there was an ad on the side about this new show. Well I went to the Stars website specifically for this new show..and they had Episode 1 posted...I watched it and WOW IT IS FANTASTIC. Done in the style of The 300, but much much better, and I liked The 300 and own the DVD. I cannot wait for episode 2. Anyone seen any of it?
  13. Usually where I work they set up a company matching program for the big disasters. I waited for that since my monies will be doubled. So they finally set that up so today they got 100 dineros from me. It's so terrible over there been watching since day 1.
  14. I would not have to sort out the 2009 events from the 2010 events, it gets confusing... can we float the 2009 events to the bottom of the page?
  15. Patrick, a few months ago the news was doing a lot of stories of people who are living out on the road due to the economic crisis, and they were starting to look for peeps like this...I wonder if they only came across you now due to this type of situation becoming more and more predominant? I know the division I used to work used to let folks stay in their RV's in the corner of the parking lot by the employee park...due to some folks lived far away and let them live in the parking lot during the week and some would go home on the weekend...but I noticed they put a stop to that as well. You would think the government would see this situation and set up something with Government ran parks etc?
  16. What....? That is ridiculous, why not pay the entertainers...that's what they are for to entertain...and not get paid, that's horrible. Peeps that go to faire want to be entertained by the likes of the crazy and friendly show folk! Can you imagine the So Cal Ren Faire ' with out the Queen and her court on the main stage? I am with you on this Badger I have been going to the So Cal Ren Faire since 1986 when it was still in the Malibu hills! I also miss the folk that would just wander around and be a mini entertainer on their own to rev up the crowds and get them in the mood...Remember when the kissing bridge really was the kissing bridge and it was a bit naughty...sigh....Faire has already lost so much muskiness and earthiness and to now drain away the entertainment...? They better think twice because it will not be much of a faire without entertainment.
  17. I hope for the new year this forum will be straightened out..need to have a spot for new topics at the TOP and then all other Calendar topics to be afterwards....
  18. check out youtube for a trailer for Alice in Wonderland...check out Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter...crazy!

  19. Can you make events drop off once they are over or at least float to the bottom....keep for comments...and then have the latest at the top so we don't have to scroll through it?
  20. Wow did you block it as well? Purple felt?
  21. Someone had shown me a picture last week that came from this website, so I was curious. I found this photo contest they just had...I think you will enjoy the photos! http://fx.worth1000.com/contests/17256/critter-pirates/1#entries
  22. Very very nice! What is the size?
  23. WOW WOW WOW AND QUADRUPABLE WOW...what fantastic pics Rumba...wow that looked like a fantastically fun show. I def want to go next year. Ody you looked great!!!!!!! Rumba you looked great...gotta run into you one of these days gal! The pics where fantastic, everyone looked fantastic! WOW!
  24. Did not see this in the lineup...anyone going?
  25. As much as I would miss Johnny, I will looking forward to Barbosa for sure!
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