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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. I stumbled across this funny pic and had to share...thought I would start a post that had pics that were not neccessarily people pics....
  2. yeah this one? Tiki room we have one in El Segundo 'The Purple Orchid' on Richmond street, have you been there?
  3. ...just stumbled across this link...it lists that on July 27 there will be pirates and singing of shanties....hussah! Wish I lived closer.... Forbidden Island Tiki Bar here is a youtube link to the band that is going to play there...I like them....
  4. I was trying to find a brand of rum and stumbled across this...and wow a Rum Tasting event is coming and you can apply...would'nt that be just grand for a bunch o pyrates? Ministry of Rum One of the articles: The Tradition of Rum and the Sea You just can't beat sharing a rum drink with friends on a boat at the end of another perfect day in the tropics. Add the excitement and anticipation of the elusive green flash when the sun dips below the western horizon and you'll experience one of the great pleasures of life on the water. This scene doesn't end, however, when our brightest star is gone from sight. It continues to be played out westward around the globe as sailors salute the setting sun, rum glass in hand. For centuries, the close of day has been reverently acknowledged by sailors, but how rum came to be part of the choreography of this event is more than a coincidence........(continues check website)
  5. "Ex-cellent" PIC's Folks...keep em comin'!
  6. i think we need a new Space Pirates movie....
  7. I was doing a search on something completely different and landed on this page..... Yaaaaar Pirate Yoda
  8. I liked Willie's silk pajama's! :angry:
  9. I had heard a bad review from an office co-worker, but gotta still see it myself, either in theatre or DVD releases. Temple of Doom wouldn't have been so bad if they cut back the gross stuff like the monkey brains and that horrible gross 'let's take the heart out' ceremony.....eeeeew yuck.
  10. sometimes Politically Correct....Is...JUST PLAIN WRONG
  11. I know many of you don't watch tv....or follow the horrible news...but sometimes you gotta stay in touch and for the past few years I have been paying attention to Tim and what he had to say politically or what answers he got from politicians on his show "Meet the Press". It struck me so tragically on Friday went I heard it briefly on the news...and thought I was hearing things due to I was napping. I got up later to hear that I was not hearing things and that it tragically was true. I would like to say that Tim was the best of the best of news reporters/interviewers and it is going to be tough for the rest of this Election year not to have him cover the blow by blows or the debates. I will sorely miss him, trully. Rest in Peace dear Tim! Email addy for Condolences : Russert.Condolences@nbcuni.com
  12. WELL DONE and WELL MET...on the pin in the picture above...BRAVO!
  13. Geez ZERO had my last name which is unusual but I know that my last name is out there. My first name the say was the 255 th popular ..yipppe!
  14. It would be nice to set up a Pirate BarBeQue somewhere on a beach or a park...wonder if we could setup something like that...does anyone know Dockweiler Beach back behind LAX they have fire pits. http://beaches.co.la.ca.us/BandH/Beaches/D.../Dockweiler.htm
  15. ha ha ha...that was a tee-shirt sample got yer attention didn't it...
  16. I happen to stumble across this website and thought I would share it here...it has some cute pyratical tees.. Evil Genius Tees
  17. oh my gosh that commercial is so gosh darn cute!....... gonna look for this stuff on the store shelves here in Cali....
  18. ..yes I read many reviews that said the same that you did about the food, I guess it is more the appeal of the place. One reviewer mentioned they have peeps dressed up in POTC characters as hosts....must be a big hit with little privateers..eh?
  19. ...I was perusing ebay for cookbooks and found a cookbook called the Pirates' House Cookbook. I looked up the name and sure enough there is a restaurant. Has anyone been here? The Pirates House Restaurant here's a bit more info on the place.....and ghost tales.. Haunted Houses
  20. wow looks like you got a deal by these prices... Disney Website with prices
  21. Is that what yer sportin' to the ball>?
  22. yep piratety stuff goes quick...they usually get a lot around Halloween check back then...and I always shop there so I will let you know when those toy sets are back in stock..! I bought a plastic flintlock and doctored it up with my own paint job to make it look real. I had it stuck in my belt at the last Halloween party and a couple of guys thought it was a real prop and not plastic....asking me where I had got it. Quartermaster...we have dollar tree here too..sometimes they get the same stuff sometimes not.
  23. I was perusing the web looking for Salsa dance pants and stumbled across these Pro Ballroom dancers..dancing to Pirates of the Carribean...wow...so cool...and you can even buy the outfits...... Dancer's Website...POTC dance if that link crashes... here it is straight from you tube and not the dancewear site..
  24. What cracks me up if you read about the attire..they actually mention period attire as well as naughty attire...anything goes in Hollywierd.
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