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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Graydog, still a different webby than I have...I wish they did more events
  2. Graydog, Its tuff to find out any info on any of the California Legio events...do you know of a good website for them?
  3. Hi Graydog, I read in the Legio (roman's) yahoo group mail that Brethren of the Coast will not be attending...and in the roster, they only show them...but that is a good thing....if pyrates be raiding....and pillagin' and such! There may be chance that I may not be able to go to this event,,,and I so want to see the Romans for once!
  4. bump up to top...anyone going to this...I hear the Pirates are not going to be there.... :angry We are planning to go so far on Sat.
  5. Anybody with a little bit of carpentry knowledge..or friends that have it...could probably whip one up similiar to that. I bet you can get a boat from a scrapyard and build up a house within it.....I bet it would end up cheaper than 29 thooouussssaaannnndddd dollars... If you have the money..then heck it would be a drop in the bucket for the people who live in mansions... Here are some ideas: Treehouse Plans More of the same and more...
  6. Firedancers...I missed those~!!!!! It was very nice to meet Ody and his Lady at the Firing end o the Pier... Yes next time we will drop some rum. We had some and slipped it in a coke... It was also nice to meet MadL as well. It's nice to finally meet folks you yak at and now can place a face to the words. I don't know if we missed most of the event, but I thought it would have double the vendors and food booths as well. Oh well, was there an after party at the clubhouse? I saw three piratey gals heading that way around 6:00 when we where leaving.
  7. love all the pics you folks have posted
  8. WOW looks like it will def bigger event than last year!
  9. I love his thighs as well in this shot...guess it appeals to the womenfolk a tad more.... I love the Movie Posters!!!!! Thanks for posting them.
  10. ...just stumbled across this and thought I would share...this clip...I gotta get this DVD into my collection.... You Tube - Gene Kelly in The Pirate
  11. Mission, where do you get your information on Solar. I have been in Solar production for 10 years now and there is no disposable battery. Solar and Wind and Wave are the ways to go in the future...!!!!! Wiki- solar power
  12. I have since listening to that video been doing some fact finding...and the facts are adding up...check this out Z-Facts
  13. YES baaaaah the American people have been sheep for a very long time..especially since the election was stolen from Gore and given to Bush..... Interesting how Bush and McCain are talking about the reserves...is it more bullshit? Back in the 80's when Hughes Aircraft was still around I worked at the Electro Optical Div...and we were on a joint project for the Electric Car...and there was a mandate on the books to have so many electric cars on the road by that time...and oil...I have heard recently is what killed it....if we could have went forward with the Battery cars and tech as it is always improving we would have been driving electric cars...look at the solar cars....we are killing ourselves here in America and we are helping it. If they do not stop...Americans will become 3rd world...but that will just ensue a Revolution...not a nice brave new world your kids and grand kids are inheriting.
  14. Thank you so much for this link to this video. I did listen to the entire thing. I have long suspected there are people who are running the show, but could not quite but the finger on it...I knew oil and big money was behind it....but the middle man factor was the information that was lacking to me for so long. WOW....surprised this is not on YOUTUBE!!!!!!! AND HUFFPO!!!!!!
  15. Ribbons and Bows oh my website
  16. also there is a cheapy yardage place in my area that has dirt cheap buttons, snaps, zipper pulls, buckles etc. I grabbed a whole assortment for my future buckle needs. They had small ones as well just like in the garter pic I posted above.
  17. blackbeard...I got two blanks from this place and I loved turning my blanks into hats...was very fast and easy... Mountain Top Trading
  18. I made my Pirate Frock coat from a Thrift Shop 70's burgandy velveteen thigh length coat ages ago....so that is a great way to turn a Thrift shop find indeed into a Frock Coat/Waist Coat. I have also to turn a coat into a waist coat for me Beau. Also I have used as previously mentioned slops for Beau from oversized womens linen pants. (and then sewed him another pair from some material I got at a cheapy Yardage shop) Also look for leather goods that can be transformed or cut up. I read on line where a fellow took a pair of black leather pants from a Thrift Shop and took them apart and them made himself a really nice pirate hat out of it. Also keep an eye for tossed away costume pieces I give the Thrift shop all my old clothes plus costumes pieces I do not use anymore...(Gave them a 150.00 hat from the Hat Vendor from the Ren Faire..just cause I never ever wore it)
  19. I don't think it won, their website is difficult to figure out..I think Bulgaria won with Take me away DJ...which is a very sexy vid (the girl is very sexy). I will check it out and get back to you.
  20. Exactly....that will DEF fit in.....
  21. LOL Mad...I am sure you can bring your pink studded vibrating...ah sword..to the party....
  22. last year we parked in the lot that had parking meters on the southside of the pool....have to get there early for the free parking it is a small lot. Who all is going?..I plan on going on Sat
  23. ...have you guys seen this? Pirates of the Sea - Wolves of the Sea - Eurovision 2008
  24. heres one from a different website...
  25. and here is one more...thought this would be great to make one for the home..if'n you have a nice shelf like this...
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