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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Raspberries...I always wear Red and Purple...but then again I am not part of a guild.
  2. Hawkins...I had to laugh when I saw the title GOR...I used to read them when I was in High School. I think I got up to 12 or 13. How many did you read? LOL what a flashback!
  3. Terrible terrible event. I wish the gov't would make a deal for residents to buy those Weather Service Radios for cheap! seems the count is 19 now...oh Lordy!
  4. No way for reals?
  5. Michael, great job. More men should sew, it is a good thing as Martha says!
  6. Yeah, just what we need more idiots in the world to do damage to what is already in need of trouble..geezus. I hope they reported it to the authorities! Keep Sailing! Too bad we can't roast the cretins on a spit!
  7. Ah.,..I see...no just kidding...lol....ahem..I meant about your explaination, nope did not read your intro...sorries! Kilties...well they are very sexy mmm mmmm mmmmm! What's in your sporan? (taken in the text of Capital One pillagers)
  8. Wages...would you have preferred I say "Booty Coverings" instead..lol
  9. Several years back when the Ren Faire in so cal was out at Devore Glen Helen...I remember there where some pirates manning the Tobacco booth and also a place where only the re-actors would go...and saw many pirates there. Is there a Guild for Pirates....? (Sorry for the dumb question, for all the years I went to faire I should know but I was never involved just a guest in garb)
  10. I have a feeling Will goes on his merry way with good ole Dad....lol to the tavern....lol
  11. I read somewhere where the trailers for POTC 3 will start airing with the new movie "Ghost Rider".
  12. Hail to the Netherlands! Welcome aboard pyracy.com....! I looked at the website you have in your profile and there are some beautiful frock coats listed there. I guess you are looking for the more humble apparel for a poor (he he he) sea scoundrel? As the previous poster mentioned...start your own. I have seen they have fantastic Fantasy carnivales over in your area...perhaps you can start by introducing pirates to those and then branch out when you get a larger following. Pirates can be addictive...yea know...arrrrh!
  13. Currently I have a sleigh bed with no posting...but would love to have a poster bed...but then again I love the sleigh bed design as well....choices...choices...choices...one needs TWO bedroom...me thinks...ha ha...one nice and one naughty...now where's that lotto form....arrrh!
  14. I know you fella's are talking about making yer pants/slops from scratch, but in a pinch I had to come up with some for B/F. I went to a thrift shop and scowered the racks for some lightweight fabric pants that was baggy and big enough. I found a pair of I think big ladies pants and made them into slops for him. At the bottom edge I used it as a hem for some ties, so he can wear them up at the knees or down. Just an idea if you need something in a pinch.
  15. Captn TradeWind...so sorry to hear about that. Well when you are done with your bar I suggest having an ENORMOUS PYRATE PARTY.!!!! :) :)
  16. He he he Billy I have a way of doing that to the feller's.. :)
  17. Has anybody knitted that pirate hat yet?
  18. Does your machine have a button hole maker. I still have my mom's old sewing maching from I am guessing the 80's and it has no real automatic way of doing buttonholes,...arrrrrh. So I have avoided making any clothing due to that. My g/f at X-Mastime was in emergency for buying a new sewing machine so I could help her fix her New Year's costume of a Saloon girl. We got a pretty nice one at Costco that had a gazillion things you could chose. I did not experiment with it since I had to learn that machine that evening. I think it was about 179.00 with a 20 buck discount I believe. I am tempted to get the same one and give my mom back her old has been. LOL. The reason why I asked where you wear your Fantasy Frock to is that here in Cali we have a Fantasy Ball called the Labyrinth Ball based from the dreamscape from the Movie Labyrinth. I will attach link so you can look at photo's there are some nice coats in there as well. Labyrinth photo page
  19. Beautiful material Capn Pete, where will you be wearing the fantasy Justacorps to? Where did you finally get your lining material and what did you choose. I was lazy with my frock coat I have, about 5 years ago I picked up a Burgandy Velvet coat in a Thrift shop and kinda tweaked it a bit to make my frock coat. Would love to make one from scratch...but I have seen there are some sexier cuts for women's frocks. example: Dark Angel
  20. Capn...lol...that's what I thought at first..but it is for peeps to watch out for knock offs. I remember when they where doing knock off's on Rolex, they were everywhere back in the 80's.
  21. Hmmm...only Silent can tell us what timeframe his group re-enacts. This is from the SCA home page. "The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe."
  22. Thanks for the round...a rummer sounds good about now....love yer little dancin' skele there he be a darlin' for sure! Glad you made it ashore! Love yer tat...is it a Sailor Jerry legacy tat? (Jerry Collins)
  23. Aye, yea did say it...my poor eye missed that line .....lol! But glad he can wear a sharp coat now eh!
  24. I thought I read somewhere where the Bounty was retrofitted for the Pearl?
  25. Harbor Master..wow..thanks for pointing that out..did not notice that before...and is there a Neptune theme at the bottom?
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