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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. drunken dog picI actually found the pic...hussah! http://www.killsometime.com/Pictures/Picture.asp?ID=134
  2. Darn...those where hilarious! I also have a pic of a dog with a bottle but a friend sent it to me a long time ago and have no online link for it. I have it framed in my office and get so many responses over it...they think it is my dog.
  3. I was getting ready for work and popped into the room that had the television on and thought I was watching a trailer for a new movie..until it dawned on me it was real. I just plunked down watching in disbelief....after awhile I finished getting ready for work. I drove in to work and found the parking lot empty. I work in Aerospace and our facility is right by the LAX airport, so we were told to stay home in case of any terror threat about to approach LAX. I drove back home and continued in horror to watch the building's collapse. On the Hispanic channels it was a bit more graphic, they showed footage of people jumping out of the windows. That was so surreal. I will never forget that image. Our work matched our contributions 100% for the families. So if you sent $100.00 they actually received $200.00. May they rest in peace.
  4. Good Luck towards him!!!!! I luvs pyrates!
  5. ...the only thing I hope for for this series is they get people who would be pirate worthy...not some computer nerd that can't stand to get his feet dirty etc etc etc....lmao
  6. Hi, Don't know if anyone has already posted this. I just happened to click on their website and saw this posted. http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/pirate/index.html At least we wont be BOILED pyrates this time since it is not in August in Corona
  7. my friggen puter here at work cannot play anyting from Utube...does anyone else have any trailers that they can post another link to?
  8. capt jack savy... I correct myself on the feather duster...in the additional DVD they made one into his ceptum, and yes the chicken foot as well in the additional DVD mentioned it was for fertility...I shoulda watched all the extras before saying anything.....!!!! oh by the way they mentioned that Johnny had a lot of creative license when it came to his costuming and accessories...kool!
  9. ....hmmmm I wonder if any of the upper class lasses ran away to sea....lure of the pyrates?
  10. Hmmmm sundrenched....well I guess they could be...but being tan was not the mode of fashion back then...porcellain white skin was an attributing factor for women back then....but then sea wenches would see more sun if they be in the carib waters I would gather....
  11. Okay.... 1)...Yeah...feather duster where did that come from? 2)....thump thump thump associated with jar of dirt...HUH? (cute idea though for the ones making a jar of dirt...thinking I will make some for meself and some pyratey friends for our garb...gluing barnacles onto the heart was a fantastic idea mate) 3)....In the extra DVD for behind the scenes footage (POTC2)....they mentioned a chicken foot hanging from Jack's belt....anyone pick up on that...or know what is for?
  12. Instructions for Period Jar of Dirt (lol) Get an antiquish bottle fill it with dirt (cause dirt is period no matter how you slice it...been around since day 1)....and bury it a bit...dig it up... viola....period bottle of dirt...lol... just in fun folks don't shoot me with yer pistola's
  13. Wooof....what a scuttle aboard...lol! I myself (being a very bad pyrate lass indeed) only till over the holidays see POTC 2. And I have to tell you from some comments I read here at pyracy and the trailers I was set up to be disapointed....but after renting it...LOVED IT! I had no idea about the Davy Jones character nor the wonderful Kraken!!!!! I had to run out and get the double DVD set so I could see the behind the scenes imagery. Now that we have these wonderful characters in motion...Barbosa..Davy Jones Jack and his 2 sidekicks...lol. It would be definetly a shame to stop the series now!!!!! Piratesse has a good idea with a sexy siren piratess to whisper into his ears. I am for more Captn Jack movies for sure.......Bravo to the Disney Imagineers for the concept of the beneath the depths characters of Davy Jones and his crew. p.s. is there any connection in mythology with Davy Jones and the Kraken so far I have found none on the net...but interesting idea none the less.
  14. WOW Murph...very nice....are yea sayin ye be an Italianno Pirate?
  15. Heath Ledger? He made an awesome Casanova last year!!!! And then again he has wardrobe from that he can wear....lol
  16. ...oh cant wait to see your pics or any other gent's pics of their frock coat....as I have always been interested in costuming and always love to see what the professionals produce!
  17. Thanks I did a search as well and found the same. May attend don't know yet.
  18. Bess do you have a website link for this event? For just us who are viewers.
  19. I emailed this site...tix are $20.00
  20. lol...funny thing when I was doing a search the Black Adder did come up now I want to look at it. I was looking for one like this from the website of HBO'S Rome production...check it out... http://www.hbo.com/rome/artifacts/characte...characters.html slides 3 and 6HBO's Rome character pages Last night as I was thinking about this idea...I had to keep in mind kids that are at faire as well. But I believe some of the stage plays at faire had some comical ones like this.
  21. thank ye thank ye...one of my all time favorites...probably what made me fall in love with pyrates in the first place... :)
  22. I was looking around the web for sites that sell codpieces (for beau's costume). I thought it would be a snap...NOT! Anyone know of any sites that have not the tradional ones but fanciful comical ones for faire. If not will have to make one out of papier mache for beau.
  23. I was there also with 3 guests. It was sooo hot. I am going to email the event and suggest they perhaps have the next ball during a cooler month. I feel sorry for all the peeps who have wonderful animal heads and such! Whewww! Me and beau where in Beduoin attire. As you can see there are many pirate costumes at this event.
  24. okay folks it's this Saturday...no one going from this website?
  25. WOW how sad and I thought it was later this month...just checked and it was on already. Well I agree I thought there was hardly anyone last year and now to hear this...very sad very very sad....and with all the hype with POTC 2. Well all I can say is let's hope for that ren faire on Ortega Hwy
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