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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. so are there no pyrates from here going?
  2. I taped it but have not watched it yet. I heard some bits of peices of it while I was doing chores...seemed some information was interesting....but still have yet to watch...
  3. Hi RumbaRue, Nope never heard about this one either, but I think I can recall this group's name. I used to go to some early Dragonwood faires, wonder if this is the same group but just grown up. It's not that far away and that area does have great trees. I probably will check it out. I don't know about the Pirate Faire in Corona for July...it's scorchin right now.
  4. but you did not say where at........?
  5. Yeah I got one yesterday and clicked on it,..like an idiot...and nothing happened..but I bet somewhere behind the scenes there is something. I need to go check. I was flooded with about 7 of them today..all saying the same thing. I deleted all of them without opening. Yikes...how do we protect ourselves so we don't get more? Also I had to re-log in today.
  6. How has the weather been out there. I remember last year's Pirate Faire was hotter n hell, but I think that was in August.
  7. Hello Peoples, I was wondering if anyone was attending this Ball? I went last year and it quite a showcase of costuming and masques. There were plently o pyrate folk about as well in their finest garb. I will probably be going with a splash of middle eastern flair. So who's going? Labyrinth Web Page
  8. Whats the latest word on this?
  9. your welcome...wink!
  10. I happen to find a chat room that is always empty. Perhaps we can use it? http://www.piratefair.com/Chat/flashchat.phpPirateFairWebpage
  11. Rummy, okay gotcha. We will be going to faire again this Saturday. Hope to find you then!!!! I know we are def going to the food court, I did not get a chance for me beau to try any Faire food last time , especially the bangers and shepards pie and/or fish n chips.
  12. Rummy I am sorry I did not find yea. We were there at the food court but I did not see a Biggins yard. Plus, we were distracted by friends who wanted us to meet up with them. We do plan on attending one more weekend. I hope to find you then. Can you describe from Toad in the Hole your encampments is? Is it over at a certain time?
  13. Rummy me gal...finally I am going to get to Faire this weekend with me beau in tow. I hope to find yea and toast and ale with thee! Will look for you tomorrow Sat the 29th. Thanks for the info ....twas deciding what type of shoe to wear. :angry:
  14. I live in the south bay I would be interested but the Key Club would that be the proper venue for it....? I hear mostly that is a hip hop club isnt it? Keep us informed I am def interested....also do you know of the Labryrinth Ball...a fantasy ball ....many pyrates do attend!
  15. Hello Rummy, How has the weather been out there so far? Can you give me a brief description as to where the Biggins Camp may be? We are reading our garb and soon will enjoy a day of Faire. One last question, is there cement paths or wood chip paths....I forget from last year.
  16. Yes yes...gotta get the garb together,,,,,hussah!
  17. anyone going...I probably will stop by
  18. is there a website for this event?
  19. Coooool! Lemme know! It's soooooo close to me I would like to go
  20. One of my girlfriends at work was going to purchase one of the goth dresses. Well she called up one day and got info...then when she decided to get it the next day, they were out of stock over the phone but still showed the item available...hmmmm very wierd. I will pass this information on to her as well.
  21. http://www.evilkid.com/store/EKproduct/app...iratebooty.html For those of you interested..... oops just checked they are really hot pants shorts....sorries
  22. Rummy are you going?
  23. Good point...as never having been a parent I would never have known....the principal like I mentioned did not know too much. I will find out and post here.
  24. Hi, just thought I would post this. I know someone previously posted before Christmas time about the parade in El Segundo where they had ren faire reveler's...so I thought I would add this. I live in town and saw this on the High School's marquee. El Segundo High School Rennaissance Faire March 25 10-4 Front Lawn. I just called the High School and talked to the Principal Maxine and she said that it was for the whole community and not just the students. I tried to ask her more but she did not know more...lol! She said someone named Gary Fritz (spelling?) set it up and he was in class. So if anyone lives in town or knows more about it than I, please feel free to add to this message blog. I plan on going....it's just too darn close for me to pass up and shake the dust off me pyrate garb...wink wink!
  25. ah yes...childhood memories and of lost loves...but heck that is what the horizon is for...so sailing on mighty pirates and piratesses and find yer loves!
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