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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. ooops sorry guess I did not read the 'fine print'
  2. Aye Aye sir...lol :) Note...get eye patch Note...get sexy candy stripper baby doll Candy ....... ?
  3. I have not seen these anywhere....! They would be so cute as stuffers for those plastic skulls you can get as candy containers at Halloween....
  4. lol....eyepatch is required fer yer wench?
  5. ooops don't know how this got posted twice..sorries!
  6. Hmmm no directions though .....Pearl do you have directions? At least from LAX?
  7. Yep California..in me own backyard...hussahhh! Thanks Pearl is there a website that has good driving directions? Never mind..I saw the link ...duh
  8. Ahem...well as a good cook I have to interject now...move aside men....ha ha ha Just teasin yea all. The chili peppers are from the South America's including the Mexico region. Chili did sprout from the American Southwest region. As to spices...well we all know how important the Spice Trade route was and the Salt mines in Bavaria. Salt and spices have traditionally been used to make plain food taste better in all cultures and it is a for sure thing that many spices did make the meal of a bit of odds and ends and lets say slowly "aged" meat that is on hand to make any stews/soups of any sort taste better. Many spices are also used to cure meats. Remember the spice that Jack used as deoderant for his roasting...one of my fav's Paparika. Which is also made from peppers. Actually HOT Paparika is pretty darn hot. Goulash anyone?
  9. I was looking for items for Chinese New Year this weekend and found this cute boat model. I thought it was kinda nice since the next POTC movie will have Chinese Pirates! Webpage for Model
  10. I was looking for items for Chinese New Year this weekend and found this cute boat model. I thought it was kinda nice since the next POTC movie will have Chinese Pirates!
  11. Hmmmm for some reason I don't think the 72 virgins listing will have a jewish virgin.....at least for the 72 virgin's list I am thinkin on.
  12. Hmmm all I can think of here is lots of bags or circles under the eyes....not good! More and more articles and news subjects prove you need your sleep and also during normal sleep time which is night. Your body during these sleeping hours does most of the repair jobs. I know some people work nights and that must be a tough one on the ole bod.
  13. Pearl that would be a blast...please remind me PLEASE!!!!!! Set up a thread in Raids so we all can remember.
  14. Wow Rumba..you can wear that for this Valentines Day..wow! Great job and the shiny fabrics are always a beastie on the sewing machine.
  15. Pearl, yes it is with the different kinds of shot. Yes I know it has been aired before, and I hope hope hope they air it again...would really like to tape it.
  16. ...and an occasional Albatross...lol...
  17. LOL....I wonder if pirates bothered with picking out bugs and such outta there teeth when hitting top speeds and standing at the bow.... or was it a bit o protein... Mary that Goddess statue is sooo sooo beautiful! Thanks for sharing! :) Mary quick question I notice yer pic of the black bird...and Ooohhh Shiny...does yea fancy crows...? I just love them and how smart they are!
  18. Rhumba..was yer favorite or sexiest outfit?
  19. WOW...did anybody catch this show on Saturday night? I wished I had caught the entire show...wow...I learned sooo soo much. I am going to check if this particular one will air again...I so hope so.
  20. PirateSSe, I have seen that car before but quite some time ago...does it still run? This is beautiful...even if the frame was still good and the car was not it would be a great garden ornament..would it not? Especiall for a V-dub colector.
  21. Tim Curry should do more work....I have always enjoyed him since Rocky Horror!
  22. lol Johnny well I can be....WINK
  23. Give me a break let the woman rest in peace...and its Lady not Laddy
  24. ...I think I mentioned good writing....
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