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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Huh?
  2. cretins are found everywhere aren't they
  3. The older the wiser and practice makes perfect eh!
  4. Yes Salty that is true....here in cali in the summertime especially it dries quickly...but sometimes that leads to the premature cracking... That is especially crappy when you have done something hand made such as a face or a floral treatment and there is a big crack through the peice. Arrrrrh
  5. Cat Massage....I saw this on the morning news this morning and cracked up so much...
  7. Ah...just throw them in a big stew pot with old cheese :)
  8. Blackjohn..one word..........."CHICKEN"!!!!
  9. Lady Alyx


    Thanks gents for the info! I have a question.....my cousin a long long time ago introduced me to Castillo spiced rum..which was so so so ever affordable...cheaper than cappy morgan. For a long while it has disapeared off the shelves here in cali. He has a Liquor store manager that gets it for him in the 1/2 gallon size especially for him. I was wondering if any of you folks see it in your states. You don't neccesarily have to be a drinker of it...just wondering if you still see it out there. (also..I needs to tap me ever loving cuz to order me a 1/2 gallon as well.)
  10. mmmmm donuts...
  11. lol...Salty....I ain't gonna tell.
  12. Lady Alyx


    I saw a bottle of Goslings...last night when I was picking up me fav...Sailor Jerry. 20 bucks or so a bottle. Any word on this one... Also I have noticed some of you use the spelling Rhum....I recognize that spelling from the german form. Why do you use this spelling?
  13. LOL...salty..I did not mean it that way. I was just wondering because I know how long it takes to do firings..your bisque and then final firing. Also did you have to have it approved by AQMD?
  14. I would think shop keepers would be next in line....hat shops, dress shops, linen/lace shops, flower vendors, small foods vendors.....what did you find in the book?
  15. Gee whiz..wow...that was so interesting...never knew..it but the zig zag and the spiral now that you have the paintings shows that they were used.. funny how peeps did not think of the cross lacing. I will definetly keep this in mind when making a new bodice for sure....I kinda like the spiral idea with the staggered holes...cept I don't like the tie off at each end...but the double cords does do away with that....hmmmm I think.
  16. One of these days I would love to go see all of these....
  17. Ah ha ha I love it what a great post. I feel like mine applied....Virgo... Dances on tabletop along side ya! and then.....
  18. Would love to hear what Blackjohn wants us women folk to wear....! I have seen that Lizard man on the shows that cover Tat Conventions....some of them even put those ball bearings under the skin to have that ridged dino look.....hmmmm i bet that feels wierd under the covers... :)
  19. .....drunken children.....
  20. Salty how big is your kiln?
  21. I would think a riding suit would be just for that..going out for a ride on the horse, with underpinnings so you can ride sidesaddle. I would think traveling clothes was another type of suit for long carriage rides. Kass, I looked over the article and that is the first time I heard mention of spiral stays...how would you fasten the ends then? It doesnt make sense? Help :)
  22. Well it's coffee for me in the morn for sure...sometimes a lil rum added but it all depends on the morning...lol . I love Nestea Ice tea and drink that in the evening. Red Zinger is good as well...I like the Lemon Green tea a bit better though. Best coffee I ever had was grown off the sides of Mt. Kilimanjaro. I don't remember the name but will never forget the taste. If you see any that is from there try it. It has such a lush rain forest at it's base that it grows great coffee beans.
  23. WOW thanks for adding that to this thread..wowie...sure is interesting...that is exactly how legends get started! I am sure 500 years or so ago..perhaps there where bigger ones in the sea that came up for feeding...especially if the ships lanterns may have attacted them? I guess I am taking the spin off on the lantern fish that attracts fish by it's little lanterns.
  24. A new mast eh?
  25. Enigma..I don't even know what you are asking... Just saying...in the marketing scenario to make money..you advertise..advertise ....advertise.....!
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