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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. I forwarded this event to a couple of my friends and they went to the Hollywood event. They said the peeps were dressed in their garb everywhere and saw very elaborate wardrobes as well. They had goodie bags and Orlando was a big hit! They said there were reporters everywhere. My girlfriend said they snapped up her little daughter for an interview and of course my two g/f's got to chime in as well. Glad it was fun!
  2. Wow Patrick that sure is a lovely pen. I would think that another artist perhaps a jewerly artist could probably make one like that but holding onto a blue flask...hmmmmm ideas start rolling! DID you folks know about the Tree Octopus's? Tree Octopus of the Northwest
  3. I like this one mermaid and girl and this one bunniesand I want this dress lady in gauze and this pic is kinda strange...what exactly is going on in this pic? Whp is the painting of, did she just commision that for him, or is there a lover involved...or is she just asking for money to pay against the credit card....doggie looks like he wants a bone? lol Who is who?
  4. I have gone to several Star Trek Conventions in the past, they were fun. When I enjoyed Star Trek as a kid I considered myself a treker then...except for the longest...I said Star Track. I never like the word trekie either..so demeaning..lol. When I was in high school they called all the kids in band Band Twinkies also the denoting them as demeaner...sigh. OH WELL...all is good! Star Trek lives on and so does our lovely, dangerous and oh so sexy Pyrates! Husssahh. Anyone watch the anniversary special that was on this past weekend for Star Trek it was pretty good. They auctioned off 1000 pcs at Christies, all things in the manner of Star Trek. All stuff they took from volumous warehouses. The Actor that plays Quark Armen Shimerman is the brother of a guy I work with everyday. Funny thing he did not even know his brother was participating as interviewee for this special. Remember those funny little gadgets on Warf's sash? They were actually little electronic gadgets he had picked up at a Convention. The Star Trek writers let him keep them on his sash if he kept the electronis shut off. I have one of those that he has, but one from the same vendor he bought his from. Oh one last note, I work in at an aerospace company and as a guest speaker for the Gay/Lesbians group they had George Takai, he was a fantastic speaker and I got his autograph on a Star Trek Soundtrek CD I bought at a convention quite some time ago. He has been back several times as well. (One manager said to us...he told George..now this is what a real spacecraft looks like when taken on a tour in the factory...lol)
  5. KP that came out very nicely (applause heard in background ). I love decopaging myself. I have used Victorian stickers to do a collage on the sides of a narrow bookshelf and then varnished over.
  6. You-Tube video This is so cool thought I would share. Always knew you could merge the two...arrrrgh
  7. Oh geeez Red...I just re-read the pass I have and yeah it is the FIRST movie as well...geez what a dolt I am....must be getting decrepit!. Thanks for pointing it out!!!! Now I gotta tell a few peeps it has the first movie as well.
  8. I have had the Barbossa scowling at Jack pic for some time now as my screen saver. But I think I will switch it now to the wheel shot...that is classic!
  9. So who from here is going to the Hollywood blvd event. How can they do 3 1/2 hours for one 5 minute trailer?
  10. Flintlock Jack..I remember Mad Jack as well...it was a crack up...always hoped that he would win somehow..
  11. I just read this article and it makes me very mad and sad....I can't believe what happens sometimes in our government. Katrina's faulty pumps
  12. PirateSSe, LOL well you have to be an old fart like me...lol...this was probably from the 60's or 70's.
  13. Glad to be of service to ya sir, always willing to help out a fellow artisan/craftsman!
  14. I actually like Dancing with the Stars if I can remember what channel and what time... The ABC Television Network announces the return of hit series Dancing with the Stars, with a two-hour premiere on Monday, March 19 (8:00 - 10:00 p.m., ET). I don't care for American Idol....what idol..they don't represent an american idol to me. They should re-name that show "Latest Pop Trend"
  15. That's where the art of 'trompe l'oeil' comes in :) trompe l'oeil
  16. I sure do remember that! this website has everything oh my gosh check it out Gasoline Alley
  17. Blackbeard, Yes they should be really really easy. As long as you find the straight pins (6" they come with closure tips). I have seen plenty of craft vendors make these and sell these for a pretty farthing. I always pick them up and study them and there is nothing to them. The hat pin should be a true pin with the head, so that stops the first starter bead or large bead...then pile on your other beads or accent piece, then they secure with a crimping bead. Ta da done! So simple and they usually always charge around 12 to 15 to 17 buckaroonies depending on the beads they used. Hope this helps. I need to buy a pkg of those pins as well. I already have crimping beads. If you need more info let me know good sir. Have fun desiging and making them, perhaps some could be to the customer's liking on the spot? Just an idea, peeps love customizing.
  18. I have been wanting to make hat pins but find it difficult to find the long pins that are just stock. Hmmm I just found a website that has them...you can make your own really. You just need to find the hat pins that are basic and find a bead that is heart shaped and then with industrial glue - glue on to a finding that has the skull and crossbones.
  19. Cappy Satan, Hmmmm that reminds me of the long coats that the cowboys wear..they are oiled to stay up in bad weather on long cattle drives. Austrailian oiled Drover coats. (psssst I always thought these were sexy when I was into the C/W thang)
  20. aye Captain Red...lol I love that movie..I have had that in my collection for a long time...I love to watch it for costuming ideas.
  21. would that be a vertical rectangular piece right up to the collar or more like a elipse going to a point on each end and stopping before the collar and ending at waistline?
  22. On one of the referred to website articles above it also mentions shaving, dipping into tar and then putting the clothes back on. It may very well be some fella's where already bald due to shaving for wearing of wigs. Also a good point was raised about the tar not being such a hassle with the hair. I was wondering they may have sold the hair as souveniers or more wig making? Just a thought.
  23. Oderlesse..ifn you lived close to me I could of helped you to do the mural. What kind of scene you looking for? You are on the right track with a projector. If you cannot afford that there is always the old method of squares and then freehand the design in to each of the squares from a smaller pic, like we did back in the old school days...lol
  24. Are you SURE squeeze box's where only from the 1820's? Hmmm I guess you are right accordian history Also there are women in pirate history....
  25. you mean they want people to show up in costume for reals>?
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