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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Anyone going this weekend...Saturday it is open till 9....the lanterns look so lovely at night. I am not sure if I will be there...will know more tomorrow. If not I will go to the so cal Pleasure faire at Irwindale.
  2. I am sorry I did not go last weekend due to the rain, thought the hay bales would be dripping wet still. Hopefully will make this next Saturday.
  3. Petticoat? Hmmmm can you sew up one fer me...pink tulle and satin...lmao...just teasing KASS!!!!! Guess what I found a picture of a 16th or 17th centurn dame in a 99cent picture frame....I bought the stupid frame just for the picture...the picture was actually nice...but I bought it because the bodice was strung up exactly as you mentioned...spiral...and you can also see in the painting it was tied off at the top...cannot see the bottom tie off. JUST HAD TO TELL you about this pic!
  4. Thanks Rumba, will try to go for the fall timeframe!
  5. Rumba can you send me a link about that faire?
  6. ...how long where the other two?
  7. Oh come on Rhumba please go...I was hoping I could finally meet with you. (Did we have conversation about bodice lacing in another thread, cause I have something to report on that )??? Bess I will do my damdest to find ya....I am going to try to rustle up beau to get there early this year! I will be in more of a gypsy tribal garb and you could most assurdly find me at Traders Market stage for the middle eastern music and of course when the Belly Dancers are on stage! Asakaru and Jacky hope to see ya too...and anyone else here from the pub!!! pssst Rhumba what was up about the garb?
  8. I got an email from Lynda at the Big Bear faire that they are having an essay contest for kids, many different age groups and monetary prizes...check out the website for more details.
  9. On the So Cal Ren Faire website they state the next two weekends are Pyrate Weekends....who's going. I am going on Sat the 21st.... arrrrghhh and hassssah
  10. Okay it starts TOMORROW, anyone going?
  11. Tiger Lee, Please send me an update to my pm here at pyracy please. I may try to rouse some folks to go.
  12. I rent so no upgrades!
  13. Sir Quick, sigh, I have to agree, we should have started at least in the 60's and 70's when any damaging affects to planet was being finally realized. They were saying by the time 2050 there are going to be many drought ridden plains and areas, including good ole sunny cal. I have noticed in the past 2 summers how extremly hot it has been. I have lived in the same house for 25 years and I can tell that the last 2 have been horribly hot to where I had to buy more fans. Usually people by the beach don't need them we have the breezes, but last summer I noticed that there where less breezes and stand still hot days. I can feel the heat rays coming through the roof yes the roof, I have an old house and have no attic so the ceiling upstairs is the roof. I am not looking forward to this summer at all. I am going to buy yet another fan when they put them out on the shelves. Last year when the heat wave hit all the stores around the south bay where sold out, simply amazing.
  14. just saw this and thought you Star Wars peeps would love it...
  15. Oh my god, how terrible!!!! I love that movie soooo much. I even taped it years ago when I first saw it and recognized it automatically as a classic. I am sooo glad they play it over and over on one of the cable channels all day at Christmas time, perfect backdrop for christmas present wrapping or unwrapping or cooking or socializing with friends and family. May God watch over his family this evening.
  16. While I have never gone to the IPCC website. I do trust NOAA, and that is what I usually use as a reference. We build GOES satelites for them and I know they use these extensively to watch the planet. Here is their website you might like to read what they have to say. Artic Report from NOAA
  17. Man San Diego always has great happenings...LA is so dead! Wish I could go to this party. I just happened to stumble across it. Party info
  18. There are countless problems besides the ice caps melting....that is just one of them.
  19. Just can't seem to get mine to grow....
  20. Drag on and on...excuse me....I am sorry but people love their pets and they did just increase the friggin list! There should be more reports in the news on this and congress and the FDA should make sure none of our raw material foodstuffs come from questionable sources even for our animal feedstock. I don't think I will ever buy dog food in the store again now. Dogs and cats are supposed to eat meat anyways not grains. You don't see a wolf or a fox gnawing on wheat fields, if anything nuts and berries. The Vets of America need to come together to have a national website so they can combine their findings. It is horrible the FDA is still standing by 16 deaths shame on them.
  21. I just love when people want to deny that "they humans" are too wonderful to cause any problems in the world. 1) Extinctions of animals are on the increase many yes due to us, overpopulation, polution, taking away their habitats, over hunted. 2) Polution since the industrial ages has what, poluted our rivers, lakes, streams, ground water and oceans. 3) Strip mining, de-forestation, damming...and the plain old concrete jungle has done a number on the landscapes of earth overall. These are just some points there are many more...let's not put a blind eye to it...I hate that! Get with it people yes we are a cause to a lot of it. I am not saying Al Gore is perfect but he points out a lot of things that are happening. I also know that the planet is in constant evolutionary change on it's own terms, but you have to see the big impact what we humans have done to this lovely natural planet. I however see a grim future. We should have started all of this back in the 60's when overpopulation and pollution where talked about and not hushed up. Your great grandchildren I am sure will ask "What the hell where they thinking"!
  22. Phil, Did you see yesterday on the news the high school student that created nuclear fusion. He bought all the parts from ebay etc.
  23. I would like to see more peeps make some nice ladies shoes.....for under our fancy dress and the like...
  24. Watch Al Gore's movie...we just watched a bit of it at lunchtime...the water will go up 20 feet...so islands and near or below sea level areas will be the ones that need to worry. In the film they say San Fran bay and Manhattan Isle and Florida and perhaps Louisianna will have major prob's. There is one island that is considering moving it's population soon already. There is already piracy on the high seas on the eastern side of Africa...also there are warnings out there that it could get worse with terrorists taking on piracy. If they commandeer a Oil Tanker for example they can make it into a lethal weapon heading it into a port.
  25. Oh geeezus....what was I thinking...thanks Bess for pointing that out!
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