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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Then check out this website...this is so cool, which they did this in the states. Under the Thatched Roof
  2. Hmmm took me awhile but I love this sexy old fashioned beauty below.
  3. Oh gawd...poor deer! I know people hunt and eat them, but when I got to the carcass pic could not view any more sorry! But interesting that he built his own cannon!
  4. Welcome aboard, thanks for the rummer!
  5. Well I have news....the peppermint oil did not work, made the yard smell good for 5 minutes but the bloody cretins even ate peanuts after freshly dousing said peanuts with 100% pure peppermint oil. That myth just got busted...sigh. I also heard used cat litter will do the trick...still debating on that idea.... Pirate Squirrels..pishaww...pirates are supposed to work together...keep to the code sorta....
  6. Oh by the way...is there any accounts or even paintings or pictures of pirates (real or fiction) with dogs? I wonder if any kept a dog? Or was it always a tropical parrot or monkey? Even a cat on board would be a good ratter.... and I have to say as well doggies can be good ratters too...lol!
  7. Whoever it was that removed my duplicate post and added my post here, thanks!!!!!! It wasn't till after I noticed there was already a pet thread going, so thanks for removing it!!!!! I was able to take my Jackie the last year faire was accepting pets...but she did not like it..poor thing. She was better off in a park playing frisbee...you know how Jack's are...lol! Anyone out there with a Jack Russel I would looooovee to see it! One day again in the future I will have another Jack or perhaps a rat terrier.
  8. Well you coulda fooled me...darn it!
  9. Well lets see how I do one the Million Dollar raffle - it ends March 17, so lets see how I do on that one first. So far I did not win either of the two preliminary pics for 10K on the raffle numbers. I think there are two more pics on it before the 17th.
  10. Hi Everyone, I miss my puppy so much that passed away last year, and I happen to land on a webpage that was Irish Jacks (Jack Russels) that really made me miss mine even more, so I was wondering if everyone could show a cute pic their puppy or kitty. In memory of my Jackie
  11. Yeah..youre right what ever happened with sideburns did they die out with Elvis?
  12. Jill, what did you experience in the haunted house? The bad one or even the better one.
  13. prithee what is 'roast beef curtains'? (LOL this has been answered) My beau likes behind with some meat to pinch...but you know those naughty italians...they loves ta pinches arse.
  14. Here's Jack with one of our fav mags....
  15. Well Patrick....it wouldn't be the same without you giving us gals some chase...would it now!
  16. Hmmm I wonder if squirrels are afraid of cannons...lol...those lil furry mauraders!
  17. Great Poll! I am on the other hand a lady that likes smooth shaven faces on me menfolk...however...I do like the five o clock shawdow (or one day not shaving) raw sexiness. I love to rub against that!!! How about a poll about Men's hair length? I know alot of pyrates out there sport long hair, even if they do tie it back.
  18. Question..."Why do french fries always find their way under the car seat?" Coffee scented candles....wow that will make me want to have cake or pie with it....! I passed by some great smelling candles in the gourmet grocery store....but I could not figure out which one grabbed my attention so...I kinda boiled it down to one I think is Ginger and White Green Tea.
  19. Very very pretty, do you use a bustle or hoop skirts with that?
  20. lol...actually I think the website is for non leather shoes...it just came up in my search.
  21. Kass, you are probably right, my eyelets are not offset to make this work. I think perhaps I may make a mock up and try it out.
  22. Ever have those chocolates with the coffee beans? Chocolate covered espresso beans I think they are called.
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