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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Potatoe guns....wow...lmao! I missed the part when he was carving...what did he carve it out of?
  2. ...anyone go last weekend? Rumba you going to be there with your group...gonna try to find ya this year ifn yea are! Faire Schedule of Entertainment I am so glad they are having the belly dancers back! Okay who is going?
  3. Maybe he should join this group at this high school... Human Rights Club here is their bloody dress code...pretty vauge ain't it? policies- look at 468
  4. I know this is a re-run, cause me beau said he saw it before when I was describing it. WOW I was out sick on friday and caught this show during the day. Has anyone seen it...it was sooo interesting!
  5. What I would like to know is WHY do we need to IMPORT "wheat gluten" from China. We are the worlds top growers of grains..why do we have to go some backarsed way to get stuff cheap? F-that...all our food stuffs from now on plus our animals feed should ONLY come from the USA from now on FINAL. Get with it FDA!
  6. I have watched specials that just follow how the peeps in the british isles re-do their thatched roof every so often. It seems like a skill from the past that is slowly dwindling but some keep it alive. There are special harvest of the thatch material and curing and such...quite complicated. I am surprised your buddy did it all by himself! Congrats to him. Can you post a pic?
  7. Silent, sigh it's tough being a renter isnt' it...I am too. But I thought about your comment and also I was thinking about seriously doing Decorative Painting when I either quit (ha ha ha ) or retire and was thinking what I could use as portfolio material and I was thinking about painting mural scenes on a big peice of plywood. You could apply this concept as well. Paint something on a large panel and move it against the wall you want...take it with you later, plus no damage to the walls...VOILA!
  8. Hi I was cruising around the web looking for info on Ojai and stumbled upon this event at Shoreline Village, probably around the Pirates Cove store, (which I have been meaning to wander back to to see if they still had a pirate watch I wanted so bad a few years back). Anyone going to this? May 6th 12-6 Shoreline Village Pirate Festival
  9. Oh my gawd...I just found this crazy little website... Dirty Pirate Monkey. com (for all you pirate monkey lovers out there)...it seems the website is still under construction or something...but there are a few things under 'Ask a Monkey' enter if you dare... Dirty Pirate Monkey . com
  10. I know many of you don't watch tv or the news so I thought I would share what's been going on in the news lately about the pet food. Please make sure your pet food is safe. Please check the main article here from the FDA, they have a listing to check against. 14 cats and 1 dog has been reported, but one vet did a search on his own and found that on a website he created he received 250 owners stating their pet was ill or had died. Please check FDA For me, when ever I get my next doggie I will never buy dog food again unless it is from an organic source for kibble, otherwise with even my last dog I gave her meats that I cooked and she ate kibble only if she was still hungry or wanted a snack.
  11. Oh gawd just reading that norweigen twist made my stomach do flip flops...oiiii! I love eggs and I love coffee but both? Yipes.... but in a cold environment like there I am sure you need every bit of protein you can sneak in. The only thing I add an egg to like that would be my own version of Orange Julius or some kind of fruit shake. Anybody here drink Nescafe from Mexico?
  12. As one who loves the advertising industry artwork...bravo. I as well like the olde time advertising artistic qualities. I wish more companies would bring it back! Even Mr. Peanut which is a very old advert has been brought into the new millenium! Coca Cola still manages to squeak its voluptious body shape into its bottling.
  13. beeeeeer doh!
  14. Great pics from the upcoming movie...the third one at the first post is very very intersting with part of the deck poking up outta the sand.
  15. Aye Pearl, I know it be Capt. Barbossa...but was trying to say me laughter in a kinda of Davy Jones way...(I love the way Davy Jones....Ben..speaks in DMC).
  16. kinda a twist on Montery Chicken.. I am making grilled chicken breasts and stuffing them with bacon and swiss cheese.....
  17. Excellent...ha ha ha..I understand german...it's the typical text for advertising anything. It just says if your nerves can handle it...and it's in black...and something to put on your morning toast..basically. I wonder if that is available here? Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Aye...and I will bring the Bratwurst und spaetzle und sauerkraut und rotkohl und BIER! Ha ha ha...german/austrian here! But hey ho...a happy belated St Paddy's day to all of you! I know it's not irish but I made English Bangers and mash (mashed taters) and peas and a hearty rye bread and of course some Bass Ale for my St Paddy's day affairs. Now where's the kiltie judging stand......
  19. Duchess, yes I agree the majority of his moves are for women but there are a subtle few that I think are for a man. I have viewed others on You-Tube that are men and you can definetly tell they are doing a man's dance..some moves are the same as women's moves but you can still tell it is a coreography for the man's body. I love watching the men. If you have any good sites or video's of men's performances let me know.
  20. I have to admit it sure is a tease..cause you still don't know what is going on, you know something is going to happen bigtime, but they left the details out...keep ya hanging..which is a good thing.
  21. from Los Angeles on line 'Taco' magazine
  22. Ha Ha Ha...(trying to say that in a Davy Jones kinda way)...that was tooo funny...chartman..right...lol! Can't wait till the flick comes out...!
  23. I found one more video..but it is a male belly dancer...I know the men will probably be not interested, but as a student of b/d I find it very very interesting and I think the male body can be just as sexy. Check it out if you dare....
  24. I am glad you folks enjoyed. Here is another video of Belly Dance from the same group/artist. This is a bit more traditional but very very cool, her contortions are excellent in isolations. Check it out. Music is really cool on this one...no corny music this time. This is a longer vid, so give yourself a few moments to enjoy. Belly Dance - Morgana
  25. Yeah, I caught the rusky version as well. I should forward it to my russian co-worker he would love it. It's hard to tell what is going on still from that trailer. But it may help to see it tonight on a larger clear basis. Just glad to have another pirate film to watch! Husssah! Glad to see a lot of familiar faces back as well. Can't wait to check out Davy Jones and Bootstrap Bill, and of course Jack! And just one more thing to add...Orlando looked kinda sexy with his headscarf on! Bess is the Russian one the same we will see tonight and in theatres?
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