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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Check this out here is a whole listing of them (Cereal box records) bubblegum music
  2. Bess there is still work to do on the film? Thought it was wrapped up by now?
  3. Ahhh check
  4. Hmmm found the same story in several places as well. Here is one from CNN where the publicist of Johnny Depp said she will be okay..Thank God! And what a beautiful name she has. CNN
  5. Can you tell us a bit more? What is the latest on a trailer?
  6. Yep I kinda do remember those records on the back...from what I remember from neighbor kids trying it out...it was kinda scratchy...lol! Yes I remember trying to find the best stuff and at the same time a cereal that I would eat. I did have my fav's. Cocoa Crispies Cocoa Puffs Trix Corn Chex Captain Crunch Lucky Charms and they are still around today
  7. Thanks Cascabel, I can go back to the 60s for cereal boxes but not 50's. So that is neat that you remembered it...so cool. I think packaging was so much better in one way in the old days as in design appeal. Perhaps it is just nostalgia setting in. This past Christmas Reese's had a vintage box with the old vintage packaging for a box of 12 pcs. Check this out...1909 Kellogg's Jungle Book Ebay Kellogs Jungle Book 1909
  8. Patrick, that's how I like my done now as well. When I was younger I liked it a bit more rare but now as I have gotten older I like it as you said ' a bit of juicy pink still left in the mid section' Gotta love them grill marks..and seasonings to boot!
  9. Random thought: Hopefully this new topic of disarray in the Veterans hospitals will be remedied! Our troops deserve the best for what they gave up!
  10. Or a Nascar that's painted up with piratey theme...arrrh!
  11. LOL..you can whisper it to us....lol and Captain Satan...spinners and hard wood floors..hmmmmm!
  12. Huh, I watch NASCAR and still didnt get it. In Memory of Number 3
  13. RIP ANS
  14. Why dont they put that stuff in the news or a commercial...geez...always find good stuff out a day late and dollar short
  15. Yes Skippy was from the 60's otherwise how else would I have watched it in the 60'S!!!! One of my fav's as well was The Man From Uncle...I loved that blondie boy...lol Oh and also Woody Woodpecker
  16. Captain Satan, One of my favorite movies.... Excalibur...merlin chant and also morgana
  17. too far for me...we need more events down here in so cal!
  18. Well I like rats too...my g/f from high school had rats. The family had a zoo always ....lol! Her rats tail would zip around and around like a helicopter propeller whenever you picked him up.
  19. Yeah there was also town cryers and we don't have them anymore either...
  20. Oh anyone remember the old show from the 60's from down under called "SKIPPY"....we had flipper the ozzies had skippy lol skippy was a roo Skippy
  21. I wonder how you get the news then. I could not live without my cable service, even though it is expensive and they keep dropping networks to push you to get digital cable (I am holding out! I hate my cable company I think they are robbers for doing that). AMC and Turner Classic Movies (TCM) are good except they took TCM Animal Planet was good except they took that. History Channel and the Discovery channel are good for documentaries and educational shows. I love "Dirty Jobs". I cruise through CNN, MSNBC, CNN Headline News, Court TV, Fox News for news that is around the states and globe, never hurts to be informed. Cartoon Network - 'adult swim' can be interesting! (Bring back MTV's liquid tv I say...I miss Aeon Flux type of anime)
  22. Patrick I am sure you look..oh so sexy in yours!
  23. Hail Maria and welcome to yer new furry shipmate! I am sure she will be a fine mouser/ratter aboard! My g/f's bro's ex-g/f found a stray pup in a not so good an area awhile back and brought him home, she gave him the lame name of Squirt...which I hate and does not suit him. I call him Bobby, he still responds..since I always bring him goodies and toys..lol!
  24. Are they hiring at the bar?
  25. Yes I am an artisan....my g/f has lithuanian background and has bought a kit from somewhere and has done a little dabbling, but she knows I am the artist in our group of friends and we have yet to get together to do the hot bees wax. I will check out your pages.
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