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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Lady Seahawke, I know things can get tough in life...take care of mom..hope all is well.
  2. Anyone know of a good website for short daggers or dirks...I want one fer me bodice. It's tough to find ladies knives and such.
  3. golden 'Oink"...golden "Oink"...lol
  4. Disney needs to loosen up....I bet good old Walt woulda had a trailer out by now....
  5. Cappy...I hope yea cleaned those old aquariums out first.......or yea be picking barnacles outta yer teeth....
  6. I guess no one from here rounds up everyone and goes...so sad. Not enough communication on this website to roundup people who are not part of groups and interact with each other. I would think we would want to encourage more new folk into the existing groups.
  7. Sigh my jackie-girl would howl away with me on harmonica
  8. in the song The Drunken Sailor..one stanza mentions a hose pipe what is that?
  9. PirateSSe...I know it is not pyratical...but I just ordered this...I guess I was inspired by Chinese New Year and the upcoming movie with chinese pirates
  10. how old are you 12?
  11. seems we keep getting these morons with their lame porn crapola
  12. Heck if I was a sailor on board and we plundered some spices...I sure would ask cook to put some in the stew!
  13. Hmmm first off...I love anything robotics..but I don't see the purpose of this ride unless it's a great way for ER doc's to the the perps to heave up the drugs they swaller'd....
  14. wonderin if that really be rum in that chamber pot?
  15. Thanks I will use that one.
  16. Hmmmm I would have expected a Treasure chest at least...
  17. Patrick...HA HA HA...you try to hard! Salty...changin yer sex are ya? STILL would love this outfit to catting around the deck in... hollywood doesnt even enter into it....all that matters if beau be drooling...ha ha
  18. Again I want as accurate as possible from the olde days
  19. I want authenic lyrics not made up ones.
  20. Hmm picturing a ship with scottish pyrates with their kilties swingin in da breezes....lol Scottish Pirates
  21. Hi, I keep humming this song, and it's driving me crazy. I am sure someone here knows the most appropriate lyrics. I have found different versions, but I would like to know which set of lyrics is the most accurate. Thanks ahead of time!
  22. Every 60 years is the year of the Golden Pig...not just year of pig .....Golden Pig. Golden Pig is supposed to bring much money! Year Of the Golden Pig
  23. I was born in the year of the pig so yeah lets see what kinda year it brings. Also this is the year of the Golden Pig...which is supposed to be even better. It occurs every 60 years.
  24. Killian...I know there is a naughty one..cause I sent the link to me beau one day..but damned if I can find it..sorries!
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