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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. I don't think the ghost crew was an after thought at all, they could have used any ghost crew from any cast they had picked for this show and it would have worked. It is just a monkey wrench tactic they threw in there for the remaining crew.
  2. Yes you can see all the SUV owners going nuts on that one.
  3. Hmmm topic went from make to hair appliances...oh well...thought I would jump in here about the rouge that was applied to look healthy and spirited. Here is another good article... History of Makeup good article on beauty marks/patches website for article
  4. I still have a problem with the costuming they did for the chinese costumes!!!!!!!! Not too sure if those where authentic to historical garb.
  5. Well last nights TWIST, was sure fun. It is too bad that dorko John lost the key. I would have loved to seen things shook up big time if the Red team had won. Who the heck left John in charge with the key. ....It should have been given to Joe Don to keep. Well it is getting testier on board eh!
  6. Hey bring it on, all I ask for is they write it better than AWE.
  7. Wow Pearl, good thing there will be pyrates....arrrrh! Too bad you will not be there!
  8. Hitman, I enjoyed reading your post. Good notes! Yes I agree while our design for space is different than for terrestrial I was simply pointing out the fact that it is a clean source of energy. I was not stating that people put solar panels on their homes but they can if they want, you have notated here the cost and I am well aware of the costs. What I was eluding to was the Solar Fields that can be set up in the desert etc for energy. We also have built solar cars, but they are only going into the races. The battery cars have a long ways to go before they are clean as well as you stated, and can perform to do a reliable job on the highway. There is another mode that is still not tackled here but in use for ages in 'the old country' and that is trains, electric trains. Also electric roads that you car joins with as you enter was one topic that is brought up from time to time. The super collider I thought at one time was also supposed to be a new venue as well for this concept. But that whole idea got shelved. Innovations of technology will have to prevail for cleaner energy...it will have to, unless we want to keep going down the dirty road untill everything suffocates one day. Just look at the toads and frogs disapearing, they are indicators. We may have to give up our precious cars one day for mass transit if we keep the road we are on. solar fields forever...
  9. One of my g/f's has a Ravenswood bodice, but she has the shorty (the one that stops under the boobs) for more a tribal look, I don't recall her telling me they had any sort of stay. She's rather a timid type and was worried about boobish flying out, but she had no problem the first time she wore it.
  10. Wow that should be easy to make actually. I think I might try to make one myself, youre right a handmade one would look better than a screen print.
  11. For kuchi jewelry, don't forget to scour, garage sales,flea markets, thrift shops, import shops. They used to be dirt cheap in the import shops years ago, now if you find a little bit it is expensive now, but the secondary market is the way to go.
  12. ahem...knock knock knock...guess you did not read my comments on solar panels...ahem..and yes the price keeps falling, as I can see that myself on our hi-tech solar cells. Our panels are made to work in the extremes of space for 15 years, on earth they will last longer. People who are already using this actually sell power back to the grid, they make money. And you still havent sold me on how engines are clean..perhaps cleaner but not clean. We have to change our mentality about the concept of 'change'. We are creatures of habit have have a hard time adapting unless we are forced to, then it's amazing on how we adapt, just like we did with earth's weather patterns through time. The sun is also moving away from us, but the solar events currently we are going to go through and yet to come is what is affecting us as well.
  13. Once again...another Friday the 13th.. Happy Friday the 13th Everyone...
  14. There are out there re-enactors for practically any group...check out the new listing I put on the Raids boards for Marching through History...
  15. The poster child for ADD has no talent....mommy and daddy gave her her talent and that is just $$$$$$$$$$$$
  16. I noticed at the old drum outs at the end of faire even non garb faire goers where writhing to the music, it seems the tribal beat gets everyone in the gut and it spreads outwards from the center. The other night in Belly Dance class I was really wishing I had a Doumbek and knew how to play it. Any Doumbek players here?
  17. I hope I am not being a pain, but which one did you go to, the one in Anaheim - Buena Park ?
  18. I just found this event while I was tracking down when the Roman Soldiers will be appearing again. I was wondering if anyone from here will be participating, it does seem they have a timeframe that includes early eras as well. Marching through History webby
  19. Pearl, I really wanted to go to this really badly, but me beau could not make it so I did not want to go alone. Are those photo's from last weekend? Those are great!!!!! I wanted to go especially to see the Roman Soldiers since me beau is from Rome and we always watch all the History channel shows about Rome etc.
  20. Really, they did not mind people showing up in Garb, sound good to have a Birthday party there or something with a small group o pyrates. Did you have to tell them ahead of time you will be arriving 'dressed to kill'?
  21. ...ha ha har...ruffians...scallywags I call em. (Patrick me boyo, I sent ya a PM about the Labyrint Ball, are you GOING this weekend?)
  22. bonnie, as a fellow artisan I have to say GOOD JOB. In my artistic opinion the second girl's head is not too big at all, try extending her chin a little bit longer, just a touch and see if that does not make her fall into place.
  23. How many have heard about the new flick " Underdog"? Remember that cartoon as a kid. I kinda wish they animated it, or at least found a more homely looking dog like the original Underdog looked like...lol "There's no need to fear, Underdog is here"
  24. I sure wish they would get back on track for cars made with non-polluting substances...I get sick everytime I am behind those big trucks that spew those fumes...with the tech of today...look at the bleeding cell phones...why can't we...but wait, we probably have the tech..it's the almighty dollar and greed that is behind it. I think wave power could also be harness, at docks etc. I still want to visit the new Whole Foods market they built up the street and ask the management if their store has the solar panels on top. In the show I previously mentioned "The Power of the Sun" they mentioned that Whole Foods markets are trending to do this with their stores.
  25. I was going to mention as well that you can make your own tassles...everyone probably made them in school as a kid. Here's a website with tons of middle eastern costuming patterns, they have added loads more since I last looked. They even have a pattern for the gothic tribal belt similar to the one I made for my Pirate outfit. (It is towards the bottom of the page) pattern webby Here's another page with beautiful belts tribal belt webby And here's a page for making tassels tassel making webby
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