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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. I was only trying to relate what we can do to protect ourselves for any future citizens of the US to get hurt.
  2. Christine, we do we get gifts for years of service 5 10 15 20 etc. We used to get a company pin with years of service and money for a party. Now they give us a catalog to pick something outta, like the old blue chip catalogs...lol Us oldtimers however missed the old company pin, because the more years the higher the stone grade (even though it was teensy chip) was. Emerald, saphire, diamond etc.
  3. Has anyone watched this. I think it's great except for how horrible the men can be about women. But I love the old stuff I remember from back then, the clothes, the old cig lighters, the cars, the homes, the decorations, the booze, the cigs, the typewriters etc. Pretty controversal show, but I like it so far.
  4. taken from Wiki
  5. Geez been at my job 28 years and get squat..lol...but we are a huge enterprise. Hope you got a employee of the month parking spot...CONGRATS!
  6. Rusty, Well let us know if no one claims it and it is yours.
  7. Barber- thanks for posting that about The Old Ship. I printed out some items from that page. I will show a co-worker that as well that is a Brit and pines for Brit food.
  8. Can you call the coast guard back up and said you reconsidered and yes you will take the boat if no one claims it? Err, I hope there was no foul play about the boat to find a boat just sailing along, these days so many things can happen.
  9. Always wanted to check this out, but after looking at a listing...there are lots of them out there that are just ruins. Ghost Towns _ Calico sorry the link is not for calico but for one of the abandoned ones that is just ruins.
  10. "Underdog" opens today. Anyone planning on seeing it. I want to see it, cause the dog is so cute and I think the voice over is cute. I remember watching the homely looking original Underdog. I miss my pup so much.
  11. Hi Patrick, I don't think it sounded like you were attacking me at all. I thought it was funny, cause I was being playfull about it anyway. funny with those new 5 gal toitey's I have to flush twice anyway...and I am close to LA. HA HA HA
  12. Red Bess, That is what I thought of as well. I still remember hearing of the news on the way home from shopping and turned on the news to see that. Whomever is at fault for not watching our infrastructure is irrevelant now. What needs to happen even after Katrina everything in our country needs to be looked at. Not just bridges, but think of highway overpasses as well. It's terrible that so many bridges are catogorized as marginal. Why do we always wait, being pro-active is always the best management. Re-emphasis on our country needs to happen soon. We will soon be a nation of a big mess if we don't start cleaning up our act. One reporter said the terrorists are just sitting back watching all of this. I don't know if I am crazy or something, I was home all day yesterday and was watching this coverage all day, at one point the news was re-broadcasting a surveilence camera's footage of the collapse, and it looked as a small red flash was under the bridge. A terrorist could place some plastics on a rusted part of a bridge and poof the whole thing could come down. I think they need to put camera's everywhere like that from now on. I feel for the family's for losses and injuries, how terrible. And bravo for the people on the banks and survivors for helping immediately. They were the first responders before the first responders came which also did a good job people said. I don't know why it's taking so long for the underwater recovery. I heard so many reasons. I don't know why they did not bring more cranes to the area yet. Mission, I think a new post about "Escaping from a car underwater" would be a good post. I heard them explain things yesterday on the news that the guys from Mythbusters said WOULD NOT WORK, and they had a show that tested it all out. One guy said to let the car float...they don't they fill up. A lot of bad information was out on the airwaves about that yesterday. I still have to go get that punch.
  13. OH MY GAWD, I cannot believe it....oh my...I liked Cheryl so much on the show, she was so well spoken. I have to try to find the article and as well check the Pirate Master wiki.
  14. Ha ha ha Patrick...just like we pay for water now, cause it's so polluted, we will be paying for air one day...I can just see those lovely airpacks on our backs now....HA HA HA!
  15. ...ew..just too too weird...could not read it. But when I saw the words in the Post title Ice cream bunny. It reminded me of BLUE BUNNY ICE CREAM. We had a free ice cream social here at work and Blue Bunny Ice Cream was passed out. Blue Bunny is not sold in CA, but I knew they wer good, because I saw a show "How is that made" or something like that and they were at the Blue Bunny factory. Blue Bunny Ice cream I have to say is very good. Sorry for straying off topic but it reminded me of this ice cream. Blue Bunny Ice Cream
  16. Ha ha ha, I remember that title from the 60's people raved about it, but as a kid, I never watched soaps, but I remember seeing it on in other people's homes, so I remember that character. Johnny would be great, he has a wide range. This morning I saw the very tail end of the 9th Gate and the other day Sleepy Hollow was on, so he can do dark films very very very well. Christine check this out... Frid Anniversary
  17. Oh Patrick, I found this... Cooling Article 1975 Newsweek
  18. Heat waves is just the beginning..Wiki Ice Age.the whole thing doesnt just happen over night, but the significance of weather changing to be erratic is just the beginning of the whole change. I don't see Al's movie as a Political Ad at all, and I guess as a previous poster said you are either on one side of the fence or the other, when you believe what is slowly going on. But I watch countless shows on PBS and even if the topic is the Rain Forests and Jungles the scientists even on those shows speak about the global warming and what's going on with the rain forests. Our planet is fragile, it's doing enough with it's own changes for us to help it all detrimently. I don't remember an Ice Age coming in the 70's at all Patrick. I just remember the Gas Crisis and waiting in long lines, and alternate days corresponding to your license plate number. What happened to that...there is no gas shortage, all a play for $$$$$$$. If you want a good resource for stuff, please go to the NOAA webby NOAA
  19. It's funny most people don't like that movie for those two facts, I guess I am in the small community STILL, that does believe that this is possible with the sea table rising, they have proved it many times that it is, by the measurements they take. In regards to the humans not having a heart for robots, well I guess that is the heartless nature most humans have, look how we treat animals and the planet. I for one had passion for the robot. A novel I was working on back in the 70's stated the same concept human love for a robot, but it was the central character, but the robots are always pursued..by oh so demigod humans again. We are trully wretched I believe and will bring about our own demise. I could have love for a robot...I can't get rid of my teddy's for the same reason. I could not help thinking of this "The Roads Must Roll", by Robert Heinlein.
  20. It's amazing on how the $$$$$ people say there is no Global Warming...and the arogant ones as well "who think Humans can do no harm and we are the demi-gods of earth and can do what we want" chime along. (That was not intended for any posters..just a statement in general). I again trust what NOAA has to say and many of the scientific community...the world is changing...I am sure there are things the planet is doing by itself due to it's own evolution, but the tons of crap we have spewed into the atomosphere since erven the year 1900 has added up to alot, think of what you see on the road ahead of you and multiply that by all the cities, then the factories and what they spew. Lawnmowers, blowers everything that spews and multiply that...alot of drek going into our beautiful world. Just think of it..this world is sooo so miraculous, life itself is the most beautiful miracle of all, we are so lucky it happened here and we are alive to enjoy it. But for how long, we can't keep thinking we don't do anything destructive, that's what we do conquer and destroy. The reason I mentioned that we must change one day about that, is not an issue if we want to, to serve the general need, but a MUST do attitude, or eventually we will be forced one day, when" your great grandchildren are here to scratch their heads and say Why did they not see it coming". Sure, there's plently of oil, yeah let's use it till we choke. I say why...we have the technology let's use it. I watched the movie AI for the first time this week, I even had to go out and rent it, so I could watch it in detail with no commercial interuptions. I was thinking about the cars used in that film. I also thought it was interesting that they also used Global warming in the film, even though it was about Artificial Intelligence and how we would relate to it. Conceptual vehicle/bike
  21. Surprised there is no Internet Gestapo yet....lol...send them to the Gulag
  22. Yes they suck...especially if you are single and don't have kids, so you give all your friends gifts when they have their shower, again at the wedding and again every time they plop out a kid...what about us..what do we get...nothing, if your lucky they remember your birthday or at christmas, but they also get that...so we loose out on the countless showers and the wedding. And then the kids all have their birthday parties and more gift giving..it's not fair to those like I PERIOD, fed up!
  23. Wow that looks wonderful..Brava! I see those pirate figures at the dollar store too and am tempted to buy them, but they look perfect for your fish pond!!!! Great photo's thanks so much!!! By the way do you find that your flowering Hyacinth's grow like mad and fill up your pond?
  24. I am ticked, I wrote them my piece of mind on the CBS feedback website. I don't have a puter to watch tv...I have a tv to watch tv. They are airing the remaing segments on line every Tuesday morning....arse's....trully arse's! Article about show being pulled
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