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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Thank you King's Pyrate for sharing your pics and discussion on your hat making. I believe it is still considered a 'cocked hat' but a bicorne. So far the hat blanks I received are coming along very nicely, except I have noticed they are losing their stiffness from being worked on. Does anyone know if steaming will loosen or tighten, I have not used any steaming technique as of yet, just warm water wetting and spot drying. Oh I found this little video today on how to make a Pirate hat from an old pair of leather pants... DIY
  2. Was all that debate really called for...Really. Grieve if you want to, don't if you don't want to period. But chastizing us that do is just well ...just lame. Iron Bess is correct to each is own...end of debate.
  3. Hmmm I don't think they will match my track pants...lol...
  4. I guess I remember shellac from childhood, that thick goopy yellow stuff.
  5. Or a big ole vintage vanity tray mirror and add white flocking for waves? Build a little port village around it with light up lights..oh so cute as a Pirate theme.
  6. Nudges Patrick aside...he he...I think the lad wants to actually see the ad flick...he he...I would too. I come from the land over us as well and I like Molson a lot... maybe I will see if it is on You Tube. I could not find it ....but I found this "very silly pirate short film" did I say Very SILLY? pIRATe shoRT film...
  7. "Haaarrrr,.....a rascally nature and a cupper o rum"...
  8. Thanks Rumba for the compliment. Ody...ah I see. I love working with clay myself. I usually enroll in an Adult School class so I can work with clay. I don't think they even offer ceramics any more. Last time I had seen it in the booklet I think it was up to 90 bucks (and that is at a High School). Seems that it is a dying art. I hope the next administration brings back Music and Art curriculim back to the schools. When I was going to high school we heard that the community college back then even had glass blowing. Gone are many art courses. I had at least the priviledge of taking jewelry a couple of times and Enameling a couple of times. I think Enameling is now gone as well.
  9. Rented "The Brother's Grimm", it was a bit strange, but after viewing it a couple of times, it seemed a bit better. Terry Gilliam at play here on this movie. Have not seen "The Patriot" yet, will rent that next.
  10. Well said to Blackjohn and Ransom....... hormones will make yea daft
  11. Bravo, that came out very very nice! Anybody catch that show on HGTV THE TRASH BRO'S. They find trash at someone's house and reinvent it into something awesome and then leave it for them. The other day I rescued two pine tv trays. I sanded them down all over and have now decopaged the tops with nautical pin ups and sailor jerry tattoo pin ups. I just love them. I wish their original owners could see them. Ooops they are the Junk Bro's Junk Bro's HGTV
  12. Ody - What kind of clay, what kind of firing, do you have a kiln?
  13. I have a gazillion Sailor Jerry bottle hang tags that I save when I buy Sailor Jerry Rum. I often thought about doing at least a nautical tree and using these bottle hang tags as onaments along with ship's wheel's etc. Since I handcraft Santa's I thought about making a Pirate Santa this year, but got off on a tangent on making a Krampus, I let you all look that character up if you want to. (comes from my Austrian heritage)
  14. Well I received the two hat blanks on Saturday. I needed to reshape the head size for both, one a little larger and one a little smaller. I played around with wetting just the inside edges with hot water on a wash cloth and then dried and shaped with my hair dryer. I then started shaping a bit with hat pins the sides of the hats to make tri-corn shapes. I just hand rolled the backs with my hands and they stayed rolled just from that. I noticed the more you play around with these the more looser they become. I really don't want to use shellac on these hats. I think I will find a fabric stiffener to try first. I started to trim out a brow band shape on my hat since my beau wants a more Jack Sparrow look to his and since he is so tall, I don't think I need to trim off much of his hat just the scalloped edging from the originall pressing. I am finding that from handling the hats the press marks are getting a little eased as well, and I think by using some warm water and a stiff small nylon brush carefully restructure those marks. Well it's been fun experimenting.
  15. Too bad they did not have one little photo with him dressed in character with the kids around him, I would have loved to see that pic!
  16. Mission and Patrick, at least you can give a hand to him, since you do know of him, because he was in the public's view. They say of him he was an actor's actor. I have to give him credit for that. I enjoyed him immensely in Casanova. I didn't even know it was him in "10 things I hate about you", but I thought he was just a doll. Perhaps it's because I am a woman and view him differently. I don't know, all I can think about is poor babie. From the start of that horrid war they started I have been mourning all the losses. I have cried for them as well, and every time I hear more anouncements I think and cry of those poor babies as well.
  17. that is so nicely done BRAVO. I have yet to get some pyratical fabric for meself as well. Would like to use some as a lining for a bodice. Another idea is you could make your own pirate map for the center. Remember the old school technique of drawing on material with crayons and then setting them with an iron, or even fabric paint. But the little ones could make their maps with crayons...just an idea from your friendly neighborhood craftsperson....wink Recently I found a couple of tv tray tables the ones out of pine, someone threw away a couple of them. I took them and sanded them down and then decopaged a vintage Pinup Pirate girl and then surrounded it with other piratical items...it came out so cool. I have yet to work on the second which with have Sailor Jerry Tattoo flash on it.
  18. I was so upset when I first heard of this. I was upset for the rest of the day. I thought to myself "Poor Baby", he was still a babe. He was so sexy and so so handsome. I especially loved him in Casanova, which I def need to go ahead and buy now for sure. Rest in Peace Beloved
  19. ...I know overtime Pirates have been featured in commercials..but I just love this one...I love when the old lady gives the one pirate 'the evil eye' when he goes Yeeehawww. Free Credit Report - Pirates singing
  20. off of ebay there is one seller 'giftwatchexpress' that has a big selection of skull clip on watches this was my... item # 160202029848
  21. Yes there was a spray that you put on when you used the pastels chalks. I remember the art students using it, but they had the correct spray for that, but I am sure you could use Aqua Net. Hairspray is a friggin glue after all so to speak..lol
  22. boy I guess I am cheap this is what I purchased lately...should be coming soon...It is a clip on watch...so I can clip it onto my belt.
  23. Hi Patrick, I tried all kinds of searches too. I did also see somewhere where the use of Shellac is used as a stiffener, and there is also a hat stiffener, and then I saw somewhere else someone mentioned white glue but that will get nasty if it gets wet again. I think someone mentioned using Aqua Net Hairspray....? I guess I will do more searching again, thanks for the info.
  24. Help....getting my hats in a couple of days, need some help here if you can spare it.
  25. I thought it was the Golf Channel and some lady interviewer said something to the effect to Tiger about the other competors lynching him or something like that, but just to mean come after him in heightening their own game and coming after him in that sense. The word was used at a bad time due to the upheaval due to the 'nooses' found everywhere stemming from the incident with those high school kids. Spin spin spin...and PC where will we go from here..sigh! Can't say anything anymore with out it being misused. Hmmmm I give to the thrift shop all the time and never ask for a receipt to claim it off of taxes. I figure that is my way of giving....in the sense of 'give/donate'.
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