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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye!!! GRUEL!!! Tis wot makes us all so CRUEL!!! More please!!!
  2. Hehehe... An' fer th' SCAdians... "If ye can't get L*** at Pennsic War, you'll never get L*** at all"
  3. Wot 'appens in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas...
  4. a twist o' th' tale (tail?) ::shrug::
  5. There's always room for Jello..... AAArrrgghhh!!!
  6. :: walks in thru the doors :: Whatcha say there William? Blood Puddin' ? Tha' th' lunchoen special? Nay, s'not ta me likin' so much... "ows about some cold mutton wi' a side o' greens? Aye, Guiness'll do ta wash it'all down... Thankee Kindly... :: drops some ducats on the bar ::
  7. M.I.B. "Sucks, don't it..."
  8. Aye, Tha' wee lad is a fine youngun' William! I have a simular picture o' me own lad just like tha'! Iffn' I could on'y figure how ta post it.... Mmmm... th' menu fer th' day looks grand...
  9. Excellent thread... A'right, my name... 'nuther SCAdian 'ere... Back in '87 I joined our local group, and needed a name... Lasseter came first, No I didn't get it from a Tom Sellick move "Lassiter"... Tho I see most folks misspell it as such. I was at a forign film festival and one of the directors last names was Lasseter, it caught my eye.... Dorian came a year later... I friend who is a Micheal Moorcock fan sorta named me after Dorian Hawkmoon - even tho at the time I looked more like another character, Elric of Melnibone'.... So Dorian Lasseter was 'born'.... Now onto th' reenactor part... I usually don't use this name for reenactment, I use a modified historical version of my given name... Kitt O'Madain or O'Madden whichever spelling ye likes... 'Nuff o' tha'... Dorian started as a persona in the SCA... Born in Scottland (where exactly, I've kept vague), he was the 2nd son of a shipwright, learned the trade and helped his father in the 'yard. Once of an age he set out to make his way in the world, was conscripted into HRH's Army as a musketeer, but soon found himself aboard ships more than on land. When peace was declared (What war? again lets keep it vague) he took up life at sea, worked on many merchant ships, and through certain luck, worked his way up to Captain of a ship and was granted a Letter of Reprisal (Letter of Marque) By HRH or England... This was some time ago (and another story... I actually was given a Letter of Marque in the local SCA Navy) Now I's just happy ta be out n' about in th' world... My apologies fer the blatherin'... Din't know I was soo long-winded....
  10. calm before the storm
  11. POTC Soundtrack... Weekend's here!!!!
  12. :: comes floating in, held off the ground by the thick aroma of fresh belgian waffles :: Mornin' all... Master Red Wake, I'd be obliged fer one o' them fineries... An' some Irish breakfast tea iffn' ye please... Thankee.... Pheasant under glass... I think I'da bonked 'im on the 'ead with tha' drinkin' vessel an' called 'im 'Peasant under glass'....
  13. Well now... I'll be tryin' my hand at makin one from that template... gonna make a wooden one first, use it as a template if it comes out good. We have a small foundry where I work... I'll see ifI can make one out of brass, but we normally make stuff out of aluminium... Hardest part will be all the degree markings...
  14. Mahap ye hasn't... Tha' comes from me days o' goin' ta airshows...
  15. HAs ye ne'er heard o' Prince Ifitiches-Scratchit?
  16. Prince Ifitiches-Scratchit...
  17. AH.... A'right.... Lessee... Dot, Yacko... I's stumped.....
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