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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. (stuffs a robe and a single sock down the back of his trousers, in the process looking like a well-fed hamster) No, no - haven't seen a thing! Ye kin have me leather coat, tho, M'lady...here... (turns and waddles away)
  2. Awww...go fer it, Cap'n!
  3. When I heard that deep, rumbling voice, I thought you had a cold - it was just Diego
  4. Yer voice be as sweet as when I first heard it, luv!
  5. And a wonderful word it was! Sounds like you folks had a great time!
  6. Ahhh, Boone's Farm - Cap'n, thet brings back sweet memories! TOO sweet, actually!
  7. Aye, me beauty, it be th' same way wi' me - I were possessin' a full head o' hair many moons ago, an' now th' authorities' STILL be lookin' fer me, even though I be bald... ...but truly, I think it be the baboon whot gets the most attention...
  8. Dr. Phil says: Like many here, I find myself using "pyrate-speak" quite frequently in everyday life. A waitress brings a cup of coffee - I reply, "Thank ye, m'lady"...I use the terms "lass" and "lad" for children..."Aye" comes up more often than not...and "arrrgh", as over-used and expected as it has become, is always on the tip of my tongue. PyratePhil says: Aye, I be usin' the pyrate words - what be it to ye?!? Sometimes it be embarrassin, it be...but even me cabin boys be speakin' the speech now...we three be cruisin' on th' weekend in various ports, and the men- an' wimmen-folk be lookin' a mite queer at us - we jes' be chucklin' away...
  9. Wow - hope I never have to find out about all that...they'd end up doing a cavity search on me, with the stuff I carry...
  10. Actually, I be kinda worded out this eve, m'lady...but since I got only one mouth but two ears, I be ready and willin' ta listen... 'course now, we BOTH be listenin' an' nothin' bein' said! A fine Zen moment it be, aye...
  11. (Plops into the offered chair, belches, spins open the bottle, wipes the mouth with his sleeve, and offers a swig to Lady Hetha) Aye - 'tis the hair o' th' mad dog whot bit me...
  12. Mmmm...where'd ye hide yer blades? Or were they in th' luggage? I'd think nowadays, the high level of national paranoia would keep me from being in gear anywhere but directly on the fest site...
  13. (PPhil enter with a screw-top bottle of warm Mad Dog 20/20) I'll be havin' thet drink with ye, M'lady!
  14. Can you remove the feathers and box/ bubble-wrap them separately?
  15. ...thought it was Elmer Fudd... singing "Love Will Keep Us Together"... Wuv.... Wuv will keep us togewer... T'ink ov me babe whenewer...huh, huh, huh, huh, huh (Scwewy wabbit...)
  16. Now both words start with "L", that's true And both are mighty strong But "Lust" has one short meaning And the other stretches long Just like the Sun far in the sky So Lust burns bright and hot But Love is like the Galaxy It's end in sight is not So "Lust" and "Luv" be HAPPY words They're great for making friends But I still "love" the OTHER word 'Cause true love never ends
  17. He said the word! The naughty word! The "L" word - loud and clear! It was a word that many lured And hoped to never hear! T'was used in haste and such a waste To say it in that way For when you use the "L" word, then, Your soul will have to pay But "Lust" is good - "Luv" is okay So long's you keep in mind That such Hallmark emotions Are impossible to find!
  18. Very Zen, that is...
  19. I, _____, take ye, ______, ta be me wedded wife. Wi' deepest joy I be receivin' ye into me life, that together we be one. As is Davy Jones to His locker, so I will be to ye a lovin' and faithful First Mate. Always will I be promisin' ye me deepest love, me fullest devotion, me tenderest care. I be promisin' I will live first. last, and always fer ye. I be promisin' that I be leadin' our lives into a life of faith, trust an' love. And so throughout our lives, no matter what may lie ahead o' us, stormy sea or fair, I be pledgin' to ye me life as a lovin' and faithful First Mate. (semi- tongue-in-cheek)
  20. Phil looks up just in time to see Capt. Ciaran's swirling...um...COAT...outside the door...
  21. George Duke - "Sexy Cool"
  22. Best o' dreams to ye, lad!
  23. ...ahh... ...and here I were thinkin' o' ye sittin' there, with yer hard-drive chock-a-block full o' food figures and dainty dietary diagrams... I'll jes' pick at th' leftovers, sira - not too a-starved right now...
  24. William- Be there ANY picture o' foodstuffs ye DON'T be possessin'???
  25. Well, M'Lady - truth be known, I'm not real accomplished at time travel, but for you, I'll make an exception.
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