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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. It's time for ye to walk the plank. But first, ye must be whipped with me cat'o'nine tails and then keel-hauled. Then I will forgive ye for barking like a salty dog that ye are.
  2. That's enough, Captain Morgana Bloodheart. Do ye want Mikey to pull the plug before it's even gotten started? Do ye not remember what happened to Tigger and his man handling? Mark my words, Mikey will pull the pirates if we women have too much fun. Oh..Did I go too far?
  3. Thanks and I have ye beat out. I have three not so small boys (ages 10, 9, and 7). Me mate thought it was a good "went to London and this is what I brought ye back" present. I think he was at sea too long.
  4. Kinda of off-topic here, but since both Alien and Predator were both sold to another production house (hence AVP).....maybe we can hope that someone (SKG, Bruckheimer) might buy Disney's live action productions since Mikey wants to stop making live action movies?
  5. Hey Capt'n Slappy, I noticed on yer website that ye called "Pyracy Pub" people who take pirating a "little too seriously." Now yer here promotin yer stuff and wantin our participation? Ye know, one small stone can make ripples across an ocean. It be my correctin the commodore of me local Az Yacht Club (yep, we have yacht club in the middle of the desert) that Talk-like-a-Pirate not be 19, August as he was stating, but the correct date of 19, September. In refering him to yer site, I spied yer small stone. Sure hope you don't have a glass ship.
  6. Iron Bess, Love. Are they going to have Jacks at Disney World as well as Disneyland? Also, they need a Captain Jack Sparrow on a ship. I know...how about the MAGIC?! (This is for purely selfish reasons) Maybe I can talk me mate into going to Disneyland in December after the castle is unveiled for the 50th anniversary.
  7. Hey, isn't that the boat from the movie "Captain Ron"?
  8. Now there's an actor who would be a great foil as a Corsair for Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow. That is, of course, if Geoffrey isn't available.
  9. For the right amount of money, anything is possible. Isn't that so, Iron Bess? Too bad Michael Eisner is still in charge of the Mouse's vision and purse.
  10. I've been to Aptos. Cool little town. Nice beach. Ye need to go visit sometime. Hey, we get hurricanes on the West Coast. They usually come up the Baja and sometimes veer over into Arizona. Don't last long much from there. Desert soaks up all their moisture. Although I think they are called typhoons because the come off the coast of Japan.
  11. Awesome job, Capt'n Grey. Yer Mitchell is definitely going to be a lady killer when he's gets older. Sounds like ye had a grand time.
  12. Happy Belated Birthday, Lass. Hope ye had a great time in Vegas. Next time, don't get so excited and start jumping around befores ye get there.
  13. Lovely coin, nice tatoos, cute kitty up on top of your bookcase.
  14. Jewish/non-Jewish.....me lass, I don't care what religion they be. I am Black Hearted Pearl who sails the seven seas and breaks all the blokes' hearts.
  15. Happy birthday Hunting Hawk! Happy birthday Captain MacNamara.
  16. What are ye saying? That only I, Black Hearted Pearl, could interpret a scarf hanging directly below the center crease to be something less appropriate? Well, let me add to my interpretation....he not be jewish either.
  17. The picture of you didn't come up.
  18. It was on at 12am here! What a disappointment.
  19. Personally, the article is little late on the fashion trend. Pirate inspired clothing hit hot last year on the fashion world's runway. As far as Hot Topic being a teen friendly place...it's more like a Goth friendly place than a "teen friendly" place IMO. Personally, I like to wear subtle indications of a pirate. That way I can wear it to places like the PTO meeting. Only if someone looks really closely, do they figure out they have been talking to a pirate.
  20. Free Rum and Naked Pyrates and Bloody Buckets Birthday! Why it don't needin be Bloody Buckets Birthday if you have free rum and naked pyrates. I be coming anywas. Happy Birthday Bloody Buckets!
  21. Welcome aboard, Lass. Don't be shy.
  22. Is there something sticking out between that pirate's legs or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
  23. Awesome photos, Lass. Well Done on yer prize!
  24. If it were a secret, hows would ye know about it now? My suggestion would be to contact an antiques dealer who specializes in 16th century furniture. Most likely any of the hiding places built into furniture pieces could have been duplicated aboard a ship.
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