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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. I couldn't take being crew any longer. Besides, the only way I could get a chance to crew was to be promising something more than I was willing to give. So I got me my own boat. Well, me mate bought it for me birthday (not until June, but early is okay). Now it just be a wee small boat, a capri 14.2 mod I. I figure I will learn faster and harder than I would with a keel boat. Me boys want to name it Jaws or Jolly Rancher (younger version of Jolly Roger). I haven't decided yet, so any suggestions will be welcomed.
  2. I already be ownin one of him. He's interesting to look at, but not very lovable. (hard plastic all around) Me favorite is me POTC doll from 1985. Now, he be a treasure.
  3. Smoked sausages be a good meat to serve. Easy to heat and easy to eat. Along with that, how about some barbequed smoke fish. A good salmon (a wee bit expensive) and of course some nice warm clam chowder is good too. A warm crusty sourdough bread with thick slabs of fresh butter. And of course, some key lime pie from trader joes to finish it off. Well, that be a bit of an idea for ya.
  4. Ifin I lived in So. Ca, I'd be interested. Always looking for a reason to wear me costume. Alas, me dh would have a fit ifin I were to get a job "away from the kids and him"
  5. I'm recording it as it comes at 11 pm which is well past me bedtime, but I be using Tivo and ner own a tape anymore. I will see ifin I can make a DVD. No promises...just another experiment with the new technology.
  6. From the History Channel website. www.historychannel.com Investigating History: Captain Kidd Airs on Monday, May 3 @ 10:05PM ET/PT For centuries, popular culture has depicted Captain Kidd as an illiterate, devious, merciless pirate. But we turn the tables on accepted fact to uncover a different story. Kidd was an intelligent, well-read businessmen living in New York, when English King William III commissioned him for "special operations"--as a pirate hunter. Why did he switch from hunter to hunted? Was he a "double agent" of piracy? Was he hung as a paradigm for those who dared blur the distinction between privateer and pirate? TV PG
  7. Congrats Nigel. Looking forward to seeing the pic of your work and not of you. Oh...that's not what I meant....you know what I mean.
  8. Haven't seen it personally, completely, thoroughly. Scupper said those with positive reviews had free rein of his liquor cabinet. I'm practicing for the raid, oh I mean rein, on Scupper's liquor cabinet. See above post
  9. Oy! Scupper! What did I do wrong mate? I'm part of this too, remember? In fact, as I recall, you kept both feet on Terra Firma, while I was takin' me chances with that narsty rope round me neck. Actually, I know lots of people who will pay for a picture of me with a rope round me neck, so this will be a big business opportunity. Hawkyns Scupper:...... It was fantastic. Rum please Hawkyns...... You are listed as "others" in the credits. And how many pieces of eight for the pic of you with the rope around yer neck?
  10. Arrrrgh, I have a crick in me neck from trying to look at it. Ye needs to rotate yer pic or you'll be responsible for a bunch of gimpy pirates.
  11. Being a blue-eyed blonde with well-endowed cleavage and wearing my cursed coin explains all the looks I was getting from that guild. Personally, I'm too wise to be playing the games the Port of the Black Sail plays.
  12. Hmmmm....that's one way to get your hands on the treasure of the logo. Good pirate thinking Brannigan.
  13. Loved the flyer and logo. I'm itchin to be piratin it. Just can't figure out how to modify the text to suit me own needs.
  14. Too Too funny. Excellent timing as well. It would be perfect if ye had pictures of my love..the Tall ship, Lady Washington, but Johnny's not bad either.
  15. She be a beauty. Congratulations on your berth.
  16. Ruby and I will hopefully be arriving early enough to help with set up on Friday. We will be visiting Iron Bess in the morning and then after lunch driving to pick up Red Maria and her gear before driving up. Am I being too ambitious?
  17. Well, I be decidin to go to Ojai for the 24th weekend. Don't think me mate will allow another trip to So. Ca. so soon. Arrrrgh, there be way too many things to do in So. Ca. in the spring. Chasing handsome pirates be one of themm too.
  18. Me favorite weapon is me girls up front. The boys be oggling them and then I clock them over the head with whatever is handy. I use to think them a curse cuz they make climbing the rigging a little more difficult, but ye got work with what God gave ya.
  19. I think we've done this dance before, but here it goes again. Captain Blood (Errol Flynn) Princess Bride The new Peter Pan Sinbad (Douglas Fairbanks Jr & Maureen O'Hara)
  20. Happy "Erb" th day to ye, Matey!
  21. Let's here it for Kill Bill and it's arse kicking fight scenes starring females. Also, ye can always dress as a man and audition. I believe there were a few in POTC.
  22. Ahoy Mateys, Attending me first period encampment. Lookin for suggestions on what to bring and what NOT to bring. I'm not stayin at the encampment; me sis and I are staying at the Inn, but I needs a clew on what to bring.
  23. Speaking of sponsorships, I just heard Pusser's Rum is promoting a lot of sponsorships lately. Looks like they are trying to become more of a household name. Anyone looking for sponsors should give Pusser's Rum a try.
  24. It be right kind of ye, Iron Bess to give the heads up on this. Even though I will never have such opportunities, maybe some day I can say "I knew them when they was just a scallywag at the pub." Good luck to all those (take the plunge, Captain Wolfy Wench) who take a stab at it.
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