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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Ahoy me mateys, I went to the 1st day of the Pirate Invasion at the Arizona Ren Faire. They be having a Pirate contest. I entered me three boys and meself. (Pardon me bragging) The oldest got honorable mention and the two youngest one second place as the Barbossa Brothers. Meself won first place in the adult competition. There were many dashing pirates. One even looked like Captain Jack Sparrow. I was one of 3 lady pirates who entered. I guess it be me "assets" that tipped helped. It was a grand, but hot time. I will definitely be planning more time there next year.
  2. There's a six page comic strip of "The Pirates of the Caribbean" featureing Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner.
  3. I'm not talking about crewing. I'm talking about cruising. At different ports, the Lady takes on passengers for short overnight sails. The last one was between Marina Del Rey and Long Beach where she went around the islands (can't remember their name) before docking at Long Beach. It's one of those "not known except by those who already know" kind of things. ~Black Hearted Pearl
  4. There is a link further down the board that goes over this, but alas it is long gone. Based on this information, I decided to purchase SCAboots for under $100. They be comfortable boots, but I wish I had bought the mens as they have a narrow dimensions on the top and I wear knickers and not tights. SCA boots website
  5. I love yer big sleeve openings. Tis a fine pyrate coat.
  6. Arrrgh, I think they be light-weighted here (Arizona) since the temp this weekend is suppose to be in the high 90's. Yer coats be beautiful, but alas velvet will not work for me as I be visitin the faires in the southwest where it be above the 60's - 90% of the time. I keep wonderin if I'm light in the head for wantin to wear pyrate garb in the high desert.
  7. Last time me mate went to London, he brought me back a Tall Ship. Alas it be a nice prize, but I can get a crystal of the "Mayflower" in the states. He has an extra day this time, so I be lookin to send him on a short adventure and bring me back some treasure. Any suggestions?
  8. Why the Lady Washington, Of Course. Contact Grays Harbor Historical Society at 1-800-200-LADY or visit Lady Love - Lady Washington Homepage
  9. I'm fairly new to sailing meself, but I think my suggestion shall help none the less. 1. First, you want Bonine, not Dramine. Different drugs. Also, you don't want to start off taking more than 1 pill if ye can. It will make you drowsy, not matter what the package says. Ye can also take another if it is a particularly rough day. 2. You will get your sea legs eventually. Especially if ye be sleeping on the boat (err, I mean ship). It's when you go on land (even for a few hours) and then back on the boat that ye will have to start over. 3. The little wrist bands do work. Gave it to a kid already losing his lunch and it helped. So does the ear patch I have heard (need dr. prescription to get, but less nausau and drowsiness.) 4. Look at the horizon every chance you get. Imagine you are Captain Jack Sparrow and this is your horizon. Make it a point to look at the horizon (not the waves) every five minutes or so. 5. When you walk on land after being at sea, you WILL walk like Captain Jack Sparrow. Enjoy it or you will get land sick. Get back to the boat (err, I mean ship) as soon as possible. Again, I am not a sea expert. However I recently have had these same experiences (not to the same duration as you will.) These are the things my instructor educated me about and experienced for myself. Have a great time; I wish I was going. Fair winds and calms seas. ~Black Hearted Pearl
  10. Actually, me family lives in Bay City, TX, but Galveston be the closest seaport to handle a Tall Ship. I know me brother has volunteered on her, but he be a chip of me ole pop and think women don't belong on the sea. Sos I be lookin to parleigh me information without their help.
  11. Me families homeport be Galveston, so I be lookin for a chance to get aboard when I'm there next.
  12. I am clearly no expert on weapons, but it would seem to me that in a defensive move such as a block you would of course want the strongest part of your weapon hit and not one of the weakest parts. So a half twist at the wrist would be an effective defensive move when using a cutlass. You would withhold the half twist if you need you were going to hit your target and not their steel. Just me thoughts on the subject.
  13. Thanks for the info. I had to read it twice to absord it all, but I'm getting better at it every day. (I also took out one of me models to look at while reading)
  14. Most likely that lil' pirate will be one of mine. Me oldest likes to dive under tables. Ye skirt will be his perfect hide out, but I'm not sending me mate in to get him out.
  15. Okay, I know what a hermaphordite in human anatomy means, but what does it mean in ship design terms?
  16. Wouldn't it be great if she was Captain Jack Sparrow's Mum?
  17. Iron Bess, I love to hear your stories. It confirms my lifestyle of NOT trying to be part of the rich and famous. I like being under the radar; I live for annonimity (can't spell). I always screw something up and then need to hide. Just like a pirate!
  18. She be quite unusual. I can't help but wonder if it be such a great idea for sails on a tug, why aren't there more just like her? She is definitely a must see in person. Where is she based out of?
  19. No TV on yer ship? Twasn't the TV that was me problem. It was those little pills. They really do work. Guess I should have kept taking them.
  20. I like the salty sweaty smell of a pirate lad after he spent the day sailing. It also helps if he drank a little rum too. As I don't drink meself, I get meself drunk on his kisses. Ahhhh, phermones..me favorite.
  21. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I love it! Thank you so much Royaliste and Quill.
  22. That there be gold hanging from the banner carrier's neck. Would that be Aztec gold? I am blinded by its brilliance.
  23. Arrrrgh! It won't let me view it!
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