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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Okay, now that is a little obsessive. That girl needs a hobby, like becoming a pirate or learning to sail tall ships. Oh that's right, those are my obsessions.
  2. No, it's not Johnny Depp. Here's a link to an article with Terri Clark talking about her director who dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow. Terri Clark Interview
  3. Iron Bess, scurvy dog of the caribbean.
  4. Have you tried your local lower end yacht club? I be knowing of several ladies looking for an adventureous bloke went looking there.
  5. Iron Bess, Considering that you've been standing by the mouse through thick and thin this year, I be thinkin Will Turner be fittin yer character well. I can't be thinkin of anyone else who has shown honesty and loyalty as much as ye have this year. Come to think of it, that describes the dog with keys as well. So maybe ye are right, ye are the dog with the keys.
  6. "au pair" is french (inventors of Maynoise) for a comely lass who watches yer youngins, cleans yer house and trys to steal your mate. That's why she has to be an ugly one.
  7. How exciting. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures or ye will be keel hauled.
  8. A couple of me favorite merchants be: www.deadmentellnotales.com and www.teachshole.com Hope this helps, mate.
  9. What character from POTC are you?
  10. Didn't he play the younger brother in Old Yellar? I always like that movie.
  11. Oh I see, Bootless Bill instead of Bootstrap Bill. I get it.
  12. Here's wishing ya a warm and wonderful birthday and full mug of your favorite drink.
  13. Me mate would have me hide ifin I took off to play with Captain Gary. Don't need a camel, need an au pair, abeit an ugly one though. :)
  14. Alas, it be too late for me on the that thingy with the ropes and sails. Mine not be the true beauty like Royaliste, but I'm working on her. Fair winds, Calm Seas, and Tall Bridges. ~BHP
  15. Of course I won't take your rantings the wrong way. I just be yanking your chain a bit myself.
  16. Congratulations. But ye won't be satisfied. Ye will be seduced into plundering ye pocketbook for more. Ye only be a mate at this point. Take it from a Dread Pyrate. Ye will want more. :)
  17. Here we go again. You want realism from a 1950's TV show? If you want realism, go play with SCA. You must have taken a film analysis class in college. Education will do things like that to you.
  18. Strolling through my favorite french merchant, Tar'get, I happened across it. There were only two left in me local store, but I'm sure more can be plundered at others. Just another treasure for those looking.
  19. Under water, alive for 8 years. What reasonable person wouldn't find a way to escape? Oh that's right, it's a movie and here I was applying real life scenarios to a movie plot.
  20. I be a captain of me own and a sailor. Being a female, I got tired of crewing for others who wanted more than crewing in return for a ride on the wind and waves. Although I can be convinced to crew if the ship is beautiful enough. {If only I lived closer to the Royaliste, } I think the real question should be: Are you a racer or a cruiser?
  21. I'm rather fond of the name Victoria myself.
  22. Aye, I enjoy sleeping in the sail pile up on deck. Just give me my woolies and a warm cap and I'm a happy sailor. It does get a bit damp below. Think sleeping in a tent all closed up and the drip drip drip from the condensation.
  23. Thanks to ye all. It was a grand birthday. I spent the day sailing. I saw the "black pearl" (that was her name, but she not be a tall ship, just a 30 ft fiberglass one). I was aboard the 40ft racing cat "mistral". I was trimming the sails and almost missed seeing it. I was able to take out me small boat twice. I think I've found a name for it. "Scraping By" as twice we barely scraped under the Newport Harbor Bridge. If we hadn't had the windex on top, we would have made smoothly. Thus, the name "Scraping By". We also bent the trailer license plate trying to drive through a McDonald's towing her. Alas, another scrap. All in all, this has been the best birthday ever. Fair Winds, Calm Seas and Tall Bridges.
  24. Happy Birthday Connor....from one Gemini to another.
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