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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. A thread after me wee little pirate's heart. Haven't been on much lately...can't get the little bugger off me computer. Too busy playing the POTC game.
  2. Thanks for the round, Iron Bess. I hope your day is full of warm wishes and happy thoughts. I'm growing older but not up My metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck Let those winds of time blow over my head I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead `Jimmy Buffett
  3. Maybe the modeled the Black Pearl after the boat that's in the ride? If that be the case, I have some wonderful pictures of the boat from the ride. Let me know if you want me to post. They be from my personal collection.
  4. Nay, I did not sew that quilt. I pirated the picture off another's site. I thought it be "cute" as well. I thnk I be creating me own pattern off the pirated picture. But first, I need to sew me a "sail" patio cover first. If me machine makes it through that, then the quilt will be next.
  5. I hear you there, Royaliste. Hope your surgery goes well mate and ye make it to the party.
  6. Happy Birthday, Captain Gary I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. - Oliver Wendel Holmes
  7. Get the image whiles ye can.
  8. Wonderful pics...next best thing to bein there (*sigh* I wish I could have been there.)
  9. Well Done! I always thoroughly enjoy the pics. much oblidged with your sharin.
  10. Ahoy Lady Elaina, I be gettin ready for the Tallship Adventure. Actually dreaming of it every minute wishing school will start soon for the wee ones. Was at Tar'get the other day looking for patio furniture and it was all sold out and the school supplies were already out. Instead of patio furniture, I ended up buying backpacks. Oh well, that means I getting closer to the Tallships. Ruby and I will be there whooping it up.
  11. Paisley, You need to have GIL coordinate the cruise with PIP. Leave Port Canaveral and bypass Key West. Head to Grand Cayman and Conzumel and end up in Key West on the First Day of the PIP. That way, everyone still has money for the cruise before blowing the rest at PIP. It would be best to keep it a short cruise ifn coordinating it with PIP. 4 dayer would be perfect with 3 days at PIP. Does it seem I have thought this through already? ~hoping for calm seas on the Magic in 2004. Black Hearted Pearl
  12. Ifn' the coat don't work out, you can alway make it into a quilt and use it when ye are in encampment.
  13. Aye there lassie, you be needin a "Captain" moniker for that there beautiful outfit. Ye put the legend of Calico Jack's fancy togs to shame.
  14. Disney's Island be Castaway Cay, not much for plunderin though. No money accepted on the island ceptin at the Bahamian post office. I found the pictures via Hello Magazine out of Great Britian. Fine investment considering a certain Movie company will be needin some tropical location shots for two upcoming sequels, wouldn't ye say?
  15. Ifn you hadn't noticed, you been demoted since ye been gone. Nothing personal, we all have....which is why I'm trying to post up a storm. Need to get my rank back.
  16. Most pirates didn't make people walk the plank, they marooned them or keel hauled them. You should have a keel hauling event. (tongue in cheek)
  17. I've got another for ye. This weekend while sailing out of Dana Point, me peewee pirate son told me other son while he was sprinkling the fishes off the back of the boat, "85% of man overboards are caused by yearning."
  18. Here be an arial picture.
  19. Royaliste, Here be a Map to said Island. Let the raiding begin!
  20. Shopping at my local Michaels craft store, I heard "Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum". Odd I thought that they already have out the Halloween Spooky Town display. I went over to take a look; the pirate ship was there but was modified for this year. Quite smaller than last year's model with a shorter bowsprit. Looking next to the ship, I spied this! New for 2004. The pirate on barrel wobbles around drinking grog and if you add water, the skull gleams green and floats out fog from its mouth.
  21. Very dashing, indeed fine sir.
  22. Last time I booked excusions seperately and ended hauling all my gear all over the place. This time, I'm taking the easy route and letting Disney handle everything. I know it costs more, but it's worth it not get a headache dealing with it. Last time I felt like a pack mule for me mate and 3 boys.
  23. The thought crosses my mind and I think..."maybe I can pull this off" and then the hitting starts and yelling and spitting and running and I think "what, am I insane?" All I want to do is keelhaul them all. Where's that cat-o-nine tails when you need it? Now if they had a pirate kids camp (you know..drop and run), I'd be there in a heart beat.
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