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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Ye did a fine grand job, mylady. Ye are indeed an artist.
  2. I'm not a historian like Hawkyns and such, but I'm not sure bright orange is 16th century either. As for leather....HOT HOT HOT. I don't know yer longitude or lattitude but out here on the west coast, leather be too hot for most of the faires. Also leather won't dry out ifn it gets wet and moist. I mainly use leather on me boots for when I require some riding or tramping through rough terrain. Stocking to soak up the sweat and a leather hat to keep to keep my head breathing with a bandana to keep the sweat off the hat. But a leather bodice? Only if you into bondage.
  3. Looking yummier by the minute.
  4. I'm looking at me calendar wondering how I can do both the Dana Point Tall Ship and the Ojai Faire. But me mates going to China and I would have to bring me youngins if I were to try and make it. Now don't say "Bring them along". You haven't met me criminals and they make the naughty pirates of Ojai look like SAINTS and they only be 10, 9 and 7 years old.
  5. Congrats and three cheers. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! I got the next round KW Pirate. Rum all around!
  6. Wow, does this mean my mom, who has a SAG card, can be POTC 2 or 3? I'm kidding, of course. She got her SAG card for working on a film about the 1900 Storm of Galveston. (Hey you Texas Pirates!) Maybe I can use her card and get a job? I'm kidding, of course.
  7. Whoever at Disney has their nose out of joint about rumors has better get used to it. Look what I just found. Will Disney Order New Ships? In what must be one of the cruise industry's worst-kept secrets, it appears that Disney Cruise Line may well be ready to expand its fleet. According to industry sources, the cruise line, which has already commissioned (and now received) design plans for its new ship(s) via a Finland-based naval architectural firm, is shopping them around. European shipyards most often mentioned were Italy's Fincantieri, France's Chantiers de l'Atlantique, Germany's Meyer Werft and Finland's Kvaerner Masa-Yards. Word on the street – confirmed by our sources though not by Disney, which didn't immediately respond to a query – is that plans call for two Panamax-sized ships (which means they can sail through the Panama Canal) that will not be exact replications of Disney Magic and Disney Wonder, the cruise line's first two vessels. The actual bid process could take anywhere from three months to a year – and that's before there's any thought of a keel-laying – so the ships would not be likely to join the fleet before 2006 at the earliest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you have that many people working on projects (especially with a significant number being CONTRACTORS and not loyal employees), you are going to have RUMORS running around.
  8. It didn't slide of the cracker. Eisner ate the cheese for himself. So the mouse couldn't have it anymore. Eisner is jealous of the mouse. Don't we know, he's the one who made disney...not the mouse.
  9. Hmnmmmm. I believe the confidence of man outweights the length of his hair. Sexy is a state of attitude, not the length of yer hair. I've met some long haired fellows I would keelhaul in a minute and I've met some smooth headed men I would bed in a minute (if single). Me own mate looks just like Horacio Hornblower. If he were to grow his hair long, he would evenutally look like Howard Stern (YUK!). But I love the man, not his hair.
  10. Happy Belated Birthday, KW Pirate. Hope ye had a grand day.
  11. Eisner: 1. Let's get rid of the animation department. Hand drawn animation is the past. Even if Fantasia is considered one of the masterpieces of century. 2. Let's screw over Pixar and loose that connection. Who wants to be fair. Even if Finding Nemo was one of the highest grossing pics of the year. 3. Let's get rid of live action movies. Too costly to make. Even if POTC was one of the highest grossing pics of the year. We can make our own computer animated movies better and cheaper than Pixar. We won't have to pay actors or artists. We can keep all the money for our own salaries and still have a supply of characters to feed our themeparks. What, you say, the theme parks need to be maintained? The cruise line ships need maintenance? I know, cut back on Cast Member training. When is the next big anniversary? We will use that as an excuse to fix it all then.
  12. Writers Message Board You mean like this board here? Let me know if this link works. I tried a search, but the webpage wanted a password before it would let me on. Got around that fairly quickly. Never mind...just some geeks writers page. Not a true writers message board from what I can see. Still hunting for it though.
  13. Aye Lass, We understand and support you completely and unconditionally. There is the possibility it came from someone else and not way of the Pub as you have been quite tight-lipped about POTC 2&3 for quite sometime. Those who are obssessed fans of POTC visit many boards attached to "sources". Not that I would know any of those boards. (I have been in Arizona for the last 3 weeks, just in case you're thinking.) Chances are twas another rumor running around started on one of these other boards making it to a party atmosphere. Like that hasn't happened with other wildly famous movies. And if you find the blaggard with the large mouth, can I watch ye run em through?
  14. As much as I would love to do the Sunset Sail, me wee little pirates are better off on the afternoon sail. We are arriving via DCL Magic and will have to depart by 10 pm. The Western is the only one offered through Disney, and they will provide all the transportation. Can't beat that with a stick.
  15. Ahoy Mateys who have been to Key West. I'm planning a trip to Key West and the Western Caribbean. Thinking about going out on the Western Union Schooner. Is it worth it? Or can ye suggest something better? Other places on the itinary are Grand Cayman and Cozumel. Suggestions appreciated. ~Fair Winds and Calm Seas.
  16. I did something similar like that, except it was a magazine cover lying on the nightstand next to his head. I would throw my long hair down so it would brush his face and make him close his eyes. That way I could gaze at the picture without him knowing. Am I revealing too much?
  17. Well met Tall_Jack. So ye be saying ye one of the scallywags who plundered the parade? How's a pirate wench to know if ye be telling her the truth. What kind of treasure can ye offer up as proof? I'm guessin maybe time will tell.
  18. I've tried to get that thing to work, I can't. If any of you have luck, let me know.
  19. Happen to catch the video being played on free viewing country cable channel. (channel 2 on Cox Phoenix) Laughed my arse off. It is very very very funny. I won't spoil it for you; you'll have to see it for yerself.
  20. Congratulations Captain Tito and Lady Wendy on the arrival of Julia Rose. May all your father's days be a bright and lovely as this one.
  21. Most sails take about 4 weeks at least when done by a professional. That is something to keep in mind. Have you looked into your local yacht club? They can be a great source of information and assistance, especially when you first launch. Being in New Mexico, it won't be what you would normally think of as a Yacht club. We also go out when we know they are having a day of sailing. That way if we run into trouble, the safety boat is near by to help rescue.
  22. Have ye plan for yer sails yet? Are you making yerself or having a professional sailmaker doing them? Making sails takes awhile, even if yer havin a professional makim. Also, even ifin yer makin a ship fer yerself, modern safety precautions are still a must. Me own ship has a small cuddy for storing items such as a whistle/air horn and floatation devices. Just me two dubloons worth.
  23. Nay, I understood your humor. However, I also saw it as an opportunity to spout a line from a famous pirate movie. I couldn't resist.
  24. It be a good show.
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