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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. #@#@#@ First Charley, then Frances, then Ivan, now Jeanne and Tropical Depression 12. I picked the worst year to plan a cruise to the western caribbean.
  2. Where the @!#@$# have you been? It's been talked about for over 6 months that they are doing POTC 2 and 3 at the same time. Similar to LOTR and Matrix Trilogies.
  3. Privateer, Were's ye the one that was knocking about with Baracuda and Ruby about yer teeth? I be sitting behind the ropes drinking from me cask.
  4. Help is needed. The Tortuga Rum Company is organizing relief efforts. You can find more information at the below link. Tortuga Rum Company Plus you can win a free trip to the Grand Cayman, courtesy of the Tortuga Rum Company.
  5. Associated Press via Yahoo News. It is not fake. Search Yahoo Images under "Grand Cayman Ivan Devasted"
  6. You can find most State Line Tack products at your local PetSmart and save on shipping and time.
  7. A sad picture indeed. A pirate ship has been awashed ashore by Ivan the Terrible.
  8. I do make a pretty "big" picture, don't I.
  9. Arggghhh! Privateer, I musta missed ya. There were so many people coming around the PRP, I didn't know who was who half the time. What were ye wearing?
  10. Alas, the ones I have be a size 11. Much too large to swing it. As you seem to have found a pair, I will not bring the size 11. Walking out the door as I speak.
  11. I'm sitting here with me fingers crossed. I got me lodgings and I got me reservations for the cannon battle sail. Need to get me bonine and crickets for me frog before I leave. Crossing fingers nothing comes up to take the winds of me sails.
  12. Truly a beauty, Rhumba Rhue and the sword too. Tis fine weapon you have plundered.
  13. I found some great belts at the local thrift store. I look in the men's department so the belt is nice and long. I also look for belts that snap the buckle on. This allows me to replace the buckle with something more period looking.
  14. Rumba, What size shoe does Boats wear? I found some great period looking shoes at the Thrift store, size 11. Let me know if you are interested.
  15. Congratulations Captain Gary, I hear Pusser's Rum be looking to do more "corporate sponsorship", especially with sailing involved. You might knock on their door. I be looking to forward yer information as you become more "contactable" to send on to me corporate pirates. ~BHP
  16. I'm glad I didn't start mine yet. Can't sew worth a lick. So I shall hopefully learn from all your mistakes. (Probably not, but here's hoping! :) )
  17. POTC is the successful movie it is because of advant garde acting of Johnny Depp. To replace him and his character would be like hiring another Dustin Hoffman to Hook. It just doesn't make for good filmmaking.
  18. Are ye looking for boots or boot spats? The costumers of POTC made a set of boot spats for captain jack sparrow. I had a picture of the spats at one time. Pirated off Ebay when they were put for sale by Disney. Can't locate right now...
  19. The complete details came from DVDAnswers.com "Disney has announced plans to release a three-disc edition of Pirates Of The Caribbean this November. I'm afraid that details are still pretty sketchy on this one at the moment, although we can tell you that it will be made up of the standard two-disc set already on the market, along with a bonus disc containing eight new bonus features. The set will be available to own from the 2nd November this year, priced at around $29.99" Hmmmm, that's interesting.
  20. MacKenzie Crook interview soon about to head off to St Vincent to film Pirates of the Caribbean II (and III is to follow),
  21. What did Captain Jack Pearl wish for....The Black Pearl. I say the pirate wished for her/his own ship. I know I wished for me own and wouldn't give up me search until I had one of me own.
  22. Ah, Bess Nothing much ado about nothing since the last time you were lurking while "being on vacation in Carmel". By the way, did ye stop of the local post office for a mere morning chat? Heard it was the one of the best places to chat on the west coast.
  23. I don't buy velvet. It is too hot for many of the faires.
  24. I don't believe I have ever seen a "villian" running around the park, mingling with guests. I do remember some fantastic shows including the villians. Namely, the grand finally at Disney/MGM in Orlando. I think it would be more likely to have a Barbossa in the finally off New Orleans Square than mingling with Guests. Since they use the Columbia in the Grand Finally, this would be an excellent opportunity to provide a sword fight between Jack and Barbossa. Don't know how that would play into the story lines for the next two POTC movies. Just some rambling thoughts here.
  25. Tis all the same. But I be noticin ye did a nice job of turnin it into a plug fer yer event. Also, I be lettin ye know I am not a sassypants. I be Captain of me own fine boat, "Scraping By" and I will have ye walk the plank (one step and yer off) and then keel-hauled in Tempe Town Lake. It that serious enoughs fer yer? On second thought, I will drink a rounds with ye...that is, ifin' yer buyin?
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