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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Didn't know ye buttered yer biscuit on that side, mate...but hey, whatever floats yer boat... *passes Royaliste the catsup* das
  2. Dirt...That was greasey oil and greasey oil doesn't wash away with water. Most likely whale blubber oil. Not to mention all that hair...from his back.
  3. This page may also be a helps to you. Apache Junction Area Hotel/Motel/Resort
  4. Gold Canyon be the closest hotel, but it not be inexpensive. Your inexpensive hotels be in Apache Junction and Mesa. Look for the usual ports of Motel 6 and Best Western. Here be the link to the accommodations page from the AZ ren faire site. Az Ren Faire Accommodations
  5. The Greyhound Guild (AZ Ren Faire organizers) is looking for pirates to come out and have a good time. Jack2, Ruby and I plan on meeting up for the Best Pirate Contest. I'm last year's winner. (Aye, I be braggin.) Come out and have a good time. We be lookin to meet up with you.
  6. Arrgh, Captain Morgan....ye must have been drinkin too much rum. This here be the desert and we have no basements. Ye were stolen while at the Bird's Nest at the FBR open. Mostly likely, ye were tied up at the famous hole 16....the rowdiest hole in golfing history. Bloody Pirates.
  7. A gentlemen just posted in looking for crews about a pirate themed festival looking for participants. Here's a link to the thread. European Pirate Festival
  8. Statues pilfered as prank By Irene Hsiao, Tribune Police are asking the people who took two Captain Morgan rum pirate statues to come forward. If it was a prank, there will be no charges, said Scottsdale police Sgt. Mark Clark. But if it was a theft, there may be charges, he said. Police believe whoever took the statues Sunday from the Birds Nest at the FBR Open at the Tournament Players Club of Scottsdale know the people at Alliance Beverage Distributing Co. of Phoenix, which dispenses the beverage in the Valley. "Sometimes a hoax is the right thing to do or it’s funny, but the victim of the hoax thinks it’s a crime and the police get involved," Clark said. "We would still encourage the people who are responsible to call and tell us exactly what happened, we would like to add that to the case file." One detective was assigned to the case and has worked on it since Monday, Clark said. "It’s possible that very few staff hours were dedicated to this case," he said. Someone brought one statue to KISS (104.7 FM) radio station and the other was dropped off at a television reporter’s house in Phoenix, said Robert Anderson, an Alliance spokesman. A ransom note attached to one statue said the other statue would be tortured if $2,000 wasn’t donated to a children’s charity. "I could not have dreamed this I swear," Anderson said. The company donated $2,000 to two children’s charities, including the Thomas J. Pappas School for homeless children. "I’m happy to have the captain back at the helm of the ship," Anderson said. "We don’t know where the captain’s been but he parties responsibly, he’s come back in good condition."
  9. Sounds like Keith Ricards would be perfect for this part. He could pass as bedioun not to mention lean weathered looking in 60-70's.
  10. Me mate is going to Singapore in 2 weeks. It not be such a pirate haven anymore. Anyone for chewing gum?
  11. Iron Bess, Didn't the costumers take pictures of Regatti? I know they did of Capt' Jack's costumes (hmmm, I have a few copies of those.) I'm figurin Disney didn't keep track of those folks either and have hired new ones instead.
  12. Note the date, luv....July 2004 to September 2004. That corn has now been harvested. Alas, ye be too late to find the treasure this time.
  13. Alright ye scurvy dogs, if'n ye don't like the long thread, don't read it. That ways you won't be "spoiled" for the movies. So if'n yer a die hard for spoilers, ye won't have any problems sailing through these murky waters.
  14. The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys.
  15. Yer Welcome, And THANK YOU to you for the link on the beautiful fabric. I had seen such fabric at Estrella War last year and was planning on make a special trip just to get some of the fabric. Previously, I had looked all over the internet for such fabric. What treasure ye can find on Ebay. You have saved me both time and money.
  16. Say goodbye to this thread as I'm going to merge it with the POTC rumors thread, where the thread title has no spoilers. Charity lass, I share your obessioin, which is why they probably made me moderator of Pirate Pop, so don't hesitate to post your info. However, as stated before, please do so under the POTC rumor thread. I can assure you that once that thread pops to the top, pirates will click on their guilty pleasure to see your latest post.
  17. Huzzah! My friend. A much vast improvement. Ye have learned an important lesson. Perhaps since ye are a far better seamstress ye might just make it yerself from scratch. I have seen such a fine example from ye before (it looked beautiful on both you and the encampment director).
  18. Sad to hear that. You can stay at my place if you want. I don't live that close to the festival (about 1 hour away). Like Temecula to San Diego. I should also warn you, I have three little monsters (I mean pirates) who can be quite boistorous, but we'll be gone to festival.
  19. Charity, lass, you're killing me. Ye keep posting a new thread everytime ye read something on the internet about the POTC sequels. All these belong in the rumor thread, because in the end....as you yourself point out.....nothing is fact until the movie is released. In fact, ye yourself have repeated rumors already posted on this forum once before and shot down by our beloved s0urc3, Iron Bess. Lass, not everything you read is silver and gold.
  20. Jack2, I've responded to yer post under Intiation Rites. DurtyLilly, I be hoping to go with ye next year. Hopefully know more soon. When do ye plan on makin yer plans?
  21. What say you to three shillings and I'll forget the age difference.
  22. I recently read "The Angel's Commnad" by Brian Jacques. It's a bit of magic and ghost story with a pirate theme. My oldest son bought it for me at his school's book fair. That's me boy!
  23. The show is over and boy do I feel like someone swabbed the deck with me head. I started out with Treasure Island. It held the other boys interest for awhile, but then they gave up. It held the 5 year old for awhile, but the 3 year old would have nothing to do with it. While the movie was playing, the kids took turns having mustaches and beards painted on their faces and putting their sashes and head scarfs on. (made from cheap marroon cotton fabric) On to the food and games... First we ate pizza and drank pirate grog with a touch of blood. (Lemonade with a drop of cherry juice because I couldn't find my ice cube trays to make frozen blood). Under one of the plates was a clue that read, "Good to see you, Mate) This led to the pin the eye patch on the pirate game using my smaller jolly roger flag. The prize was an eye patch, one of which had a clue taped to it which said, "Fire in hole". This led to the game, Cannon Ball pop where the kids stomped on black ballons until the ballons were all popped and the next clue was released from inside the ballon. This clue read, "Polly wants a cracker." The next game was Pass the Parrot (like hot potatoe) where the kids tossed this stuffed parrot around while POTC soundtrack played. Once the music stopped, the person holding the parrot was out. The last person one a prize on which a glue was taped that said, "Prepare for Battle!" This led to the game where two "ships" were created in the yard, each loaded with colored newspaper "cannon balls". Once the music started, the cannon balls flew until all gone. The team with the most cannon balls in the other team's ship won. They got to throw cannon balls at the other team while that team "walked the plank" (a balance beam made of 2x4s). The winning team had to walk the plank too (and get hit with cannon balls) if they wanted their prize of a telescope to which a clue was taped that said, "Let them eat cake." This led to the cake and ice cream part of the party. After eating the cake, there was a clue taped to the underside of one of the plates which read, "Dead men tell no tales." At this point I sent them to the kitchen table which had been covered in brown craft paper and on which I had drawn a map. The map showed a skeleton with a treasure chest by his feet. The kids ran out into the yard to "Ded Bob", the skeleton hanging from the pine tree. Behind a large boulder at his feet was a treasure chest. Inside the treasure where brown paper goodie bags filled with pirate tatoos, gold coins, "gems", and compass. Each bag had written on it "The booty belongs to the Pirate...." My son was Captain Jake Sparrow. His brother was First Mate Mad Matthew. The youngest was Ship Surgeon Nautical Nicholas. His friend s were Makim Bleed Reed, Red-eye Ryan, Trans-Atlantic Tony and his brother Trans-pacific Tim, Tempest of the Seas Taylor, Misty Avalon of the Catalina Inn, Atta the way Allison, Terror of the Seas Taylor, and Firey Irish Aiden. We ended with beating a treasure chest pinata with makeshift swords until more gems, coins and jeweled necklaces fell. We then followed up with watching POTC (the 5 and 3 year old were gone by then) while the adults cleaned up the yard. Have 10 kids over to your house for sugary cake and ice cream, painful. Pirate Party for your kid's birthday, priceless.
  24. Guess what I saw on HBO Saturday night......Lord of the G-Strings. Some coincidence, heh?
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