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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. MD&F Pirates of Caribbean 2 Premiere Party Passes MPTF Good luck.
  2. As I stated before, aside the leather ones the men are pushing (although I can't imagine why ONLY the guys are pushing leather corsets ) I personally prefer the cloth ones for COMFORT and EASE of care. In the end, it's not the corset the guys are looking at...it's the mound of soft supply flesh pushing up above the corset the men's eyes are focused on.
  3. Sure it will last, however lasting was not one of the reasons I GAVE for choosing cloth over leather. As far as support, only a good fitted bodice provides good support. Even a badly made leather bodice would offer no more support than a badly made cloth one. It truly is all about the fitting for support....as much as you would like to get Fancy into a leather bodice and post her picture here. Fancy, I found the following links that might be helpful in your search for the best supporting bodice.... Eagle River Ren Festival Renfaires listed by statesPerhaps you are close to the border and can go to one in the next state over.
  4. Pendragon has wonderfully fitting bodices. A good bodice is worth the money, it becomes like a favorite bra. As far as the leather ones the men are pushing, leather does not breathe well in heat. In southern Arkansas, you will do better with a good strong cloth one. Easier to breathe in and easier to clean.
  5. Those be beautiful chests, but ifn' yer want'n high priced fees, you might be wanting to take pics of said chests on a beautiful cloth and not unmowed grasses. We be but humble pirates and not be afford'n such finery. However, I knows of some rich merchants who might be interested, but not with said pictures.
  6. the birds and bees {someone needs lessons}
  7. Aye, I imagine we will have a few stop in here after their duties be performed to bragger about. The fun part will be telling the truth sayers from the bragkerts. :)
  8. Darling, I always feel good after spending a weekend pillaging and plundering.
  9. dead rabbit saw rabbit buzzed over and killed today coming home from school
  10. wanted: dead or alive {off Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet Album}
  11. If they are, they're not talking. Too busy working on the film.
  12. Aye, that be a fine job ye did. It seems I need to plunder ye local fabric merchant for said pattern. However, I must hide it from me mate. I be spendin all his treasure.
  13. Don't cry {over spilt milk}
  14. Aye, I just be recovering and am first on the boards today. Aye, a grand time was had by all and we truly missed you, Rumba. It was quite a quiet encampment this year compared to lasts. Diego, I enjoyed you and yours company and thank you for the compliment of "whoa". I am flattered. I shall have pics up as soon as me aching body and brain are in full commission. Yers,
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