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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. From the Tallship HMS Bounty newsletter. ALWAYS A MOVIE STAR: On January 24, 2005, we left the Pier of St. Petersburg, Florida for Bayou La Batre, Alabama, our refit location for the movie. While in this sleepy little shrimping community, the Bounty had her masts removed and stripped to the natural wood. Most of the rigging was removed and replaced with new as well as a few design changes, nine new sails and much more. Bounty left Bayou La Batre February 28 for St. Vincent. She arrived safe and sound on March 14th, ahead of schedule for a stop in Miami and Puerto Rico for fuel. Bounty’s film responsibilities will end by May 26. On the way home, she will make a few stops, with a special return visit to Puerto Rico. We look forward to having her back on the East Coast for the summer sailing schedule.
  2. I believe the originator of the site had the "spirit of togetherness" in mind when she developed it. It is for the love of the movie and an opportunity to meet others who also love the movie and celebrate it. That each region may enhance the original script developed by many hands, just makes the idea of the attending POTC interactive more enticing. I know people who have flown from one part of the US to another just to attend a "different" POTC interactive. POTC interactive is not about exclusivity, but about the joy of meeting people who share a common interest. Much like pirates who love tallships, sailing, plundering and pillaging, but dislike the strict structures of governments.
  3. Don't you mean *hood ornament* lass? my, how times have changed.
  4. In the Harbor scene, one of the ships will have the Volvo logo as its figurehead.
  5. Pirates Wellington-bound Johnny Depp may make an appearance in Wellington in February – joining fellow Pirates of the Caribbean star Orlando Bloom. Depp is to join Bloom – who lived in Wellington for more than a year filming The Lord of the Rings – and another Pirates of the Caribbean star, Keira Knightley, on the crew of a boat in the round-the-world Volvo Ocean Race. The yacht will be named the Black Pearl – after the pirate ship in the film – and its sail will feature a giant skull and crossbones as part of a promotion for the sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. The stars will split the race among them. Bloom will cover Cape Town, Melbourne and Wellington, where competitors are due to arrive by February 17 for a two-day stop. The eight-month race covers 57,800 kilometres, starting in November in Galicia, northern Spain.
  6. The Black Pearl to set sail Tuesday, April 12, 2005 "It'll be kind of sad to watch it go. It's so cool," said Justin Andrews of Grand Bay, who stared at what appeared to be a 17th- Century-style warship from the shore. "Plus, it's wooden and there's not a shrimp net on it. Pretty unusual around here." A crew plans today to test the hull and engines of the 130-foot Black Pearl in preparation for a weekend launch to the faraway Caribbean island of Dominica, an official with Steiner Shipyard said Monday. Dominica, a former British colony, lies southeast of Puerto Rico. The pitch black ship thrilled onlookers Monday though it was just sitting still, docked at the shipyard in the north part of the winding Bayou. The vessel -- actually a huge wooden prop built on top of a modern, 96-foot-long steel utility boat -- was built at Steiner Shipyard for planned sequels to 2003's "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl," the Steiner official said. The Black Pearl is expected today to sail for the first time under the city's bridge, to the south part of the Bayou. Then, on Saturday, a Disney crew is set to finally sail the vessel out of the Bayou, heading for filming in the Caribbean. Disney crews began building the vessel at Steiner Shipyard in January. Until three weeks ago, the boat had been hidden inside a large wooden shed by the shipyard docks, said Police Chief Johnny Joyner. Last week, the vessel was placed in the water. "When they first took her out of the shed, people were slowing down to look. It's black, looks kind of worn. It's something to see," Joyner said. Neither Disney nor Steiner officials revealed how much money was spent building the Black Pearl. Local shipbuilders have speculated it cost more than $1.5 million. Earlier this year, Steiner Shipyard also was host to a second vessel, the 180-foot replica of the HMS Bounty built for MGM's 1962 film "Mutiny on the Bounty." That vessel was outfitted for filming in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequels, launched from the shipyard in March and is already in the Caribbean, said officials with HMS Bounty Organization, which owns the Bounty. Disney officials recently announced the possibility of a promotional stunt placing the films' three stars -- Keira Knightley, Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom -- in a real vessel called the "Black Pearl" to sail to various ports around the world. Russell Steiner said neither vessel from his shipyard was intended for that purpose. Plans on the office wall at Steiner Shipyard show how the steel vessel is nestled inside the much larger pirate ship. The utility boat supplied the Black Pearl with a ready-made, 11-knot engine, 37,644-gallon ballast capacity and other features without requiring the construction of a real wooden boat. Disney's Buena Vista Entertainment plans to release "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" in the summer of 2006, then the third sequel in 2007, Disney officials have said. http://www.al.com/news/mobileregister/inde...ews/11132974255 6640.xml or Black Pearl to set sail
  7. Any pictures, Captain?
  8. FYI Mates, keeptothecode does NOT have a FORMAL agreement with Disney to be the official fan website. I know they are asking for people to join as "paid members." If you feel what they are providing is worth the money, then by all means, pay the fee. However, many of the things they offer you may find other places. There be murky waters there. Pirates, be aware.
  9. In the pub scene, Jimmy Buffet will make a cameo appearance while eating a cheeseburger.
  10. No Rabble Rousing....Raids. Anywhere where pirates are gathering is considered a raid. I am moving the post now. Sorry for the delay, I've been out plundering.
  11. Huzzah!, Ladies. Well done! It sounded like a grand time was had by all....wish I could have been there too.
  12. Arrgh! Pirates prepared to board ship! The winds be fair and calm ahead. Oh, And the drinks be plenty.
  13. Since I love to dress as a pirate for any occassion, I found this wonderful plastic saber at Party City. I made a proper sheath for it and I can wear it at "school functions". Last year, we had a circus act theme party for the teacher's and I was the sword swallower. Hey, it was a way to use my pirate costume. Similar to this. Try this link... latex and plastic swords
  14. Huzzah! A round for the lovely CG for coming to the rescue.
  15. So what you're saying is he's not acting the an actor...He's acting like a Pirate! Well of course! Blackhearted Pearl wins a Bratz pirate doll! Rumba ** ** Arrrggh!, I not be wanting a slutty female pirate doll (no, I'm not describing me). I wants the drunken male pirate doll. Funny, I haven't seen the prototype for the Will Turner doll yet. Guess it wasn't a priority.
  16. Well, obviously you haven't been privy to my treasures.
  17. So what you're saying is he's not acting the an actor...He's acting like a Pirate!
  18. March 23, 2005 Alex Silva, a marine-salvage specialist, swims to the Irving Johnson on Tuesday. The ship ran aground on Silver Strand Beach in Oxnard, Calif., on Monday, forcing 20 crew members and students to jump overboard. The vessel is 90 feet long, with rigging nearly 88 feet high and two masts. Star-Telegram
  19. I still think it's cool. I'm going to paint my boat "scraping by" to look like it. Dh has already volunteered to paint the sails. Do you think I'll get a call from legal?
  20. Just an FYI... Roy Disney is quite the sailor himself and has raced *yachties* for years. But .... really, he's still a VERY nice guy. Well, when you can afford a professional crew for racing against non-professional yachties.... well, I can see Royaliste's point of view. I imagine that Roy E. likes watching the Volvo Ocean Race and now he has to watch one of Eisner's last decisions sail across the screen. Then again.. as, possibly, one of Eisner's last decisions I think Roy E. should buy everyone a round.
  21. Walt rolling over in his grave? Talk about irritating someone, I think this is a jab at Roy E. Disney. Well, you did say "the world of snotty yachties." I just want to crew when Johnny is onbaord. Edit: If I can't have Johnny, Orlando will do just as well.
  22. ATLANT OCEAN RACING (USA) Skipper TBA Designer Farr Yacht Design The 'Pirates of the Caribbean II' campaign will be headed by Atlant Ocean Racing, the syndicate company of Richard Brisius and Johan Salen. The boat will be built in Green Marine, Lymington, Hampshire.
  23. Volvo Ocean Race A Pirate's Life The Volvo Ocean Race is braced for the glare of Hollywood with the ground-breaking announcement today, March 21, that there will be a Pirates of the Caribbean II entry in the 2005-2006 round the world race. The Walt Disney Company and Volvo (Volvo Car Corporation and AB Volvo) have entered into a unique film marketing deal for Pirates of the Caribbean II and the agreement will include the creation of a competitive entry in the 31,250 nm adventure - the world's premier ocean race. The announcement of the 'Pirates' boat ensures a high-profile US presence among the fleet for the eight-month epic. Glenn Bourke, the Volvo Ocean Race CEO, said: 'The excitement and intrigue which this entry brings to the race takes us to a whole new level in terms of global profile and exposure. To link up with a Hollywood icon such as the Walt Disney Company is a fillip for the event and for sailing in general. 'The deal also underscores the value of the Volvo Ocean Race as a compelling marketing communications tool in the eyes of the commercial world. In terms of competition, I fully expect this team, proudly flying the flag of the United States, will be at the sharp end of the race for honours.' Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Gore Verbinski, once again stars Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, Orlando Bloom as Will Turner and Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, the spectacular follow-up to the international blockbuster released in 2003, is currently being filmed in Los Angeles and the Caribbean and is due for release in July 2006. Dick Cook, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios, said: 'We're excited to be participating in the prestigious Volvo Ocean Race, which is very much like the 'formula one' of yacht racing. This is a fun and unique way to remind viewers all over the world that Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest will be sailing into theatres next summer. Given the film's high seas adventures and nautical themes, this marathon sporting event is a great way to make some waves and generate awareness among the millions of viewers.' The 'Pirates' campaign will be headed by Atlant Ocean Racing, the syndicate company of Richard Brisius and Johan Salen. My next boat. arrrgh, I mean ship!
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