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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pt {spitting out seeds}
  2. [sound of Bosum Whistle] "Stand at attention, the cap'n is boarding."
  3. St. Eramus's Day, June 2nd Black Hearted Pearl's Birthday too.
  4. ????? oh well, Elmer Fudd
  5. Hasenpfeffer [aka rabbit stew]
  6. Oh for the love of mike, quit pouting. Enough said.
  7. ~~Help Me~~, ~~Help Me~~ {smashed with a giant rock}
  8. Hmmmm, that one is even prettier. Hey, I know that boat, errr ship. It's the Royaliste! I can't see its end quarters, but I'm sure it says 'RRR' on the back.
  9. Hey, stay out of my closet! ~BHP aka Victoria
  10. Divine Secrets of the Scurvy Wenches Of The Sisterhood .
  11. Ohhhhh!, what a pretty picture. I'm going to have to pirate that one for me desktop. Thank You, Royaliste.
  12. Pusser's Rum is very good.
  13. But why is all the Rum gone?
  14. Playing devil's advocate here....... But as seen in other discussions in Pirate Pop, Interactives are gaining speed. How do you think the cannibal scene will play out in the Interactives? A nice disclaimer (come on Disney Lawyers, you know what those are) will play nicely into soothing everyone. A rolling marquee along the bottom of the screen, while Jack is being rotated on the spit, proclaiming "Historically, Caribs were not cannibals. A creative license was used in portraying this story." Gosh, even at the end of the movie, the disclaimer would be funny.
  15. Aye, old your grog lass. The newsletter did mention the river trip. "MISSISSIPPI BOUND: Have you ever seen a three-masted square-rigged ship on the Mississippi? On April 28, the 217th anniversary of the mutiny that made Bounty famous, the Bounty will leave Baton Rouge for an 8-10 city tour from Louisiana to Minnesota. Please keep checking the web site for more information and updates. The complete schedule will be available June 1, 2005."
  16. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
  17. The wedding dress will be designed by Vera Wang. {Ah, but who's wedding will it be?}
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