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Desert Pyrate

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Everything posted by Desert Pyrate

  1. That's a great idea! I had emailed the Cap'n earlier about talking to smaller companies, especially ones that specialize in history or sailing. They tend to be more generous and faster to give, unlike big corporations that can take over a year to get around to it. Also, I think we should talk to some CEOs personally, who might have an interest. I think individuals are our best choice. About the souvenir books... if we wanted to do it, we have enough graphically minded people to pull it off really nicely. I'm really excited about this trip!
  2. Aye, Cap'n... we're long on time to give, but short on $$$.
  3. We need to start thinking of corporations/individuals who might be sympathetic to history, ships, travel, outdoors, etc. I've been thinking, but nothing yet.
  4. Cap'n.... I can most likely join ye as crew, even given the most-likely strict costuming requirements. There's lots o' time to get something together. Let me know what needs to be done to pull it off... I've got lots o' experience putting things together on almost no money. Right now I'm on the finance committee for our Search and Rescue team, and it's surprising how much money is out there for just about anybody. I'm willing to give as much time and effort as I can to make this happen!
  5. Looks good... I just got a hat, and it's a mite small. I think I'll just stretch it instead o' returning it for a bigger one.
  6. As one o' the descendents o' Stonewall Jackson hisself, I'll be proud t' be on CSS Royaliste fer a weekend.
  7. Now we need to trade our ARRRRs for rebel yells... A practice fer that sometime? O' course, CSS Royaliste will kick Arse as always...
  8. Dang... they be makin' some right fancy subs....
  9. Notes on Sailing Guns and Warships Just a link I found interesting. Talks about a lot of historical info on guns and ships.
  10. I was thinkin', Cap'n, that you could get a couple o' mortars, mount em on th' foredeck, and make Royaliste a real bomb ketch!
  11. No, not many miss th' ocean... lots o' them've never seen it!
  12. Aye, 'tis popular indeed. I thought it might be, so I called up Target when they opened and asked 'em to hold a copy of the two-disc edition until I could get there (about 5 PM). It was the only one left, and they were sold out o' the rest. Who'd think an ocean movie'd sell out in Santa Fe?
  13. I likes it. I be sufferin' too right now... Half a bottle o' rum at 7300 feet... Ol' Morgan did a number on me stomach!
  14. Well mates... she be a pyrate now. Leastwise, she's a-comin' t' an event. Watch fer her on the Royaliste o'er the Fourth o' July event in Redwood City. She'll be a-sailin', a-cursin' and a-firin' the cannons jus' like she were born t' it.
  15. Damn.... sorry I missed it. Didn't even realize how much I miss the Ship and the Bay until I saw the picture Akasha took and me heart began t' leap.
  16. Does the WA. law prevent scarin' them off wif a carronade?
  17. Bilgemunky declared it a Key to Spiritual Enlightenment, and now I have to agree. I installed it, tried it, and was impressed enough to order the $10/mo. subscription. Basically, it's a huge multiplayer pirate game where you do everything by means of puzzles. Really really fun. Puzzle Pirates
  18. A tip for everyone: Get a program called Adaware. (google for it). Cleans out all the nasty programs that aren't viruses (spyware and the like).
  19. K... One o' me main (and one o' me only) political issues I be reminded of when ye mentioned copyright... think I'll mention it fer anyone interested. Creative Commons Licenses Allows you to set your own copyright restrictions on a work that might be more or less restrictive than normal copyright law. It makes you and your users familiar with your license, and it is helping to fix our increasingly outdated and broken system. Can't recommend it enough, for any of us creative types. Comes in human-readable, machine-readable and lawyer-readable.
  20. Quill or Cap'n... Any way I could get a video mailed out to me or somethin'? I'll foot the duplication cost and the postage, of course. Jus' want to see the pretty girl in action when it's dry and dusty out here in the desert...
  21. Stitch, fer usin' Greek names, ye be gettin' me approval. As ye may know, I be a student o' ancient Greek. Unfortunately, my good old Greek-English Lexicon isn't givin' me a word for "parrot".
  22. Cool... always love to meet mates from here in 'real' life.
  23. Got all my stuff today. I have to say, I'm quite impressed by the blanket shirt. It's become my new favorite article of clothing. The shirt's too big, and is missing a buttonhole, so I'm sending it back.
  24. Got all my stuff today. I have to say, I'm quite impressed by the blanket shirt. It's become my new favorite article of clothing. The shirt's too big, and is missing a buttonhole, so I'm sending it back.
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