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Desert Pyrate

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Everything posted by Desert Pyrate

  1. Aye... I hear ye, Darkthing me matey...
  2. Part o' the attractive thing about the stuff I ordered is that it was used well through the Regency period. Since I attend a lot of Regency/Victorian balls, the clothing can work well. My waistcoat (made it for $30 in fabric) is flat-waisted and shawl-lapeled. This makes it fantastic for a Regency gentleman, but since it's wine/burgundy, I can also pull off a mid/late-19th century Tombstone style with only a change of shirt. The 18th century shirt will give me a nice late 18th century look for balls, and a mid/late-18th for sailing. I love versatility! (BTW... that's what the neck stock's for. No fancy sailor here)
  3. On another note, I realized that my costume has shied away from pirate, and progressed towards 18th century sailor. I suppose I can do reenactments/living history more easily this way.
  4. Stupid Townsend havin' cool stuff... Just got me bank acct. down to about $65... not only did I get the shirt, I got a haversack, a neck stock, a blanket shirt and a pair of dress gloves. Oh well, 'tis all stuff I needed anyway. I want to get off my loaner gear dependancy. Oohh... just found $20 in my wallet! Now I don't feel so bad.
  5. Ahoy mates... I had me eye on the Jas. Townsend 18th century workshirt. Has anyone ordered this shirt/worn it/seen it? Townsend makes great period stuff, but I was wondering about comfort and style... you can't tell a great deal from their website.
  6. And if'n ye broke the rules on the ship, ye'd be asked... Tea and cake or death?!?
  7. Arr.... sounds like a heap o' fun. I think I might even miss the PEERS "Liberty Ball" for this! Can't wait!
  8. Well.... ye said you wanted Scot or Irish, but I not be knowin' those. Instead, I be knowin' ancient greek. Akatos is the name for a light vessel or boat. Ephelkion is the word for a boat "towed after a ship" Skaphe can be used for a light vessel used for cargo. If you wanted to be literal and still have a cool name, dekaskalmos is "with ten banks of oars" and hexêrês is "with six banks of oars" So there ye be mate. Lemme know if ye want some more or to know more about one o' the words.
  9. The boots I got from scaboots.com are actually really nice, at least for the price. They've rubber soles, which is not great for "period," but hell, boots themselves aren't too hot on "period." And no zippers. Comfortable, even.
  10. Ahoy- If ye be like me, ye always be needin' garb. But ye don't be havin' much money, and ye don't be havin' much in the way of sewing skills. That said, ye also don't be a stranger to the art o' the needle. Now there be a website fer us! It be called the DawnPages, and there be lots o' easy to make free patterns online. Now, I haven't made one o' these garments yet, but I'll be makin' these here pants today. Got the fabric, cord and thread fer $11. Dawn's Costume Page A quote from her site: "I will tell you this up front, the stuff I will show you how to make will be honest-to-goodness wearable clothing. If you are going to be in it all day (and night) outside at a period event, or night after night on stage, it will have to hold up just like modern clothes (or better). You'll find no glue, iron-on tape or felt being used in these instructions." I'll let ye know how it goes...
  11. No, I don't believe so, but the "Robin" model is very nice (got some compliments at an event last weekend), and has no zippers. They had great service and fast shipping when I ordered. They have rubber soles, though. Not sure what sort o' historical nazis yer dealin' with.
  12. The Proper Link The link was spelled "archaeologcia" in the original link. Fixed and posted above.
  13. It's all true, I know... The commutes, that is.
  14. That, me mate, has to be one of the strangest things I've ever read. On the other hand, it's true! And on yet another hand, it sounds like a pyrate inspiration/self-help book. ...I wonder if we could write one of those...
  15. Yep. Friday the 26th. I think I'll call Gray's Harbor tomorrow to ask them what they think.
  16. How does Friday night (next Friday!) sound to all of ye? If it sounds agreeable here, I'll email the Lady and ask. Hopefully it works, since I'm flying back out Saturday afternoon.
  17. Yeah, that's why Redwood City is good... they'll be there until they leave CA. I'll help organize in whatever capacity I can.
  18. Redd Oktober and I were just talkin' a little, and he mentioned BBQing some ribs with the HC/LW's crew. Sound like a good plan? Redwood City has 26 parks, some of which have BBQ pits. So if we're going to do this before they leave Redwood City on the 28th, I'd like to know a) if there's interest, and whether people would like a restaurant or a picnic more.
  19. Arr.... tis true, and strange. As fer me, it shows one vote, on the one I voted fer. Try votin' again... maybe since I didn't vote first, it didnt initialize it or somethin.
  20. Glad everybody agrees. I think we should get this going. We can do a Hawaiian Chieftain/Royaliste/Aldebaron dinner over the summer, after HC is back in town. We could see if we could do a spontaneous LW/Royaliste/whoever dinner before LW leaves again (before the 28th)
  21. After realizing me shirts that I brought home from Fe smell like me boots, and havin' me dad ask me if I was wearin' some cologne, I realized that piratical smells smell GOOD! And maybe all o' ye scurvy brethren have a favorite! So let 'er rip, mates. What tickles yer nose?
  22. Well, I'd say yes, but aren't there already 50 pirates going? I'd be inclined to make another event over the summer that's "Crews/Captains only." Also, I think the LW/HC are going to be out of town again over Blackbeard's Wake. Might be wrong about any of this though.
  23. Ahoy there, all. With all the name calling and bad blood that seems to be around right now, I thought I'd take Quill's suggestion and start a new thread. What can we do to foster cooperation between various ships? I'd be more than willing to do a dinner event with crews of any ship that wanted to show up. What say ye?
  24. Arr.... I don't think we've got anyone here who's been bashing any ships. It started out as a "I enjoyed my day on the Lady," which I followed up with a "Yeah, wasn't it a great day, we saw you guys. Didn't look like there was wind over there." From there a question was raised, which was answered. We're all bein' civil, I think. :angry:
  25. Arrr... I'll raise me glass t' that.
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