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Desert Pyrate

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Everything posted by Desert Pyrate

  1. Arrr.... could be, could be... Or, could be nothin' more than Treasure Island and the Bay Bridge blockin' it all!
  2. Ok mates... I've got this friend who feels underqualified to be a pirate. I think (nay, I *know*!) she's got it in her to join our sweet trade, but she don't be feelin' right about lettin' go with an ARRRR. Says she holds it in! What can I be tellin' her? And just what makes ye a bonafide qualified pyrate, anyway? Help me out, mates!
  3. Aye, it was beautiful. There wasn't much wind in the mornin', but by the time us aboard the Royaliste saw you all on the other side of the bay bridge, we had caught a ton of wind and were heeled over beautifully making our run into Sausalito. Noticed the Lady had her heads'ls and squares down off in the distance... the wind must not have made it over there.
  4. Arrrr.... Quill, they be mighty fine pictures to remember a mighty fine day.
  5. Born and raised in the Bay of St. Francis, like so many of the rest of us. Hailing from Santa Fe, NM of late. Except for the next two weeks, when I'm piratin' at home again. Then it's back here for eight weeks, and then home again. Eh... that's how it goes, I guess.
  6. I'll add to the class picture after more people post. It doesn't take too long... strip out the background in photoshop and make each character a seperate layer. Move and arrange to taste.
  7. I just found a nice sash really cheap on eBay. Served all my sash needs.
  8. LadyLeigh - Make sure you clear the story royalty-wise. Not sure if it's old enough to be public domain yet, but you NEED to check. Even school plays can be clamped down on hard.
  9. Marine batteries are great. Huge power, and they can be recharged. We've got several for Search and Rescue radio work. It's amazing to see the rigs that can be powered off a single 12V battery. 35 ft. antennas that reach halfway across the state can be run for 8-12 hours off a single battery that's sitting in the snow. No idea how much they cost, but I can't recommend them enough.
  10. Ok... group photo... first thing that came to mind was a class picture, so that's kinda what I made, including that clown that's always swinging from the rafters or something...
  11. working on it right now, paisley...
  12. So I think this'll end up being the project for the summer, pending my dad's approval of the plans. I'm thinking of naming her "peridinos," meaning "circling around" in Greek, and one of the many Greek words meaning "pirate, rover or corsair." From Plato's Laws: "not to speak of the crimes of all sorts committed by the “Corsairs (peridinoi)” as they are called, who haunt the coasts of Italy, and the reprisals therefor." I still would like to know if there is anything majorly wrong with the design that anyone sees.
  13. Pirates- I've gotten the sailing bug (thanks Royaliste!) and am thinking of building a boat with my dad this summer (seeing as he's an experienced carpenter, and I think it'd be good "bonding" time). So I emailed Jim Michalak, since I had liked some of his designs, and he suggested the following. It's never been built, but he thinks it fits my requirements (needs to carry both my father and I (~220 lbs each), needs to fit through a 3-ft gate on it's side, and needs to handle some chop in the N. Cal. lakes). What do all you think? I'd especially like input from all you sailor pirates. The Vector
  14. And as my own clarification, I am in no way intending to leave school on any more than a year-long sabbatical, which the College offers to everyone if they want it. Many tutors encourage it, as the program we do here is intense and mentally draining. And I can't think of something I'd rather do than spend time on a tallship, specially if I could make the reenactment with the good ship ROYALISTE.
  15. Also: On the tide program website, there's a list of links to other programs. Here you go.
  16. Couple o' things: There's a tide/current program out there called WXTide32. Download it here. I'm looking at Sausalito right now, showing low tide of 1.2 ft. at 10:10 AM PST. This is about 10 minutes later than the Sausalito tide table I'm looking at elsewhere on the web. The program was developed by a man and his wife who are sailing cruisers and didnt want to pay for another program. Based off of a Unix program called XTide. Also has some current prediction. The other thing that's kinda interesting is the Be Your Own Surf Forecaster site. It's got buoy information starting several hours out. Right now I'm looking at the San Francisco 46026 buoy (an hour off the coast). 20 ft swells. Hope this helps.
  17. I think I'm just about ready to procure a cutlass, and I was wondering what the best way to fly with it is. Cases anyone recommends? Luckily, I'd only have to transport it by air twice, in about two weeks and five weeks respectively. The rest of the time it can just go in my car.
  18. Pirates, I recently decided that I wouldn't mind taking next year off from school if I could sail. Trouble is, I need somewhere to do it. Of course, my preference would be to spend the time on the Royaliste, but I'd be willin' to consider just about anything. The only catch is money... I'd work for room and board, but I don't want one where I have to pay a substantial amount of money to work for someone. Any ideas? This is all still in the planning stages, of course...
  19. Inconceivable!!
  20. 'Quill- First, you need to set up an action. Open a picture. Go to the actions menu (window->view actions). Click new, and resize a picture to the proper size. Save the picture (save, not save as). Stop recording the action. Now, make a copy of all the pictures you want to thumbnail. Put them in a new folder. Go to File-->Automate-->Batch. Unleash your action on the entire thumbnail folder, and all o' them will be small as ye like. Alternatively, you could explore the Automate-->Web Photo Gallery option.
  21. Quill - I can do thumbnailing for you too... there's an action that can be set in photoshop to batch-process tons of pictures and resize them to thumbnail sizes.
  22. Quill- Photoshop has a web gallery sub-program. It'll also make thumbnails. Opera (my web browser) is telling me that there's a huge transfer for the photo page, which leads me to believe that the pictures are fullsized and then resized in HTML. This would be slow if I was on anything besides a dual T1, and hell if I was on a dialup. Do consider thumbnails.
  23. Ahh.... Christ.... I don't know if this is good.... My aunt manages all physical production for Creature Shop Burbank... I hope she still has a job....
  24. Mate, I haven't decided yet. BTW, I can also do screen captures.
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