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Desert Pyrate

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Everything posted by Desert Pyrate

  1. Darn... should've told people to get that earlier. At least ye have it fer future projects o' mine.
  2. Arrr.. looks like I be havin' problems with me compressor. All the same, it's compressed with the DivX codec, which can be found easily by googling. It was me only choice to keep it small enough for me server.
  3. Arr... that post mounted cannon be the swivel gun, and I'm sure Cap'n Gary can talk t'ye fer hours bout them.
  4. Aye, needs more women. That music is called "Rescue," composed by Hans Zimmer for Muppet Treasure Island. I did some sound editing to the cannon sounds so they sound a little better. It's hard to record that loud bang.
  5. I just put together a short edited video of the 1-4-04 sail, particularly the sea "battle" with the 'Kau'ilani. I think it's fairly entertaining... what d'you think? I'll certainly make more on future sails if ye be interested. ROYALISTE video It's ~17 MB; those on dialup might not want to try it. In addition, I'd appreciate it if ye right-clicked and "saved target" to save me the bandwidth on me server, rather than continually streaming it.
  6. I was thinking about pyratical love songs, and t'be honest, I couldn't think of many. The only one that really comes to mind is The Water Is Wide, especially the James Taylor version. Of course, Mari Mac is also pyratical, and I *guess* it could be considered a love song... Any thoughts?
  7. I wear a cravat from time to time.... most people simply tie a bow around their neck. Of course, this is a Victorian cravat I wear, so who knows if it was the same earlier.
  8. I sing (tenor, if ye must know), and I play all forms o' mallet percussion. Vibraphone, marimba, concert bells, chimes, timpani, xylophone... I even took a semester o' steel drum, tho I'm not sure how much I remember.
  9. Accordin' to me local time, I've still got two minutes to wish ye a happy birthday. So here goes. Happy birthday!
  10. I've been into piracy my whole life. I used to love the PotC ride at Disneyland and would make my dad take me on it again and again (our record was 14 times in a row). I also loved any pirate movies I could fine. Then, my pirate interests became latent. Recently, however, I found this board, and it was like bellows to a furnace. All my memories and interests came rushing back, and it's like I've been a pirate my whole life. Arrr.
  11. Ahoy to any northern New Mexico pirates that would be interested in starting a crew. We don't have water, but we might have enough pyratical spirit to warrant a meetup. Anyone have interest? I need something to do when I'm *not* in the Bay Area.
  12. Quill... Pelican sounds like a darn good idea. Just think... some summer evening, all the pyrates garbed up in the pub, singing drinking songs and tellin' the fynest sea stories...
  13. I was wondering if any of you know what the purpose/veracity of the curved top on a traditional "pirate treasure chest" was. It doesn't seem too useful, as you can't pile stuff into the lid anyway. Seems that you'd want a flat topped chest, as you could sit on it, stack it, etc. Thoughts or insights? Yikes, all this talk about flat and curved chests seems like it belongs in the hot tub!
  14. ahhh damn... t'was late when i was doing those. S'changed now. Starboard is now Larboard.
  15. I've got pictures up from the sail on me new Pyracy Photo Gallery. Photo Gallery If ye be wantin' higher resolution copies, email or PM me. Arr!
  16. Thanks for the sail, Cap'n. This pirate had a grand time, and DOES have pictures/video, which'll be up within the week. I'll be back on board come early June!
  17. Arr... thank ye all for a mighty fine day sailin' and plunderin' on the bay. One o' the best Sundays I ever did see! Darn... this was supposed to be in "sailing on sunday" in the Raids section. Ah well....
  18. Aye! I concur with Nigel one hundred percent. 'sides... actin' be loads of fun.
  19. There's definitely the line in the ride... "we're scoundrels and villains and really bad eggs, drink up me hearties yo ho..."
  20. arr.. I sent ye an email, but might as well sign on here too. I'll be bringin' along another Dread Pyrate who's not on this here board (yet). We'll be there bright and early Sunday mornin ready to report to the Cap'n. Ye be a mighty fine man to have a mess o' scurvy pirates aboard.
  21. Arr, this just be to remind all us pyrates about tomorrow's event... bump it to the top o' the list. I think I'll even have me new vest done for then. Like I said, not piratey, but still a cool vest.
  22. Ahoy, and welcome to Eric the Desert Pyrate's Phylosophy Corner. We be answerin' them old questions all ye have. We've got ourselves two questions right now. Nigel be wantin' to know: "Just who is this Timmy Holloway they keep singin' abouts?" and Capt. Morgan be askin' "An' wht exactly did Cap'n Quint like swimmin' wif' bow legg'ed wimmin, anyway?" So have at it, ye salty pyrate thynkers. Post yer questions, post yer answers...
  23. Downloadable Music That be some right fine pirate music fer yer listenin' pleasure. It's all from a series of games called Monkey Island, which may've been what got me into piracy in the first place. The best is "A pirate I was meant to be", MP3 Here
  24. 1. Sling him in the long boat till he's sober, 2. Keep him there and make 'im bale 'er. 3. Pull out the plug and wet him all over, 4. Take 'im and shake 'im, try an' wake 'im. 5. Trice him up in a runnin' bowline. 6. Give 'im a taste of the bosun's rope-end. 7. Give 'im a dose of salt and water. 8. Stick on 'is back a mustard plaster. 9. Shave his belly with a rusty razor. 10. Send him up the crow's nest till he falls down, 11. Tie him to the taffrail when she's yardarm under, 12. Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him. 13. Soak 'im in oil till he sprouts flippers. 14. Put him in the guard room till he's sober. 15. Put him in bed with the captain's daughter*). 16. Take the Baby and call it Bo'sun. 17. Turn him over and drive him windward. 18. Put him in the scuffs until the horse bites on him. 19. Heave him by the leg and with a rung console him.
  25. Thar be many things t'do with a Drunken Sailor. Me favorite be t' tie im to the taffrail when she's yardarm under.
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