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Desert Pyrate

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Everything posted by Desert Pyrate

  1. Great pictures all.... makes me wish I could'a been there. D'ye have a higher resolution picture o' the wench flyin' out o' the cannon?
  2. There's a fabulous book called "First you have to row a little boat," by Richard Bode. The book's a metaphor for life based on sailing, talks about things like the dangers of staying in a following wind (might accidentally jibe) and not watching for the boat a mile out so hard that you hit a log that's right on you. I got it for my high school graduation last year, and I'm trying to live by it. I think all ye pyrates might do well t' read it. It's Available on Amazon here...
  3. and REALLY BAD EGGS!!!! arrr.....
  4. I don't know what key yer squeeze-box be in, but the NQG pirate songbook has a melody line. Would probably sound mighty fine.
  5. I haven't found that problem with my own SCA boots ("robin")
  6. Oh man... I have literally hundreds of ARRRR jokes. All of them terrible. There are some great ones here. An example if'n yer too lazy to click on the link: Q: What's a pirate's favorite aspect of computational linguistics? A: PARRRsing sentences. Q: Of which concept shared by Jungian psychology and Northrop Frye's literary theory are pirates especially fond? A: ARRRchetype.
  7. Of course, there are the timeless "ARRR" jokes. How did the pirate become a lawyer? He passed the bARRRRR! What happened when the pirate got caught red-handed? He was ARRRRested! What do you call a pirate who digs up old things? An ARRRRchaeologist! Those are priceless. I tell 'em all the time. Got any more?
  8. I dunno... I think college is a perfect place for garb. I wear me boots around occasionally...
  9. Aye... T'would be a right beauteous event...
  10. I like the idea of having a joli rouge for the Royaliste...
  11. We're just starting a pirate singing group. We be lookin' fer a pennywhistle and/or fiddle though.
  12. Yeah, I know. But so many times, the crew of this fine pub has got information that hasn't percolated onto the web yet.
  13. arrr.... but we be Marooned on the Mesa. That be different, less there's one o' those too.
  14. This summer, I hope to be making my own British naval officer's jacket... Unfortunately, I haven't found so much as a pattern around. I guess it'll be a lot of museums and photos for me....
  15. wow... did i finally stump our crew?? I would've thought someone wouldve had something to share. Ah well....
  16. Are there other places t'buy them that don't include the fringe on the end?
  17. After getting my degree, I plan to teach high school for a couple o' years before doing something else. I fully intend to teach a "Nautical History" class and do a long unit on pirates.
  18. Having been in the process of designing me garb for a while, I think I like the idea of a fabric sash instead of a belt. Any experience with this? And what sort of fabric should I use if I should need to just buy fabric and make one? Is there someplace that sells them?
  19. Me mates and me have just about decided on Marooned on the Mesa. They were all great names, though. Maybe one or two will find their way onto an album cover if we ever make one.
  20. Ahoy pirates... I was reading a book today, and read about Capt. MacRae, who fought against Edward England and Taylor. Apparently, he was quite impressive to them, and they allowed him to escape. Later, he became the Governor of Madras, and was worth a veritable fortune. Anyone have any more information? I'm interested because one of my two Scottish clans is MacRae (the other being Galbraith), so I'm always eager t' hear stories o' me clanfolk. Especially ones that have to do with piracy.
  21. What a great story... too bad I won't be able to attend. Just think of me as one o' those ghosts... there in spirit.
  22. So how likely is it that this'd happen?
  23. I have serious reservations. There'd be a bunch of assholes on the ship, makin' a mockery of pirates everywhere. The networks would overdramatize everything, and the "reality" would be a bunch of the aforementioned assholes arguing and gettin' their carnal relations on. Ech.
  24. Just t' let the crew know... there's a long anti-Eisner article on MSN's Slate magazine today. It mentions Roy's website and has a link to a previous article entitled "Why Michael Eisner Should Be Fired." Good to see the good fight getting some publicity.
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