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Desert Pyrate

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Everything posted by Desert Pyrate

  1. Oldest continuously occupied city? In what region? From what I can tell, it's the oldest in the US, but not in North America (as some websites claim). North America's honors go to St. John's, Newfoundland, inhabited since 1528. Just disambiguating a little bit. I think the actual honor for St. Augustine is "oldest occupied city (by Europeans) in the territory now known as the US". Ah, the Anasazi. Ruins all over the place round these parts. I'd love to make it to St. Augustine someday. Sounds like a fascinating place.
  2. Dog... I don't take kindly to threats, even when they're followed by smiling icons. "One may smile, and smile, and be a villain." Admins, it might be beneficial to lock this thread. It seems to have degraded to insults, posturing, name-calling and other nastiness. So much flaming, I can smell burning from here.
  3. Mr. Dog... you come off as a bit of an ass. Generally, when one is right (or when they are wrong), it is poor form to continue name-calling and to gloat. So stick to the facts and stick a sock in it while yer at it.
  4. Aye. Most o' the time, if ye've done yer reenactin' right, yer too tired t' stay up into the night anyway. Many's a night on Royaliste that everybody's been asleep halfway through an after-dinner movie, talk or any other entertainment o' the night.
  5. The Wikipedia article on Satanism Not weighin' in one way or another... jus' sayin'...
  6. Treasure Washes Up in Florida The ARRticle above tells the story of a man who found a whole load o' Spanish treasure from the early 18th century on the beach. Hurricane Jeanne uncovered it, and this lucky sap wandered by.
  7. I generally just use a haversack. Carries me keys, me wallet, me cell phone and me medical kit... and is easily stowed on deck around a mast or under something.
  8. There's a celebration here at school tonight, and a bigger one next year. From the poster: "Featuring period music and dancing from 1805, plus some slightly anachronistic danceable sea songs. Also featuring the ever-popular English country dances!" Needless to say, I'm organizing it, complete with full sailor kit (trimmed in black for the night).
  9. Ahoy mates.... 199 years ago today, at 4:30 PM, Lord Nelson breathed his last. Raise a glass for the Admiral today... I know I will.
  10. I think at this point, if the jig's up, it's up. If'n the lad is really into pirates, thar be a good chance that he'll have found us here at the pub long ago.
  11. We've already got an 'offtopic' section... and that's worked REAL well, eh? Redd and I've been talkin' about this for quite a while. Couldn't really figure anything to do about it. It's gotten to the point now where I don't read the rest of the pub... just a couple of threads. And while the signal/noise ratio is still better than most online boards, it's still past the point where I have time to deal with. If'n ye want to "chat", there are messenger programs and the Pub's very own chat room to facilitate all yer needs.
  12. Indeed they be. In fact, they be now on my door. New haversack came t'day, so I'll send the old one out soon.
  13. G is for gaff-rig; how to make a pirate ship outrun the navy.
  14. F is for fo'c'sle, where we sing with our mates. F is for FFF powder that we shoot in our pistols.
  15. Fer sure it be a right fine site to see the fine girl in that picture... makes me long fer the sea and for the fine Ship. Let me know whene'er you might need anything that I can do from here in NM...
  16. Ahoy Cap'n... lemme know how I can help on the web end of things now that me internet connection is workin' again.
  17. Aye, 'tis true that it's not period. But it be a mite earlier in vintage than the 1920s... Treasure Island was written in 1883, and the song appears on the first page. The "long version" with several verses appeared in 1901 in a stage musical. "I remember him as if it were yesterday, as he came plodding to the inn door, his sea-chest following behind him in a handbarrow; a tall, strong, heavy, nut-brown man; his tarry pigtail falling over the shoulders of his soiled blue coat; his hands ragged and scarred, with black, broken nails; and the sabre cut across one cheek, a dirty, livid white. * I remember him looking round the cove and whistling to himself as he did so, and then breaking out in that old sea-song that he sang so often afterwards:- `Fifteen men on the dead man's chest- Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!' in the high, old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars. Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard." That bein' said, yer correct it's not period... at least not "golden age." I've been trying to find golden age songs... but there's not a lot of success. It seems most of the sea chanties still extant are of the Napoleonic wars and later.
  18. Kon-tiki, that was a mite annoying... Anyway, you can't do wrong if you check out .Roast Beef of Old England. Truly a fine CD of authentic sailor songs from the Napoleonic war. It's in my car right now!
  19. Ooooooooo!! I ADORE A Muppet Christmas carol! That and A Christmas story are my very most favorites.... I even have a leg lamp!! Muppet Christmas Carol is, in my opinion, the BEST Christmas movie available. A few friends and I watch it every year before going caroling. I even listen to the soundtrack during the rest of the year. It is the summer of the soul in December....
  20. Ha! Plunkett and MacLean is great! Campy and anachronistic, but great! I recommend a book called "The Thieves' Opera". Great insight into European history through London's crime rings.
  21. Don't do dreads. That's about all I have to say about that.
  22. There's few nicer places to move than the Monterey peninsula. I'm hoping to get an internship there next summer doing oceanographic research and automated video system development. Plus, when ye move, ye'll be nice and close t' all o' the Tales folk! Here's hopin' the hurricane isn't battering FL too bad.
  23. update: we've decided to scuttle the motor idea and the wheel idea. The wheel is deep-sixed permanently, the motor for the rest of the season. The centerboard case is installed, and interior fiberglassing is nearly fully completed. Also... today a friend invited me sailing on his 11' sailboat. So I went, and got the basics of small boat sailing, including about a half-hour of singlehanded time on a shallow, gusty slough with plenty of people watching and a concrete wall on the lee shore. Luckily, I didn't sink, flood or tip the boat, and everything went just fine. Pictures of the sailing and the construction are forthcoming.
  24. How much be the motors? We're planning on a trolling motor chopped in half and mounted on the bottom of the boat. Sort of an inboard dealie. Big enough rudder so that it should still maneuver under power from the troller.
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