Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 3 replies
This month's issue of Premiere magazine lists their top 100 film characters of all time. Depp's Jack Sparrow is #87 and the only pirate to make the list!! That is pretty major! Depp is also on there in the 60's for Edward Scissorhands. If anyone is interested, Vito Corleone is #1. Well deserving.
Last reply by imadrunkenpirate, -
- 25 replies
On Sunday, my 1st mate and a couple of sea dogs spent the afternoon aboard The Lady Washingon ( you know who she is ).We had a battle enactment with The Hawaiian Chieftan. If we had live ammo, The Cheiftan whould be with Davey Jones. There wasn't much wind, but it was a glorius day, and a good time was had by all. If you are on the West coast, and have a chance to go aboard The Lady, do not pass it by. The captain and crew were all geat, and very willing to pass on knowledge and stories.
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 18 replies
Lately I been hearing about a movie(?) by thar name of Cutthroat Island. I assume some of ye have heard o' it, but not I. Is it any good? It caught me attention, but before I be lookin fer it, I wanted yer opinion. Any comments? Thank ye! Cabinlass Maggie
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 3 replies
If you haven't missed it already, check it out. It's hysterical. :) MadTV 11:00pm on Fox. :)
Last reply by Isabella, -
- 7 replies
Me boys favorite pirate toy be Playmobile's pirate sets.
Last reply by Hunting Hawk, -
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I picked up the collected reprinted issues 1-3 and #5 of El Cazador yesterday. I'd been on the lookout for it, but finally found it in a small comic shop around the corner. Overall, it's really good. Some downright beautiful artwork! The only real downside is it's falling victim to the usual pirate-adventure clichés, as well as having a supermodel long-legged blonde as a pirate captain. Other than that it's thumbs up from me!
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
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On E! I spoted Jerry Buckheimer talking in an interview how the are going to shoot POTC 2 and 3 together if Johnny Depp is a go. He also said, since Johnny loves Jack Sparrow so much, we shouldn't be worried that that will be a possiblity! Woooo!!! Sorry if it's a double post!! I saw that before I went to bed! Izzy
Last reply by Isabella, -
- 10 replies
I be uh invitin' the likes of all of ye to me island, whenever and if ever ye be takin' a notion tuh chart a course fer those distant waters. There not be much yet, in the way 'O forums, but if'n any 'O ye be the gamin' type, then aye, ye might take a shot at some 'O the cutthroats 'O the arcade there. Some 'O the pirates there already be uh gettin' the big head, such that their covers no longer be uh fittin' 'em. Aye. Ye be findin' me island at: The Isle of GlueBeard Ye needs be registered, though, fer yer scores in the Gunner's Daughter Arcade to record yer scores, but if'n ye don't be seekin' no fame or infamy, then ye can still play the games without registerin'. …
Last reply by GlueBeard, -
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Confound their blasted hides! Me isle done be gettin' invaded by aliens from outer space. Arrrr... I be uh extendin' this bodacious invitational to all 'O ye, wot can bring the scruvy dawgs down. Aye. Just head on o'er to me island, and join the fun. The Isle of GlueBeard
Last reply by GlueBeard, -
- 16 replies
Wow! We just got word that the vote was 43% against Michael Eisner at the share holders meeting. Eisner was hoping for only 20% Roy was hoping for 30% I guess.... a Pirate slipped in there somewhere, huh? Looks like the battle lines are drawn! Avast!!!!
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 1 reply
Yup - you can read an excerpt from my upcoming pirate romance novel "The Devil Wore Purple Plunder-Pants" at my website. It has everything - adventure, romance, and mystic pine-needles! Let me know what you think!
Last reply by Red Bess, -
- 0 replies
I know folks were discussing Cazador the other day, so I thought I'd share a bit about another comic book I found called "Scurvy Dogs." It's a black and white comic about Blackbeard and his crew. The catch? They live in modern times. No explanation is given (nor needed, really) about how this gaggle of pirate stereotypes ended up in our era, but that doesn't stop them from plotting mutinees from their cubicles, chasing after tankers of Tang, getting into wars with Hobo empires, and all sorts of other nutty things. Absolutely hilarious. I have a review on my website at
Last reply by Bilgemunky, -
- 29 replies
Well, me hearties, it's Oscar night, so how 'bout we drink to Johnny Depp, to wish him loads of luck! "But why's the rum gone?!"
Last reply by Black Deacon, -
- 5 replies
Does anyone remember the name of the female dressed as a male Naval Officier in a Monty Python movie? Thanks for your help
Last reply by crow, -
- 6 replies
i appologize if this is old hat, but i'm new here. being a comics geek, and a history buff, i stumbled upon the comic El Cazador, its about 17th century pirates, its been a great read so far, and the art work is incredibly true to history. i highly sugest checking it out.
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 15 replies
Johnny Depp won the SAG award for Best Actor! Cheers to Cap'n Sparrow
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 12 replies
I must have way too much time on my hands lately, because yesterday a thought occured to me and I haven't been able to shake it since. Having seen the the new Peter Pan movie, I'm starting to wonder if on some (metaphoric) level Peter is a child version and Hook is the adult version of the same person. Think about it - Peter hangs out with the lost boys and refuses to grow up. He wants to play all day and romp around with fairies. Fair enough. But in time, the lost boys decide "enough of this," it's time to go home to a family and start growing up again. But Peter refuses, insisting instead to cling to his perpetual childhood. But what happens then? His friends have mo…
Last reply by Bilgemunky, -
- 3 replies
Me ma came home t'day with a huge, economy sized bag of Buccaneer Joe's Unburied Treasure (White Cheddar Corn Puffs) Actually... I usually PIRATE BOOTY (caramel corn puffs) but maybe they be the same? Tastes about the same! Just thought ye'd like te' know of my new descovery! Cabinlass Maggie
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 1 reply
There's a fabulous book called "First you have to row a little boat," by Richard Bode. The book's a metaphor for life based on sailing, talks about things like the dangers of staying in a following wind (might accidentally jibe) and not watching for the boat a mile out so hard that you hit a log that's right on you. I got it for my high school graduation last year, and I'm trying to live by it. I think all ye pyrates might do well t' read it. It's Available on Amazon here...
Last reply by imadrunkenpirate, -
- 2 replies
This little bit of an interview was promo'd with "Why Johnny Depp won't live in L.A." but there is a wonderful gem in it where he talks about how much being Captain Jack Sparrow has meant to him because of the way kids react to him. Score 100 points in my book for this guy! At last, a celeb. with his head on straight! Cheers Johnny!!!!!!!!!!
Last reply by imadrunkenpirate, -
- 28 replies
Yesterday I checked out and checked out one of the links. It linked me to an unofficial site of the POTC ride at Disneyland. I checked out that site and when I was done, I linked again to a site called Yesteryear that talked about rides and attractions that are no longer functioning at Disneyland. I went to Disneyland once when I was a mere cabin boy of 14 back in 1982. (Been to Florida more often) At that time Fantasyland was under total refurbishment, except for It's a Small World. On the Yesteryear site, it mentioned a restaurant that existed in Fantasyland up until this refurbishment, called the Pirate Ship. It was literally a Pirate Ship (I'm as…
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 8 replies
Some had posted this in the PotC chat list on Yahoogroups. Not sure if this is true, but here is the info they had mentioned: After much negotiations between Disney and Regal Cinemas, the POTC Interactive in Tampa, Florida is ON! The event will be held Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 14th and 15th at the Regal Theater Stadium at Citrus Park Mall at 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. both days. Call the theater at (813) 920-9471 for more information. We need as many people to come as possible because Disney will be watching to see how many show up. Let's fill the theaters! > Explain a little more about the PotC Interactive. > > > Forever Barbossa's, &g…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 32 replies
If ya have one near you, it looks like someone decided Pirate was posh. *laughs* They have some truely unique items including pink scull and cross bone girl pirate sheets. Those were funny and on clerance. Cool Patches like "Kiss me I'm a Pirate" and come cool Scull and Cross bone socks. Pretty funny if you ask me. :) I found this online..that was worth sharing I'm crazy enough to own this one.
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
I know this seems quite a ways off the subject, but bear with me. Was anyone here offended or discusted by Janet Jackson's little flash of boobie on Sunday? Obviously, there has been an awful lot of media attention payed to the incident. Is it really more important than the two mobile meth labs that were found in my own nick o' the woods (Kansas City) in the past year? Is it more important than the drug dealers and terrorists that are killing people every day in this country? Why should we care if someone slipped out of her bra in front of a camera? Why should it matter if it was intentional or not? In poor taste it probably was, but the media seems to have made it into a…
Last reply by 'Salem Bob', -
- 16 replies
Aye Mateys!! Anybody on board ever try Pirate Booty? Its like a popcorn and there are varios flavors. Robs American snacks puts it out. You can check out the site at to see a list of all the snacks, to even order some online and also get a Pirates Booty tshirt!! Happy eatin!!
Last reply by Black Deacon,