Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 3 replies
Yo Ho! The Scurvy Dogs what brought International Talk Like a Pirate Day into bein' have a book out and we think it's bound to produce a wave o' belly laughs. Ol' Chumbucket and meself proudly announce the release o' our first book: "Well Blow Me Down: A Guy's Guide to Talkling Like a Pirate." Since our idea o' research involves more beer and pizza than actually lookin' stuff up - it won't be all that useful to the serious academic. However, it will give ye plenty o' laughs and pointers on developin' yer "pirattitude." Anywho, it's available on our website and perhaps soon to a bookstore near ye! This week we are guests o' the Seafair Pirates in…
Last reply by Captain Morgana Bloodheart, -
- 23 replies
I'm here at my hotel at the Hilton, checking email and stuff before going to bed. Got my guyfriend up in the room, probably wondering what is taking me so long-lol! Anyway, just saying hey and also say that I saw the Jack doll at the NECA booth. Looks awesome! Too bad it was behind glass. They also had pix up of what the Barbossa, Wil and skeleton pirate dolls look like as well. No dolls of them yet tho, damn! Barbossa looks awesome BTW! Yum! Can't wait for that to come out! Alrighty, today is already Friday. Tonight is Pirates, woo-hoo! See ya on Sunday when I get home. Unless....I feel like checking email again. lol!
Last reply by Lucky Penny Hawkings, -
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Poor Will
Last reply by Christine, -
- 4 replies
I am so sorry for those who read the story that i am so late, but you may have read in other posts my mother is terminally ill, so i am not always able to write when i would like. BUT, it is here, the long awaited next chapter for "PLeasure turns to pain". Spell checked and all TITLE: Lust And Life AUTHOR: BarbossasPearl RATING: NC17 (r on for sexual activity and violence. GENRE: PITC/Adventure/romance SUMMARY: As Marionn and Barbossa make love, he forgets time and gets dragged out of bed by the Sheik's guard to fight for his life in the arena. pairing Barbossa/OC Lust_And_Life It's not brilliant, but it was fun to write and if ONE person enjoye…
Last reply by Charity, -
- 10 replies
Q: How much did the pirate pay for his hook and peg-leg? A: An arm and a leg. Q: What has 8 arms and 8 legs? A: 8 pirates.
Last reply by Charity, -
- 6 replies
Yarr, mates! The loooong awaited Battlefield Pirates (ver. .31) has been released for the general public! And what's even better, ya can plunder it at no charge! If you always wanted to test your skills in a hand-to-hand melee, have a healthy fight with an ale tankard or deal a deadly broadside to the enemy galleon, then this is for you! For further details, click here. To play the game, you'll need to have Battlefield 1942. The Pirates game is installed on top of that. Just to give you a sneak preview:
Last reply by Charity, -
- 4 replies
hello, i'm new to this boards! me and my mates are searching for a pirate-ish band name in a similar vein as black rebel motorcycle club (so we are searching for a COOL and GLOOMY rock band name!) ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 4 replies
Thought I posted this before, but can't find it, so here goes...
Last reply by Charity, -
- 11 replies
So, "True fan of Pirates of the Caribbean", says you? Well, challenge you with yer web surfing, image grabbin' skills, says I. I be lookin' fer some good, clear images of The Black Pearl. I've got a little project that has been revived (some of you may know about it already), and I needs ter get reference on it ASAP. PM or Email me if'n ye like. Thanks, mates!
Last reply by Charity, -
- 19 replies
As some of you may know, I'm a propman in the film industry. This week, I went to L.A. to gather some props for my current project. As I walked into a friend's prophouse, guess what I saw? The sign reading PIRATES YE BE WARNED, with some skeletons hanging in gimlets, Boxes of treasure (coins, goblets, jewels, gold nuggets, etc.), the see-saw wagon that Jack and fought on, Jack's boat with the crow's nest that he rode in on, all the swords, 30 cannon, several row boats, the rigging from the Black Pearl, all the ship's flags, the leather drinking jacks, pewter mugs, bottles, barrels, lanterns, rubber swords, the statue from the blacksmith's shop,the Governor's curtains,in …
Last reply by Mad Grace Oakum, -
- 0 replies
Arr...I guess Al Franken be havin' a Pirate Day on his Air America radio program tomorrow (Friday, July 23rd). Not entirely sure what that means...but it might be worth checkin' out.
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
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Last reply by Charity, -
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Fer me berfday, one o' me mates gave me the game pirateer. Looks fun. 'have any o' ye played it, and ifn ye did, wodja think?
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 7 replies
Almost a year ago, me mate Pat D'Arcy and I did a brief commercial fer a local cable station here in Silly-con (job) Valley fer the Haunted Forest. The Haunted Forest no longer exists, sadly (although ye kin still see pic's in the Pyracy Gallery of our set of Tortuga). Here... Here... Here... And... Here. This were like a bad night on Saturday Night Live...No preparation, no rehearsal, and we were given the script four minutes before we went on. Plus, we had a lubber on the teleprompter that had no clue how fast we were after a while we were on our own. Arrrr... Anyhow, be brutal (we sure as hell were) and enjoy a bit o' Redd at his worst. See the v…
Last reply by Redd Oktober, -
- 2 replies
People must have pirates on the brain lately (Thankee, Mssrs. Verbinski, Depp, et al.) I saw Anchorman today, and there are a few passing references to pirates. A video from a cat show features a cat dressed as a pirate. And Will Ferrell comes up with a number of ad-libbed insults that combine "pirate" with various sexist insults towards Christina Applegate's character. OK, so it's not much. What do you want? It's my day off, and I'm trying to work up to 200 posts!
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 9 replies
I came across this while reading an articale on Ioan Gruffudd doing another Hornblower series. Here's the article. PIRATES TO SET SAIL AGAIN Producer Jerry Bruckheimer hopes to begin filming the sequel to his runaway hit Pirates of the Caribbean this fall. "Johnny (Depp), Orlando (Bloom) and Keira (Knightley) are all committed to the sequel emotionally but not financially. That's something we have to start working out," says Bruckheimer. "All three are busy, expensive stars now. Johnny's a $20-million man." Depp has said he wants Keith Richards to play Depp's father in the sequel. "Johnny loves the idea of having Keith in the movie because he used Keith as an in…
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 22 replies
I saw the movie Dodgeball last night. Frelling hillarious! Best part is, Steve the Pirate! A must see.
Last reply by Blackeye Susan, -
- 11 replies
Shopping at my local Michaels craft store, I heard "Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum". Odd I thought that they already have out the Halloween Spooky Town display. I went over to take a look; the pirate ship was there but was modified for this year. Quite smaller than last year's model with a shorter bowsprit. Looking next to the ship, I spied this! New for 2004. The pirate on barrel wobbles around drinking grog and if you add water, the skull gleams green and floats out fog from its mouth.
Last reply by Redd Oktober, -
- 19 replies
When last at Disneyland, wearin' me Jack Sparrow t-shirt, I came across a fellow PotC lover with a Will Turner shirt I've never seen before. 'Course, I tracked 'er down and discovered it was sold at Hot Topic. When I got there, I found two new shirts, one of each Jack and Will. They are new pictures on t-shirts, and have a pretty border on them. They be girl's tees. O' course, now they got ANOTHER one, a red Captain Jack Sparrow tank top, fer girls! Got all three. Wish I had a picture... well, go and get them, m'ladies! Captain Wolfy Wench
Last reply by Charity, -
by Dream Wench- 3 replies
A ghostly pirate moves thru the trees I watch him on my hands and knees he shifts upon the slightest breeze now there's no one left to please Why can't he let me touch his face ? I'd wear my finest Ivory lace He'll vaporise when I'm near his place perhaps his just the chase They say he died in '93 that's a hundred years to me I wish just once he would not flee It would be my final plea After that I'd sail with him always youthful always slim future bright and never grim give my gown a little trim So entwined not separated ghostly dances now have mated parting ways are never slated a hungry heart is rarely sated C July 13 2004 Dream Wench …
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 9 replies
Here it tis ladies and gents, the 1 year anniversary of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl". A toast to this great movie! Thanks to it for forever changing us all! Woo-hoo! So, who's watching it tonight?
Last reply by Charity, -
- 36 replies
Sorry everyone. As if I don't have enough upheavel right now, it was brought to my attention today that at a Pirate event this last weeks end, someone was openly sharing what should have been private information. And all this in front of someone that is related to the President if Walt Disney pictures who, I understand, took a GREAT deal of exception to this information being told. Private, story board issues and the Gods know what else. (sigh) It befuddles me no end. So, since losing my job is not an option as a cost for keeping you all up to date with what is going on, I'm really sorry but from now on the matter will have to be a closed one. I am, really, really s…
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 11 replies
found this on ebay...(t-shirt) Walt Grizzlyland *Parody* (M-XXL) - "I smell a rat." Something afoul lives in the happiest place on earth. This is your opportunity to support the seedy underbelly of Disney.
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 15 replies
Ahoy mates, Ol' Redd has been clad in Red and Black fer far too long. And having once collapsed from the heat, I have decided to update me wardrobe. During a particularly heavy binge of Rum and Coconut Butter (ahem...don't ask...let's just say my tongue has been well moisturized), my wife suggested that I add to the list of "recognizable" pirate personalities in Tales of the Seven Seas' repetoire (along with Ace's splendid Jack Sparrow) by making a dual personality outfit that can quickly be changed into Long John Silver! Since me favorite LJS be good old Robert Newton, I picked his attire ter be a strong inspiration. I've hand dyed and just about finished sewing up me…
Last reply by Redd Oktober, -
- 6 replies
Waves are washing over me like a laundromat success a bottle begins to toss again under much duress The message it holds becomes quite clear as I flail about on the land these old sea legs don't dry dock much but tolerate some sand My ship's been sold to pay the bills my ex-wife is bland and boring she groused at home when I lived with her and complained about my snoring I long to sleep beneath the sea where no one shouts at all an Urchin rubdown appeals to me I think I'll have a ball The lion fish gives a welcomed kiss I feel a jellied sting my eyes slip below the surface now and air doesn't mean a thing C July 9 2004 Dream Wench (Colorado)
Last reply by Charity,