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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Welcome to fun, frolick, and fast hands.... Pay no attention to over zealous pirates who want to woo you for your coin.
  3. Belated Birthday wishes.
  4. I try not to wear any garish s&b stuff. It's just not me and the few items I do have, don't get worn very often and I keep it very subtle.
  5. Yes, finally things have been corrected and I now have my access back. Talk about Pub withdrawal!! The fact I could get into all my other places I go to and not here was really aggravating! The Mistress of Rowdy is back! What I need are more minions
  6. Aye ye be welcome to the Pub. We're a friendly lot till someone decides ta get a bit rowdy........who me?
  7. Names ta keep us on our toes and mess with our minds. Welcome to the best port in the cyberseas!
  8. Packing packing packing moving moving moving tomorrow we will be out of this damn place and into our new home!
  9. Due to circumstances way beyond my control, I won't be able to attend. Moving so late in Nov. (instead of October when it should have happened) has put a crimp on things. So much to do in the new home before we can put things away.
  10. Same here as Lady B.
  11. May you gobble your way along, And you feel good with your friends and family, And share the spirit of the day. Happy Thanksgiving!
  12. Welcome to the Pub! Enjoy your stay, please ignore any hands that might be reaching for your coin.
  13. I don't just love the Pub, as I've said many times, I LIVE HERE!
  14. Welcome to the Pub! I was cruising through your web page, have you ever sold any of your works at sci-fi cons? Very talented! So tell us where your port is and more about yourself.
  15. Simple solution, leave the stuff at home.
  16. Welcome to the Pub! Yes I will be in Vista selling I hope, if not selling then hanging out with Pirates of Treasure Cove.
  17. Thank you all, we are starting to move stuff today and the furniture and some other things will be moved the day after Thanksgiving and then we will officially be in our new home. It's been a long road, three months from the time I first saw the place and knew it was the one. Things would have gone smoother but thanks to Govenator Arnie, everything in Sacramento is screwed up due to layoffs.
  18. I saw Oderlesseye and the rest of Stranglehold marching Sponge Bob away, pretty funny as they trooped by us. Even funnier when they came back and pinata Bob was full of arrows. Gee, they could have put candy in the thing and watch all the pirates dive for it when they cracked Sponge Bob open.
  19. Escrow closed this morning and Boats and I are officially homeowners!
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