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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Well you all seem to be wrong! You see there's a line by either Barbossa or one of his crew that says, "she be the right age".

    Which is why I questioned the age thing in the first place. Go back and watch the movie again.

    Hiding the coin or having it fall into the water aren't right. Remember, in the beginning when she was dreaming and she saw the Pearl that's when she remembered the coin and where she had put it. Why now?

    That's my question.

    Rumba Rue

    **My job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable** :ph34r:

  2. After watching POTC again yesterday, it occurred to me that the question of why Barbossa was coming to find the medallion at that time. Why not sooner? Curious, was there an age thing that wasn't explained, or did I miss it somewhere?

    Rumba Rue

    **I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message** <_<

  3. That's good Thor! I don't have that paintshop stuff, and even if I did I wouldn't have a clue how to use it as computer whizzing ain't my field.

    Rumba Rue

    **May The Force Be With You**

  4. I love it! But endkaos is correct about the eyes. In any case it's the closest doll I've seen yet - there have been a number of them by people who just don't quite have it all.


    **Why's the rum gone? That's cuz I drank it Luv!** :huh:

  5. I sometimes lug around my big Victorian chest with the round top to events and decorate like a pirate's wealth. It's strictly for looks and makes good picture takin'.

    However, in reality, there wouldn't be a chest like it with any seafarin' sailor.

    Perhaps someone, like a woman, travelin' with the ship to a new shore might have somethin' like it however.

    Rumba Rue

    **The bigger my eyes, the greater my want** B)

  6. Well met my dear Flint! Aye here's a toast to ye and yer fine poetry.

    May us ladies serve you well,

    For secrets we don't tell,

    Sharin' a drink and tales that wink,

    Be the love o' yer life we think.

    So thankee kind Sir for a pinch or two,

    We ladies are fine and tender to you.

    So's treat us well and good and fair

    We'll return the favor with smilin' care.

    Rumba Rue

    **Nine out of ten men who have tried camels, prefer women** :lol:

  7. Report from the Shore of Us Brave Souls at Long Beach

    Well, personally, I'm proud of myself for driving up to Long Beach for

    the Battle sails, all the way from San Diego . It was very windy and a bit cold, had to really hang onto the hats. I wore my fancy best and was the

    picture magnet for all the guests.

    Being the first to arrive, I toured the Lady Washington which still

    had her Interceptor colors from POTC. Met up with Louie Lambie who was

    crewing on the Lady.

    Eric Berlinger and Matt Stone were there crewing for the Lynx. Dawn Bradley and Tony Kopec showed up, and eventually Claudette Guy and Mike(her beau) came.

    At first there was a thought we might all get to sail, but alas three of us had

    to stay behind. No problem, as I wasn't expecting to sail anyway.

    So while the ships went their merry way, the three of us went over to the

    Seaport Village there to pillage our dubloons. We had a very nice

    lunch at the restraunt at the end where we could see the ships going

    back and forth like ducks on a target range. Believe me, from our spot

    it looked pretty funny.

    We raided a couple of stores and were directed to the Pirate's Cove

    store. Nothing better than to see three costumed pirates in a pirate

    store. Ah yes, I spent my dubloons well, a really cool tee-shirt, a

    ring, a nifty little pirate flag for my car, and a sign that says,'Pirates Ahead'.

    The three of us joked about how the 'pengin crew' of people on board

    the ships were probably frozen stiff, we could only imagine how cold

    it really was out there on the ocean. Bet they were bobbing like

    popsicles by the time they came back to port.

    I was mighty disapointed though that a number of people who said

    they'd be there didn't show up -- including several from the Pub here.

    I understand being sick so that's a good excuse, but the rest of

    you lazy sots were missing! Hmmmmfffff! Well it was a fun time for me,

    but honestly, I won't do it again.

    Rumba Rue

    **Better than the average wench!** ;)

  8. Uh, there be no female type pictures. Heeheee, I came up with a pirate guy with boobs! Hmmmmm, I don't think I do gender changes well...

    You definatly need to come up with something for the gals here, as there seem to be MORE WOMEN than men here!. How 'bout some with long hair, sexy eyes, cool outfits (or little scraps of clothing), and some added weapons like belaying pins and bodice knives.


    **I had a mind once, I'm still looking for it** :ph34r:

  9. I don't know yet, but I might try and make it to Long Beach tomorrow if'n I can find me a ride.

    If I do, I'll be lookin' forward ta seein' some o' ye I haven't met! Ah, if ye see me picture here and there, ye know what I look like.

    Rumba Rue

    **Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me**

  10. I agree the prices are steep. I saw a beautiful coat at a Ren-faire last year for $500.00 that was ten times done better.

    One of the things I have discovered to my discontent, is waaaay too many vendors are selling costumes with material that hasn't been washed! I came across at least 5 vendors at the San Diego Ren-faire doing this.

    I was totally disgusted by one vendor selling mens clothing for very expensive cash. When I asked her if the material had been washed before making the items, she rudely told me that it was impossible to was yards and yards of material. Well I got news for her and anyone else, WASH THE MATERIAL BEFORE BEING MADE INTO A COSTUME!! Unless it's a tapestry or other dry cleaning material, anything else should be washed so that shrinkage won't occur later and any 'shiny finishing' on the material is toned down.

    Rumba Rue

    **Lions and tigers and bears, oh my, anybody got a gun?** :ph34r:

  11. Ah some fine offerin's I must say. Unfortunatly, they be limited on what they do offer.

    Me thinks I can do better at a Ren-fair ta buy what I be wantin'.

    Also, I really hate havin' outfits like other people. I want ta be me own person with me own creations. Jest me sewin' side speakin' out, don't be takin' it personally.


    **The bigger me eyes, the greater me want** :ph34r:

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