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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. You can make one using the fimo clay you can get at any good craft store. It bakes right in your oven, then you can hot glue to a stopper.

    Otherwise, the link that Endkaos gave for the skull stopper is the right price, believe it or not! Even though that one is sold.

    My friend purchased a pewter mermaid for one of his bottles and paid $37.00 dollars for it!

    Rumba Rue

    **I had a mind once, I'm still looking for it** :huh:

  2. Ah it's one thing to try and oust Eisner, but since there's no one to challenge his position to be replaced, it will be hard to correct the problem.

    So I see no solution yet and if Roy and company want it back, then they will have to find someone to take over the position first.

    Rumba Rue

    **I'm just as sane as the next person in the asylum** :huh:

  3. Got me tickets (courtesy o' me friend Linda in Tempe) yesterday, so gettin' ready for the big trip there. I know we be tryin' ta leave here 'bout 6 AM on Friday the 12th and should arrive in Tempe 'round 1 PM or so.

    I know the two people who are comin' with me were expectin' ta be ridin' in me van, but since I've now sold it, we'll all four be comin' in me new truck.

    I've got yer phone number Endkaos, so I'll be givin' ye a call when we get there.

    We're goin' ta have a really grand time!

    Rumba Rue

    **A balanced diet is a mug o' rum in each hand!** :huh:

  4. Ah me dear Wolfy, nay not worry 'bout the rules. They be like guidelines ye know. Heck, I've broken just 'bout all o' them! :huh:

    One thing 'bout PRP, we're not a bunch o' younguns lookin' ta bed the opposset sex (though some might), we be an older bunch, well seasoned, playful, fun, not much inta the polictics that beholden other groups - heck we're right tasty! 'Tis the main reason why we be asked so often to participate in special events that come to us as oppossed to them other groups. We not be strick on costumin', just so long as ye look like a pirate an' not somethin' from Fredrick's o' Hollywood, or cheesy rented costume. (Trust me, seen both try to come inta the group---arrrgggghhhh)

    So don't be afraid, an' do join us!

    Hey when be yer birthday?

    Rumba Rue

    **Thou shalt not weigh more than thy keg o' rum** :huh:

  5. I was all set ta buy a coin from Indy Magnoli, however, there's no address, or pay-pal thing on his site. I even sent an email to get the info and never got an answer.

    Anyone else got these coins made yet and ready to sell?

    Rumba Rue

    **When arrrgggghhhhh just isn't enough** ;)

  6. I live in north county San Diego, Escondido (means Hidden Valley). Home o' the Wild Animal Park ('bout 10 minutes from me), the San Diego Zoo, the Star of India, and current resting place of the HMS Suprise/Rose, all 'bout 45 minutes from me. Wonderful beaches ('bout 45 minutes away), expensive homes, expensive gas, the widest range o' wild life I've ever did see ~ I've turned inta a great bird watcher. Fishin' just a few minutes from me home, hikin', geesh, I think I gots it all here, inculdin' great weather 90% o' the time. Expensive homes, expensive gas, oh I did mention that, well it's worth mentionin' again... uh ye need a good job ta live here!

    Rumba Rue

    **They were all fine sailin' days, but unfortuntely they were only ideal for sailin' in the wrong direction.** ;)

  7. I fear with all this 'blowin' that the men might get a bit over anxious and be linin' up.....

    Rumba Rue

    **A man's got to do what man's got to do. A woman must do what he can't** :D

  8. We are the ONLY pirate group allowed there (it's our biggest event of the year) and the Ocean Instutite loves us!

    Really??...Izzat a fact??.. I guess I'm not gonna be there again! Oh, well, more targets here on the Bay last year!.....


    Ah me dear Royalist, do not worry, yer ship and crew be welcome!

    Unfortunately due to another pirate group that caused major problems for the Ocean Institue one year, the main guy, Mr. Dan Stetson who runs the thing, put his foot down and only wants PRP there.

    So don't be worryin' yer butt off, ye be welcome, and welcome inta our encampment (durin' the day in costume) , an' wellcome ta join in our after hours fun.

    We puts on a grand pot-luck dinner fer all~ we've had so much food, we've even invited the Security Guards ta join us! Hey we know how ta get good treatment!

    We party and sing 'round the campfire, an' just have a fine ol' time!

    Rumba Rue

    **Sailin' on the big blue wet thing** :(

  9. >Last week in Orlando, Eisner shared his latest vision: boost Mickey Mouse's popularity with new cartoons, including a "Mickey and Friends" TV series; churn out two "Pirates of the Caribbean'' sequels, action toys, and a TV series.<

    I have read and re-read this portion of the article a lot. I find it a bit confusing. I'm not sure if it means there will be an animated series for POTC or the fact that there are two more regular movies of POTC due to come out in the future.

    I am not keen on the idea of an animated POTC, as I think it would be of somewhat stupid to silly orgins. However, if it means there will be 2 more movie sequels to POTC, then bring it on!

    As for toys ~ I WANT THEM ALL!

    Rumba Rue

    **Were those mouse ears on Rigetti's eyeball?** :lol:

  10. Well if'n ye be all comin' ye can join us! The Port Royal Privateers will be there with full encampment. We are the ONLY pirate group allowed there (it's our biggest event of the year) and the Ocean Instutite loves us!

    For more information, go to: http://www.tallshipsfestival.com/

    If'n ye want ta sail on one o' the many tall ships, reserve yer tickets ASAP! They sell out every year!

    As long as ye be in costume, ye be welcome into our encampment to join the festivities and after hours fun.

    Anything else ye might want to know, just give a holler!

    Rumba Rue

    **Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!** :blink:

  11. What's a boat? LOL!

    I don't sail no more, no more

    I don't sail no more.

    Been to sea and green as tea,

    I don't sail no more.

    Swamped the decks with stomach retch,

    I don't sail no more, no more,

    I don't sail no more.

    I stay on land and play the with the fans,

    I don't sail no more.

    Tis well for me, not to be at sea

    I don't sail no more.

    For a land pirate I shall be.

    I don't sail no more, no more,

    I don't sail no more!

    Rumba Rue

    **Tis amazin' what I can think up on the spot!** :blink:

  12. Aye now that be interestin' news. I use ta watch 'Fraggle Rock' many years ago when in 'altered states' an' thought it was dang funny.

    Aye me friend Kermit will be wearin' mouse ears!

    (Now if'n only Eisner could be given the Black Spot!)

    Rumba Rue

    **No greater loss of mind, than mine** :huh:

  13. A word of advice, endkaos: Be.Very.Careful.


    Take heed of what Roslinda says, for she be right. Be careful, don't be fooled by a COSTUME!

    I've watched many a female drool over one particular guy who runs a certian group here in Calif. that is the worst person to ever be around, but his costumes are great. In fact this twit has tried many a time to get my attention and I just ignore him. His reputation for bedding the females preceeds him, an' it don't interest me! Thank goodness I be smarter than that!

    Rumba Rue

    **Dreaming is one thing, reality another** :ph34r:

  14. Try Walmart, Kmart, Target for a steamer trunk that reasonably priced. If you are looking for a more period type, check antique stores - but I warn you they will be at least 3 to 5 hundred dollars depending on condition.

    Also, there are places like Home Depot, Dixie Lumber, and others,that sell kids wooden toy boxes (kits) you can put together, stain and put whatever hardware you want on it (big black gate componets were used on the toy box my friend built and drags to events, it looks really good, strong, people can sit on it. He even put a locking mechanism on the lid so it will stay up when getting stuff out, he also put wheels on it so it could be rolled along easily).

    Rumba Rue

    **Creativity is my game** :ph34r:

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